POWER (30)

10744111890?profile=originalHello Everyone!
I am looking for 'power presenters' for my event on Friday, April 13th at 2pm in Hampton. It does include FM Radio airplay, so if you're interested as an individual or as the group, please send an email to drangelachester@gmail.com with 'Daily Spark Hampton' as the subject line. Thank you!
Daily Spark with Dr. Angela
Power Talkers Package
Empowering the Community for Excellence
Theme: Women on the Move for Greatness
  • Investment: $100
  • 1-radio interview on Daily Spark
  • 1-radio guest appearance at Panel Radio Broadcast
  • WDJY Social Media Promotion/Contest (30 days)
This is a free event to the public.
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There has been a incredible shift in the world around us.  From the Northeast hurricane, to many people stepping out on pure faith and starting new businesses, ending unhealthy relationships to even finally taking health seriously. We’re all being charged with “purging” something. In the midst of this though…doesn’t mean there are challenges or days when you simply want to “quit”.

::The client money isn’t coming in on time

::The husband just “ain’t acting right”

::The kids are a mess at school

::Your stress level is out of wack

::Your business is good…but it’s not “great”

::You seem to be working harder for the same result.

::You feel enslaved to your purpose.

As women we come as a package deal and with that means that often overwhelming feeling of wishing and wanting to just “quit” – to let it all go. To throw in the towel and just let the sh!% it the fan!

I know that feeling and I have to have a “come to Jesus”  meeting with myself. And get real.

It’s time someone offered you a dose of truth…and that is


Truth be told, women of color tiptoe around our issues in our lives and ultimately our businesses. We don’t invest in ourselves however we expect others to invest in us.

Do you? Do  you invest in yourself or do you quit at the thought of doing the work

QUIT at the thought of truly asking for assistance and support in growing your business or how women like Cameka Smith (founder of Forbes.com listed BOSS Network) has done by fostering a community of women entrepreneurs who network for good?

QUIT feeling like you can’t really work with other women because “they always want to take what’s mines”. And the hard work of learning to trust your own “GET IT GIRL!” so you can work with other women without the “crabs-in-the-barrel mentality” like LaShanda Henry (founder of Black Business Women Online) did with her girlfriends

QUIT at the thought of truly (and I mean truly) investing in quality mentorship and guidance and humbling yourself to end the thinking that you must do everything on your own or that perhaps Women of Color can’t produce high quality events and workshops that are impactful and profitable like thePOWER CIRCLE Conference & Expo happening Jan 2013.

What’s my point? I’ve been in a “Inner BITCH” release pilgrimage for some time involving releasing all the GUNK that was stuck in my belief system for too long.  My sister on this journey of complete liberation and I have been charged with not only calling ourselves out…but other women. Particularly women of color and Black women more specifically on how our emotional wellness is the TRUE source of abundance.

If you’re still reading I offer that I realize this post is making tons of assumptions about you – the reader – but perhaps it’s not. Perhaps somewhere inside of you, a-lot of this rings true. If not to this extreme, perhaps in your own self-sabotaging efforts to define “success” merely as the sum of your bank account or based on the number of episodes of  Donald Trump’s
The Apprentice” you’ve been able to copy-cat in your own business journey.

Whatever it is…there is a time to call it quits, but not on yourself…but on the nonsense that is causing many of us to live beneath the truth of our possibilities. The truth is that there is another more authentic way of living and creating and this video offers a bit of that truth.

Join me Friday November 9, 2012 here.

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What keeps you focused? What do you say when you feel ready to give up? There are moments when as women we simply get drained, and maybe even ready to throw in the towel. However there is a powerful restorative beauty in daily reminders of what is ultimately important to you.

YOU.WILL.RISE. ->The myth of the phoenix describes the fire-bird who is burned to ashes with its nest. Out of the ashes a new egg is created and a new bird is born, who lives longer and more powerful than the original bird. Your ability to “reborn” after a personal set-back or failed business venture is important to remember. You may fail at some point, but it’s what you learn from the experience that will raise you to another level of excellence that ultimately creates the powerful businesswoman you are.” ~Excerpt from Embrace Your Journey: 180 Day journey of Spiritual Transformation for the Woman Entrepreneur-Day 1 (c) Copyright 2011, 2012 Sum of Her Publishing/Katrina M. Harrell

Below of 107 powerful mantras, reminders and affirmations for you on your wealth journey. Read them print them, share them, commit some of them to memory.


    1. 1. Though it hurts…I will fight
    2. 2. Through my cry…is my triumph
    3. 3. Though I stand out…I’m the missing link
    4. 4. Through my sweat…is my breakthrough
    5. 5. Above all the things I need,  is courage
    6. 6. Though I waiver, I shall not fall
    7. 7. Though I pause, I shall not stop
    8. 8. Though they laugh , I shall smile
    9. 9. Though I’m heavy, my burdens are light
    10. 10. Though it challenges me…I am victorious
    11. 11. There is beauty all around me
    12. 12. There is power in the dark
    13. 13. BE. Is a complete sentence
    14. 14. The seed is the blessing
    15. 15. Sowing the good seed is the purpose of all..
    16. 16. Do not rush the harvest
    17. 17. There is power in incubation
    18. 18. Though it is hidden, it is transforming
    19. 19. Your breath is your life
    20. 20. You only have TIME…to be present
    21. 21. Through your haste, you spoil
    22. 22.Through your quiet you are loud
    23. 23. Through your faith you shall persevere
    24.  24. Though they may appear better, you have yet to shine
    25. 25. Your inadequacy is your power in the wrong space
    26. 26. Protect your peace, create your abundance
    27. 27. They’re not haters, simply the confused
    28. 28. Those that “hate” are confused about their own power
    29. 29. Clean your home…clear your mind
    30. 30. Your abundance is in your home
    31. 31. Your home is the manifestation of your universe
    32. 32. A messy mind creates a messy environment
    33. 33. Treadmills lead to nowhere, but the journey on the open road reveals abundance
    34. 34. Do not desire others to change, desire others to know who they are
    35. 35. The journey is in discovering that we all have the mind of God.
    36. 36. When in doubt…stop and clean
    37. 37. You do not need an answer…you simply need to be BE the answer
    38. 38. Lack of money is lack of order
    39. 39. When you receive the calling…do not shout it aloud…there is power in silence
    40. 40. Your calling requires cultivation
    41. 41. Do not compare that which is incomparable
    42. 42. You have everything you’ve ever asked for…stop looking, start seeking.
    43. 43. An upset stomach is an unbalanced life…
    44. 44. There is power in stillness
    45. 45. There is no lack, only the clog in the flow of abundance
    46. 46. The secret to success is in creating your system
    47. 47. Focus on the process…not the end result
    48. 48. You do not know what you do not experience
    49. 49. You do not understand what you do not learn
    50. 50. Wisdom requires courage
    51. 51. It is great to be seen…but better to be effective
    52. 52. Do not shout before it’s ready
    53. 53. Tears are the windshield cleaner of a cloudy soul
    54. 54. Perception is like a computer…it only outputs what you input, true or not.
    55. 55. All the world is an analogy…should you need the answer, look within.
    56. 56. At the end…I am you, you are me.
    57. 57. No one cares about what you do…only in the energy you bring
    58. 58. In all the chaos…clear the plate
    59. 59. In all the noise…remain still
    60. 60. In all the confusion…most is non important
    61. 61. Do not wait for a wakeup call…
    62. 62. Set the standard to which you shall live by
    63. 63. Even though it hurts…do not stop
    64. 64. Even though they pass you…continue at your pace
    65. 65. Even though they do not respond…continue to love
    66. 66. Even though they do not desire you…continue to grow
    67. 67. Though you may stop…you shall not quit
    68. 68. Though you may fail…you shall pivot
    69. 69. There is peace in a smile
    70. 70. There is power in empathy
    71. 71. Being who you really are…requires courage
    72. 72. Being who we agree to be, requires motivation
    73. 73. Worrying clogs the flow
    74. 74. Though there is not enough, there is plenty
    75. 75. Though they do not see, I shall reveal
    76. 76. Through they do not respond I shall…praise
    77. 77. Though they do not feel, I shall embrace
    78. 78. Though I am complete…it is not done
    79. 79. Though it is not perfect, it is ready
    80. 80. Though I still lack, I am abundant
    81. 81. A lion does not consult the bird
    82. 82. The bird does not request the permission of the worm
    83. 83. The worm does not fret its fate
    84. 84. A confused life is a confused business
    85. 85. A confused business is a wasted purpose
    86. 86. The secret to success is in what you eat
    87. 87. Lose the weight…gain your abundance
    88. 88. Wealth is your birthright
    89. 89. Liberation is in letting go
    90. 90. People do not hear what you say…they feel what you are
    91. 91. They do not need to know your every movement…only your every result
    92. 92. Over planning kills the flow
    93. 93. Control is fear of success in letting go
    94. 94. There is only one thing you must do…be present
    95. 95. Your creative energy is like the ocean…therefore do not haste
    96. 96. Control creates fear
    97. 97. Though you may not fit in…you are the secret ingredient
    98. 98. Children are the good seed…
    99. 99. Without faith…there is no life
    100. 100. If the seed does not harvest…evaluate the soil
    101. 101. Anxiety is the body telling you to slowdown. Stop, refocus on what’s important now
    102. 102. They do not “buy” you because you are not BEing “you”
    103. 103. The blessing is in the fight…the pull, the push, the tenacity…don’t give up
    104. 104. The greatness you see in others…is indeed the greatness you have yet to see in you.
    105. 105. Though they resist, you continue to push
    106. 106. You already know…you simply need the courage to agree and act.
    107. 107. The answer will not come by staring at the computer…but it will come in the stillness of a deeply rooted tree, the lean of the blade of grass towards the sun, the stretch of your limbs in stride, the peace in your mind a midst chaos, the chirp of the bird at the top of the morning, the wind we do not see, the moon that is ever present, the sun that sustains and nurtures, the perfection of the fruit, the restorative beauty of rest, the fall of the leaf, the spoil of the fallen fruit that resurrects new fruit, the laughter of our children. The peace you chose to embrace…no matter what.
    (c) Copyright 2011, 2012 Sum of Her Publishing/Katrina M. Harrell

There is infinite wisdom inside of you, waiting to unleash itself. Let's embark on this journey of self-discovery together. Visit www.amazon.katrinamharrell.com for a groundbreaking best seller written for the spiritual journey of Women entrepreneurs.

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Letting Go of Old Power to Gain New Freedom

Letting Go of Old Power to Gain New Freedom
Rickey of Juniques Marketing and Multi Cultural Connections, share his insight on personal growth.

He describes how a person can be really good in a particular area of life or have a skill highly developed and it becomes their power.  This power is what they use and hold on to, always.

The person may good at leadership, persuasion, arguing,loving,passiveness, etc. They use their power

Now to experience NEW Freedom, they have to learn to let go of that power so that a new freedom
can be introduced into their life. How?

When the opportunity present itself to use their old power, they do not.

They do not take the lead, agrue, persuade,passive, follow, etc. Just for that moment.

Here is what they discover.

That they may have other powers that have not be utilized. That the situation was not as severe as they thought.

That someone else discovered they had unused power and "stepped" forward.

That someone had discovered their
new freedom and the opportunity to use it, was presented.

It like holding on to something that secures. Say you are sitting in a "four legged chair"  and you are "rocking" in it.

There is a table you use to grab, just as the chair starts falling back and you know it will not "rock" forward.

You know if you do not grab that table, you will fall.

You know the fall will be "nothing nice". You get real good at grabbing that table.

Lets say the table is your power. Let say falling is the start of process of letting go. Lets say you let go!!!

That is the most emotionally unsettlling moment in your life. Because you do not have your power.

So you fall to the floor and you experience no major damage! You look around you are ok, You get up and realize you do not need
the table. You have new freedoms. You can sit there, get up, walk around, crawl, stand up, etc.

You realize now you can " Let go of old power and Gain new freedom!":

You have new freedoms. Now the cool part of gaining new freedoms is, it is a continual cycle.

New Freedoms will become Old Powers.

Now you know how to move old powers to new freedoms and you can appreciate the cycling instead being held by old powers.

The sad news about keeping old powers is YOU WILL NOT GROW, in whatever area of life, you want to grow., you let the old power remain "in charge".

Is this a easy process? NO. For it is a process.  You have take "steps" to let go of old power and you have to trust the process.

I say do this and enjoy rewards of growing!!!

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Overwhelmed but NOT tired

How can I be tired? I haven't really even got started yet...I mean I've been at this online thing for a while now and am just now really ready to DO THIS THING- you know what I mean?


I had the awesome opportunity to be present at the SistaSense Power Circle TeleSummit for Web Entrepreneurs and I'm telling you, it was off the hook! I came away from this Summit with the 'tools' and knowledge of how-to do what I am passionate about doing. I have more clarity and understanding as to what direction to take my business now.


I am re-inventing myself and my business. I'm restless because I want to do more and offer more to my current clients and the new ones to come. I want to change the way things are done and make it better.


There was soooo much senergy/energy over the air ways, you could cut it with a knife!

ALL the presenters were jazzed and brimming over with confidence and surety that what they were doing they were supposed to be doing. They had a "I got this thing" attitude. They knew their stuff and they eloquently imparted to us what they intended for us to have. They did it with such class and style.


No more excuses about not having the time because of this or that...I must schedule EVERYTHING (with balance) and prioritize the 'fires' that 'come up'...just because someone else has an emergency in their life, doesn't mean it has to become mine.


Working from home can be a challenge because your loved ones tend to think they can hang out with you all day and that you don't have real work to do.


We have to inform them that you still work, but your office is at home and that you are doing real work right from the comfort of your own home.


I am making strides a little at a time. Even though I want to take leaps, my life and the responsibilities I have right now won't allow me to. But it's OK. As long as I do a little bit consistently I will get to my destination sooner than later.


Tired? I'm not tired. Overwhelmed? Yes. Overwhelmed with the joy and peace of knowing that I'm on the right track and connected to the right people. I can truly say with confidence, I WILL see you at the top!

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Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must
fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act.
There is no other route to success.

~Stephen A. Brennan~

Do you have goals for your life and business?

I'm sure you do. Are you achieving any of your goals?

Even when you've set a "good" goal - you can run into some

challenges along the way... namely, motivation. Without motivation,

even the most ambitious person will get sidetracked. Here are the strategies that
will keep you on track to achieving your goals:

Write it down

It's one thing to set a goal and yet another to write it down.

You're making a step towards committing to your goal when

you write it down. I know it seems obvious, however, you'd be

surprised at how many individuals

don't complete this step.

Determine what achieving this goal will do for you

Give life to your goals. Write down what it will mean or what it

will do for you to achieve this goal. Visualize it and write it down.

Place yourself in the moment. This is also a key to manifesting

your goals.

Focus on success.

Being overcome by negative thoughts or "what if" scenarios can spell
disaster, even death, to your goals. When you start out by finding a
million ways why your plans won't work, your energy is getting diverted
to dealing with failure that hasn't even happened!

Instead of funneling your time and resources into negative thoughts and
processes, make the decision that you're not going to entertain any
ideas of failure. If it happens, it happens. You don't have to spend
your precious resources worrying about it now.

"What you focus on expands." ~ Author unknown

Chart your progress.

A great motivation is to create a visual graphic to represent your
progress towards your goal. Think of those thermometers that elementary
schools place outside on a busy road, measuring how close they are to
achieving their fund-raising goal for the new community pool or
library. A similar, physical chart that you can update with progress
will do wonders to keep your attention focused.

When you're doing this step, think outside the box. If you're trying to
spend more time at the gym, why not post a map of the US on your wall,
and draw an inch from one coast to the other for each hour you spend on
the treadmill? Visual reminders are fun ways to keep your goals in the
forefront of your mind.

Don't be afraid to ask for help or turn to an expert for advice.

Some individuals feel guilty about asking for help or admitting that they
need help. Or you may think that you need to do everything on your own.
Nothing could be further from the truth! Alcoholics Anonymous has
sponsors, Michael Phelps has a coach, and Jack Welch had an advisory
board. No one has to be alone in their goal-setting efforts. Trying to
eat healthier? Nutritionists will help you fine-tune your diet. Working
out to get fit? Trainers will help you find the most effective
exercises to achieve your physical goals. Trying to get clear on your
vision, goals and stay focused or maybe even get unstuck? Coaches such

myself can assist you in this area.

There are business mentors and coaches who can help you figure out social
media, launch a new information product, create action plans, stay
focused, streamline your finances etc.. You can also find tons of
books, videos, and websites to help you reach your goal, no matter what
your goal happens to be. Don't go it alone. You also need an
accountability partner. Many times this is the missing piece.

Need more support in setting and/or achieving your goals? I invite you to
contact me for a complimentary life and business breakthrough strategy
session. Where I'll help you create a vision of where you'd like to go,
uncover some of the things that may be holding you back

and more. You'll leave our session re-energized, empowered and more focused.

Send an email to info@RobinTramble.com put "Life and Business

Breakthrough strategy session" in the subject area.

Someone will contact you to set up your session with me.

Visit my blog here
for additional empowering posts.

I welcome your comments.


include this complete blurb with it and retrieve the complete article:

Robin Tramble is the Dynamite "Authentic Life" Empowerment Mentor,Trainer,Coach to savvy women and
woman entrepreneurs that want to attract get results in a big way and
faster than they have before by discovering their authentic self,
getting unstuck,creating action plans, staying focused so that they can
live a big, bold, beautiful and authentically brilliant life of

Request your fre.e access to Robin's empowering ezine for savvy entrepreneurial
women "Highlights of Empowerment and Total Wellness." Receive
empowering tips, her empowering
audio "3 Big mistakes women make" and her special report "Barriers to empowerment."
(c) 2010 Robin G. Tramble

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Women have many hats to fill and the demand is great on their time and because of the lack of support, training and/or
resources the dreams and desires of many go unfulfilled. If you're
ready to be more, do more and have more this may be for you.


Jun 08, 2010 – Robin Tramble aka Empowerment Diva is offering a very special opportunity for 10 women to experience her phenomenal coaching program where she will work very closely with those
selected on their personal,spiritual and/or business development endeavors.

"I'm so excited about this opportunity for a select few who
are ready to play a bigger game and realize the abundant life
that Father God has designed for us. I will not only work closely with
women on external areas but will help those selected deal
with the internal issues that more often than not sabotages
our empowering success. " Says Robin Tramble

This is only for 10 women [now only 3]. You may be a leader in your industry,
Executive, CEO, coach, author, minister, pastor etc. or you aspireto be. You know there is more and that God is ready to propel you toward your Destiny. One piece that is missing for you is
accountability. No, I'm not saying that you're not accountable,
however, you speak into so many other's lives that there is not time
set aside for someone to speak into your life and allow you to monetize
your endeavors and play in a bigger way.

We serve a BIG God and He is looking to partner with women who are ready to step up in a BIG way.

If you're interested in learning more about how you can be one ofthe 10 that Robin will be connecting with please send an email to rtintlinfo@gmail.com with your phone # and best time to reach you and
Robin will gift you a fre.e consultation.
But be quick as this is limited to a select few.

Robin says "I'm ready, God's ready, however, the question is are you? Don't miss this opportunity!! "

This opportunity is for you if you're ready to step up.
It's for you if you're saying enough is enough.

Let go and let God!! You are blessed and highly favored.
The head and not the tail. Blessed going in and blessed going out. Arise and shine!!

Robin will be talking with more than 10 women, however, she willonly be connecting with 10 for this life-changing Destiny opportunity.

# # #

About Robin Tramble
Robin Tramble is the CEO and Founder of Robin Tramble Authentic Life Empowerment International and is also the President and founder of
The Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs http://www.acwentrepreneurs.ning.com

Robin Tramble The Dynamite "Authentic Life" Empowermentmentor,coach, trainer and public speaker is available to savvy women
and entrepreneurial women ( and those aspiring to be) as they strive to
realize their personal, spiritual and professional goals. Robin offers
weekly ezines, products and programs for women's empowering success.

To secure your free consultation with Robin send an email to rtintlinfo@gmail.com with your phone # and best days to call you.

For more information about Robin Tramble and Robin Tramble Authentic Life Empowerment Int'l go to http://www.RobinTramble.com
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Special op.portunity for 10 women (Now only 4)

I'm so excited about this op.portunity for a select few who
are ready to play a bigger game and realize the abundant life
that Father God has designed for us.

This is only for 10 women [now only 4]. You may be a leader in your industry,
Executive, CEO, coach, author, minister, pastor etc. or you aspire tobe. You know there is more and that God is ready to propel you towardyour Destiny. One piece that is missing for you is accountability. No,I'm not saying that you're not accountable, however, you speak into somany other's lives that there is not time set aside for someone tospeak into your life and allow you to monetize your endeavors and playin a bigger way.

We serve a BIG God and He is looking to partner with women who are ready to step up in a BIG way.

If you're interested in learning more about how you can be one ofthe 10 that I'll be connecting with send me an email to rtintlinfo@gmail.com with yourphone # and best time to reach you and I will gift you a fre.econsultation. But be quick as this is limited to a select few.

I'm ready, God's ready, however, the question is are you? Don't miss this op.portunity!!

I know this is for you if you're ready to step up.
It's for you if you're saying enough is enough.

Let go and let God!! You are blessed and highly favored.
The head and not the tail. Blessed going in and blessed going out. Arise and shine!!

I look forward to receiving your email with best times and day to callyou, however, don't delay as I'm only going to connect with 10 afterthe calls. I'll talk with more than 10, however, I'm only connectingwith 10 for this life-changing Destiny op.portunity.

Talk to you soon!


Authentic Life Empowerment

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Ready to catapult your personal and business growth to a new dimension?

Join 8 savvy woman entrepreneurs and I for.....

The Empowered woman Entrepreneur Telesummit

Pam Perry Joins us tonight at 5:30 PM PST, 8:30 PM EST

Topic: Social Media; How to do it without wasting time or money!

This Empowering Telesummit runs through May 5

Cost: This phenomenal Telesummit is FREE

9 savvy woman entrepreneurs will share insider tips and strategies on topics ranging
from personal growth to business success!

Request your FREE VIP pass ; http://bit.ly/cd9qXl

Empowerment is a choice.
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How is life treating you? Have you succumbed to the subtle messages
from society and allowed this to influence how you live and go after
opportunities in business?

What if money were no problem and you knew you could not fail what would
you do in your personal, spiritual and business life?

I have news for you! Many times it's not a money problem that's stopping us from stepping up
to more and can be as simple as changing our mindset to begin seeing advances in our endeavors.
If you have a mindset of failure or have a fear of failure or success for that matter this can sabotage
your empowering success plans.

If you feel powerless to change your business or life it's time to get a new perspective. It's time to master your mindset!

Join me for my upcoming Preview call "5 fatal mistakes that could be holding you back!"

If you're tired of being sick and tired and know that you are ready to step up now to your
life and online business empowerment, you want to secure your enrollment now for
my Quick - Start Teleseries.


Stop trying to do it alone and reinvent the wheel.
Get the support, training and tools that will enable you to reach a new dimension in
life and your business now! Some of what will be covered: list building,
persuading visitors to subscribe to your list, effectively using email
to market to your prospects/customers,easy way
to create your first website, 3 M formula (mastering your mindset, motivation and motivation) and more!

Enjoy the short video below.

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What is that one thing?

List Building or building your community.

If you're going to realize any level of success and online business
empowerment you must be actively building your community (list).

One of the most important things in an online business or offline business
is a list of contacts. Just as in any other business, online businesses
also need to build relationships with their customers. Subscribers are
the contacts on your lists that are the most valuable asset of your
online business. Therefore, list building leads to building
relationships, which in turn encourages prospects to visit your
website, sign up and get closer to buying your offer. But people are
not just going to flock to a website and leave their contact
information! To attract them, they must perceive some value. The first
thing they are going to think about is how they will benefit from
giving you their contact details. That’s why every business that does
online marketing must build its own lists, targeted at specific
prospects. It is time consuming. You have to work really hard. But in
the end, you will directly enjoy the fruits of your efforts.

Youropt in list is your treasure. You are always looking for new and
innovative ways to build your lists to keep visitors coming to their
sites continuously. As you participate in this activity you offer
various things to the prospective customer like free reports, ebooks,
software, memberships, services etc. just to get their email address
and other identifiable information. It is essential to keep following
up with people who might be interested in what you are offering. Only
when you have a growing list can you facilitate your users to visit
your site. It grabs their attention and takes them to those areas of
the site that are of particular value to them.

Not everyvisitor buys from the site he or she is visiting. Sure you may have
built a huge database of contacts, but unless each one is a qualified
contact, there is no guarantee that they will take any purchase-related
action when they visit. Even in the offline world, you usually cannot
get a buying decision out of your prospect right away – it takes not
less than 5 visits unless they are desperately in need. Again, if you
deal with more than one product, different visitors may be interested
in different products. That is why you have to get your visitor’s email
address and name as they browse through your site.

There are certain things you need in order to effectively begin building your list.

Let us talk about the basic things you need before you actually experiment with different methods of building lists .

A Website

The first thing you must set up is your website, so that your contacts
have a place to come to and find you. They also need a place where they
can securely leave their email and name. You must ensure that they do
not have any difficulty in the process. Not only that, you want to give
them something of value to remember. I'll be sharing an easy way for
you to start your first website in my Online Business Empowerment Quick Start Teleseries.


The next thing is your autoresponder. These are a wonderful way to
automate your follow up, when you have to keep in touch with your
customers regularly. You might find it easy to keep in touch with, say
100 or 200 people, but when the list runs to thousands, just imagine
the amount of time you’ll spend, time that you can devote to more
creative activities. Instead, a good Autoresponder can help you
tremendously in keeping up with your reminding and emailing.
*Aweber which can be found here is a good choice for many reasons.

You'll need ways to draw traffic to your site.
You can't expect to build your list unless you bring traffic to your site.

Andyou'll need relevent content. Your users will look for information that
is useful and relevant to them. The quickest way to cause your
subscribers to unsubscribe is if you don’t send them messages that are

Don't get caught up with building your list just for size. You're looking to build
a quality responsive list or community.

I've shared a little bit of information in this post, however, if you'd
rather not try to do it yourself and want to receive support I have a
special offer for you.

Empowerment is a choice. Make the choice for business empowerment today by requesting access to my empowering resource.
Click here to access now.

Required FTC Notice:
I am an affiliate of Aweber and stand to make a small commission should you
decide to use this system.
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Empowered Entrepreneurial women are students of life

What separates an Entrepreneurial leader from a follower?

Thereare many characteristics, however, entrepreneurial leaders do not havea mindset that adapts to failure. Things go wrong, of course, butentrepreneurs don’t call them “failures” they call them “glitches,mistakes, bungles, setbacks” – but not failing.

I've often heard it stated that you only fail when you quit or you only fail when you fall and neglect to get up.

An empowered entrepreneurial woman will approach decision-making withthe idea that there’s a strong likelihood that she will be wrong. Thisdoesn’t dissuade them – on the contrary they just do the best they canand worry about handling obstacles as they arise.

Another way oflooking at it is to realize that you will make mistakes, so make themas quickly as you can in order to learn from them. A good leaderdoesn’t view making mistakes as negative or irrevocable, he/she feelsfree to press on and try something new. There is the belief thatsomething useful has been learned, and hopefully not at a high cost.

Since we're going to make mistakes in this life why not make use of them as learning tools and don’t make the same ones twice.

Entrepreneursalso know the value of “intuition”. While you shouldn’t act on theresults of tossing a coin, there is something to be said about your“gut” feeling about the situation. Very often business people become soinvolved with systems and checks-and-balances that they forget aboutthat “gut” instinct they had when they started.

While notstrictly logical, intuition does draw on a combination of experience,knowledge, and analysis as well as a lot of “gut” information you mayhave forgotten that you have.

How do you become a strong leader?One way you become a strong leader in your business is by “practicing”being a leader. It’s not a course you can take at a business college;it’s learned in the school of life as you’re doing business.

Asa leader, you have to set standards and higher standards for your ownbehavior. You must do this because appearances are sometimes moreimportant that facts.

You must also set a commanding presence.
Do you maintain the appearance of leadership? Do you project a confident appearance of a successful entrepreneur?

Presentingyourself as a confident entrepreneur, filled with the excitement ofyour business idea, and a strong leader of your team (whether it’s 1 or10 employees) is what will make you a winner and add untold weight toyour Business Plan. After all, you are your business to that idealclient/customer so you’d better look good and confident.

To protect that faith that your people and your customers have in your organization, always ask yourself these two questions:

Could this be interpreted by anyone in a way that would shake their faith in my leadership?
Could this be misinterpreted and held against me or the company?

Onequality that every empowered entrepreneurial woman must possess is theability to bounce back. Strong leaders know that leadership is alifelong learning experience,and
that they are students of life and when they make a mistake they simply continue to move forward.

Don't waste your time waddling in the mud. When you don't achieve the desired result, get up and try again quickly.

Need motivation, direction and support in raising your game and making mindset
shifts so you can live a golden delicious life?

Don't miss Quantum leap 2010 "Go for the gold!" I will motivate you to
be more, do more and reach for having more. Click here to Register for
Quantum leap 2010
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Where can women find reliable resources to empower them to excel in their
personal, spiritual and business life without the overwhelm? Robin
Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva launches a 12 week
mentoring and coaching program Breakthrough Mentoring and Coaching!

Elk Grove, CA February 19, 2010 – Women are becoming overwhelmed by the many roles they fill and building their businesses.

They feel stuck, unable to grasp hold of the energy and persistence to move forward and remain focused. Although it has been stated
that we may see relief from the recession, women are still
needing and wanting programs and systems that will assist them in their endeavor to live big, bold and beautiful, allowing them to thrive in the midst of any financial crisis. They are in need of support,
systems, advice and accountability measures that will super-charge
their empowering business and personal development endeavors. According to Robin Tramble, founder/owner of Robin Tramble Authentic Life Empowerment International.

“It'stime to take targeted action. No more reinventing the wheel and
aligning ourselves with the visions of others, but by discovering our
authentic self, expressing our gifts and living a truly delicious li
Empowerment is a choice and women must become decisive action taking women if they're going to manifest their God given destiny.” Having experienced some of the same things and now living a life of empowerment through learned systems and experience I can passionately share strategies and keys to discover your authentic self, get unstuck, overcome overwhelm, fear and how to stay focused in crisis. I have also had the experience of watching empowering success in my own life and the lives of the many women I influence across the world.”

Robin Tramble The Dynamite "Authentic Life"Empowerment mentor,coach, trainer and public speaker is available to savvy women and entrepreneurial women ( and those aspiring to be) as they strive to realize their personal, spiritual and professional goals. Robin offers
weekly ezines, a community/network where members can participate in forums, blogging and networking and has recently founded The Association of Christian Women Entrepreneurs. Robin Tramble is currently launching Breakthrough Mentoring and Coaching program a 12 week system for Breakthrough to new horizons for exponential personal, spiritual and business growth. Participants will experience a life-changing
menu of components including assessments and group calls.

TheBreakthrough Mentoring and Coaching program is an excellent resource for women who desire to be equipped with keys and strategies to empower them to move to another level in their lives manifesting maximum empowerment and build a sound foundation for their deliciously Authentic life!

“It’s the place to be for breakthrough results and to join with like-minded
women from across the world in one place with the same principles and values." Says Robin Tramble

“TheBreakthrough Mentoring and Coaching program is scheduled to begin
February 25, however, those joining afterward will have access to all
of the calls, assessments and tools on the password protected
Women can register now by going to http://www.RobinTramble.com/Breakthrough2010.html


About Robin Tramble The Dynamite "Authentic Life" Empowerment Mentor, Coach, Trainer and Public Speaker

Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva is a definitive resource of
empowerment for savvy entrepreneurial women,wahm and those who aspire
to be. The Empowerment Diva passionately empowers women to live their
best empowered life via a vast array of empowering resources for the
express purpose of assisting them as they strive to realize their
dreams and desires.

Robin Tramble is qualified to mentor women in their life empowerment
journey through her experience in business, ministry, education,formal
training, working at home and personal experiences. Robin Tramble is
also an author and recording artist ,Wife of 29 years, Mother and
recording artist and plans to creatively combine her music into another
empowering resource for women.
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What can you achieve in 3o minutes? Breakthrough!

Participants will receive two montly group calls with an average of 30 minutes each.
An excellent choice for today's busy woman

You'll experience breakthrough in the following areas
Personal and Spiritual Empowerment
This is foundational for this program. Many times we sabotage our success because
we have so much emotional baggage, the wrong mindsets, limiting beliefs, disempowering
habits and more. This is what I call the housecleaning component.
Although it's important to focus some on the external it is even more critical to pay
very close attention and develop the internal which will empower your external activities.
You'll want to watch for my special unannoucned bonus assessment.
You'll also experience the power of celebrating the positives! Take inventory of your wins,
block buster achievements, etc. It's easy to focus on what we haven't
accomplished and the negatives of life you will breakthrough to new
horizons as your celebrate the positives by taking inventory of your
You will utilize a very powerful tool to help you hold your focus,
assessments to assist you in creating life balance and get clear on
what success means to you.
Get clear on your goals and learn ways to leverage your time.
Each participant will be encouraged to keep a gratitude and prayer journal. Value over $697
Business Empowerment
You'll start with a business assessment
Who are you? You'll learn more about branding yourself and business
Get clear on your vision - You will be guided into the very powerful activity
of developing your vision board
Learn more about who you serve - There is a unique audience that you have a message for.
The more clarity you have on this the easier it will be for your client/customer/prospect to identify you.
Introduction to creating your own information products (eBook, ecourse, Teleseminar)
Watch for your bi-weekly power point emails with business enhancing information
on article marketing, blogging and more! Value over $597
The Grand Finale red carpet event
You will put it all together. This is where the rubber meets the road.
The new empowered you will arise as a savvy woman who is clear on your
uniqueness, core values and confident. You will shine forth with brilliance "no apologies!"
You should be armed with a blog, twitter and/or facebook account for visibility,
clarity of your vision,goals and action steps and a sharper focus and aim.
We will celebrate you. Your achievements, new business, new life as a result of
experiencing breakthrough!
You will declare your intentions for the quarter following this experience.
You will receive a charge to live a big, bold, beautiful and delicious life!
Priceless Minimal value of over $497

Visit the Breakthrough enrollment page and secure your seat while there's still space.
You won't believe the incredible price for this phenomenal program
Go there now http://www.RobinTramble.com/Breakthrough2010.html
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What is it? Passion. I don’t know how many women I’ve had a chance to
talk to, counsel, coach and mentor who often tell me I don’t have a
passion or they might say I have many things that I like but no passion
for any of them. And then some just simple ask how can I discover my

Finding your passion yields turbo-charged success.

"Follow your passion, and success will follow you." ~Arthur Buddhold

I’veoften told women that knowing your passion will fuel your motivation
and give you incredible energy. It also pushes you through crisis and
allows you to focus in the midst of crisis or any other time of your
life as mentioned in my special report “How to stay focused in crisis.!”

Knowing your passion and living your passion will attract your ideal clients to you.

Takea look at the word passion here a : ardent affection : love b : a
strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or
concept c : sexual desire d : an object of desire or deep interest .

I'dlike to reference b : a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some
activity, object, or concept and d : an object of desire or deep
interest. Meriam webster dictionary

We all have passion and it may need to be discovered, re-discovered or renewed.

Ifyou don’t know your passion or need to renew your passion don’t give
up. There are a few things you can do. I’ll mention a couple here.

Takesome time to reflect, go back to when you were a child and answer what
was that one thing that gave you excitement when you thought of it?

What makes you come alive?

Ifyou're looking to renew your passion you must first take inventory and
answer the questions above. Next recommit to living your best empowered
life and that includes not settling for anything less than anabundant life. Once you discover or rediscover and commit, it's up to you to take inventory of the resources
around you that will enable to follow your passion.

There are many other elements involved, however, the information I've shared here will give you a start.

Want to learn more about the exciting juicy manifestation of empowerment and success to be realized by discovering or renewingyour passion and living on purpose? Be sure to make it to my FREE
preview call "Quick and easy ways to discover your passion, purpose and realize a juicy manifestation of over the top empowering success!" Click here to secure your spot now. This call will
fill fast.

Breakthrough top passion, purpose, empowerment and profits!
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Is Network Marketing Lucrative?

I remember hearing about network marketing and immediately thought “scams” where it was to good to be true. I held on to that for years. I recently began researching companies that came out with products that appeared to be good. I found many had a lot in common in there approach. I would like to share some of that information with you because when you are uneducated you can make costly mistakes or fail to see when a reputable company comes along.I use to cringe when folks would attempt to aggressively recruit me because of my position with people. It was difficult for me to say, NO because I wasn’t armed with information. My past experience as an educated has proved to be key when dealing with people about products and services.RED FLAGS!!!!!!!!!!NOW IS THE TIME!ASK FOR LARGE AMOUNT TO GET IN!NOT LISTED OR DOESN’T HAVE A GOOD RATING *BBB or Direct SalesONLY THE FOLKS ON TOP GET PAIDCOMPENSATION PLAN NOT SOLIDUSES AGGRESSIVE SALES TACTICSTREND PRODUCTWhen you see these types to things you need to stay away from these ideas because they can get you in a lot of trouble with those you bring into the business and those you sell to.GREAT INDICATORS!!!!!!!!GREAT PRODUCT OR SERVICESMALL START UP COSTSOLID COMPANYGREAT COMPENSATION PLANFOCUSES ON TEAM BUILDINGOFFERS TO ALL *meaning products can be for entire household*NO TERRITORY ISSUESYOUR EFFORTS COUNT TOWARDS YOUOFFER GREAT TRAININGANYTIME IS A GOOD TIME TO JOINIf you see these kinds of offers and can prove them you have just found a solid network marketing company that can yield you anywhere from 500-10,000 month. In the business that I am in people approach me all the time about joining their teams. I can’t take the risk of getting caught up in a company that will not be around. I encourage you to do your research before you jump in.I have been afforded the opportunity to be a part of two great companies like Prepaid Legal and Arbonne International. Please research both companies and you will find they are solid and have great compensation plans.Please call me if you have any questions @901-553-8901or email me sharenrooks@gmail.com

This is what you get when you "TELL IT" All RVP get a FREE white Mercedes with Arbonne.
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Congratulations goes out to...Niya GeorgeShe is our Apr-Jun Big Gyrl Quarterly contest winner.Visit biggyrlclothing.com Fab Tab page to see this plus diva doing her thang!Thanks for all the beautiful ladies that sent in picturesand please remember that you are consideredevery month until you win.Next deadline isSept 30, 2009 1159PM ESTGood luck!Big Gyrl Clothing, IncFashion for the Urban Plus Womanwww.biggyrlclothing.comtwitter.com/biggyrlclothingmyspace.com/biggyrlclothinginc
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FREEDOMPEOPLE Magazine was created to elevate and inspire. We have focused our mission on doing what is best for people to try to enrich the life's of each of our readers and all people in the urban communities, by providing a excellent publication that is greatly needed in the coming days. Many forget what entertainment means, when it is just that: Entertainment. What you spend most of your days listening to or watching on TV. But what's on TV is just that; Reality TV, NOT Your reality.FREEDOMPEOPLE Magazine will be a very valuable influence in the world because we can relate more to our reader's then what they see on TV or read in other magazines therefore, our reader's will trust in what we provide to them in each and every issue! We know that by providing our readers with the necessity of knowledge they need; they will become better human beings with a better, clearer conscious of the "Real Picture" so to speak. We have focused our vision in, FREEDOMPEOPLE Magazine, to teach our readers what we think is the best "entertainment" for our community and our younger generation growing up in the world!Please visit our website and SUBSCRIBE!
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