Services (32)

Don't Go Another Year With BAD CREDIT

Get this free personal credit ebook when you purchase the business credit educational program.  You’ll learn how to:

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Are You Flirting With Me?

I thought I would get your attention!

Whether you love it or hate it, marketing and sales are critical to the life blood of any business. You can make it more fun, if you take the approach that you want to seriously flirt with a growing list of prospects.

Marketing attraction. It sounds like flirting doesn’t it? And in a way, that’s exactly right.

You do want to flirt with your prospects, to allow them to get to know, like, and trust you. Since it takes upwards of 7 touches to make a sale today, you need to attract them to your product, service, or program in many different ways.

One critical element you must have in your basket of attraction tools today is a fully developed web presence.

People are most likely to Google for you or your service or the benefit/solution they seek first. They are less likely to open the telephone book and flip through the yellow pages. The future of your marketing reach is the internet.

Even with the internet, you need an arsenal of marketing strategies to reach your prospects and attract them to your product and services. You can’t flirt with them, if they can’t find you.

Here are a few ideas which you can do quickly and on a budget. They are culled from the likes of Mitch Meyerson, Jay Conrad Levinson, Seth Godin, and Bea Fields.

On your website:

  • Build a powerful direct response entity
  • Make sure your headlines are engaging with a problem/solution approach
  • Direct their eyes to the one thing you want them to do

On your email signature:

  • Include your business contact information, of course
  • Promote one thing – a new product, service, newsletter, auto-responder series, article, free conference call.

This is your best and first opportunity to ask everyone to engage with you and your company

Develop relationships for referral business – complementary services serving the same market niche and get listed on their websites

Include client testimonials – use them in all your printed and online collateral materials.

The hottest new thing is audio and video testimonials you put up on your site.

Use audio and video conferencing from your PC for sales, presentations, meetings. They work effectively for a prospects, clients and vendors.  It’s no longer novel. It’s cost effective, timely, direct, and can be very interactive.

Write articles and press releases about everything you do and get them published in print but more importantly across the web.

Yes, all of these are ideas you can do yourself, burning the midnight oil.

But what’s even better, is that these tools and systems can be delegated and automated – one more way for you to generate more profit in less time.

We have NEW Autoresponder Courses in which you can use for your subscribers to show them how to use quick tips to help grow their business online. 

Click Here >>>Check them out!

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What every busy entrepreneur needs to know about building a highly profitable list

Is Your List Making You Money?

It seems like a funny thing to ask, I know. But, the mantra "the money is in the list" has us slapping opt-in boxes on our web pages and waiting for the money to roll in.

How's that working for you? I know it did not work well for me until I had this epiphany.

The money is not in just having a list; it's in the relationship you build with them.

A list is just that, a list of people who have given you permission to market to them. So, the key to unlocking the money making potential you hear so much about requires you to market.

And for most entrepreneurs, that's easier said than done.

Why does it seem so easy for our marketing heroes and professional crushes to make money their lists while you struggle to build yours?

The truth is it isn't a matter of hard or easy, It comes down to strategic and consistent execution until you find what works for you and your subscribers.

So, how can you build a list that is a win - win for you and your subscribers?

Here are a few tips to help ensure you build a list of responsive subscribers, ready to take action on what you have to say & sell:

#1. Get In Tune with Your Ideal Customer's Deepest Challenges and Desires

If you don't get this right, fuuuget about it! And it's not enough to know this intuitively, especially if you're just starting out. You need to deliberately research this information and keep a running list you can reference on an ongoing basis. This will not only help you hit the bull’s-eye with the next tip, but also when it comes to your follow-up campaign.

#2. Create a Compelling Signature Lead Magnet or Opt-In Gift

Make the right first impression. Your lead magnet should be both relevant and helpful to your visitors and be a natural first step to doing business with you. Gone are the days people signed up for stuff just because it's FREE. These days people's email in-boxes overflow with hundreds of messages from people who want them to sell something, read something, and do something!

Use this criterion as a general guide:

  • Is this something I feel confident about referring my offline networking connections to?
  • Is this something that people would gladly pay money for if it were for sale?
  • Is it a natural first step to working with me?
  • Is it a good introduction to my core offerings?

If you are a little shaky on any of the above questions, look at ways to change or improve your offering so you feel confident about marketing it and driving traffic to it.

#3. Provide One-Time-Offers on Your Thank You/Download Page

The "Thank You" page is the least utilized web real estate. It offers a great opportunity for you to offer your new subscriber an opportunity to solve their problem at a higher level. And, it provides you an opportunity to make a sale. They are the most excited and engaged at this point so now's the time to give them a deal on a product or service they won't want to refuse.

#4. Identify & Tell Your Subscribers What to Do Next

Be sure to build into your opt-in process, instructions on what to do next. To make this the most effective, you'll want to build this call to action into your opt-in offer itself. If you are providing a report, insert your call to action in the beginning and at the end of your report. If you free offer is a video or audio series, be sure to end each session with your call to action.

Don't assume they will go back to your site to buy something or read something. Show them that you have taken the time to guide them towards getting the results they need.

#5. Create Effective Follow Up and Nurturing Email Campaigns

"What do I write about?" This is the reason most entrepreneurs aren't making money. You have to build the know, like and trust factor and train your subscribers to act on what you have to say and sell.

I recommend when you create your opt-in gift/lead magnet. Write you first 10 follow up messages at the same time. Otherwise, it may never get done.

Here's a sample sequence you can use to get started:

  • Email 1 - Welcome and set expectations
  • Email 2-9 - Give incredible value
  • Email 10 - Sell them something

Don't forget to work in a pitch every now and then. It's okay if you have been adding value, they will be hungry for it.

Examine your opt-in process and use the above tips to implement or improve your list building results. Understand that building a highly profitable list may take some testing and work. But, if you commit to the process, it will be well worth the reward in the end.

"Feedback is the breakfast of champions."
~ Ken Blanchard

And as a champion of your success, I'd be honored if you let me know what you thought about this article. Your tips, advice and comments are greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!!!!

Enhanced by Zemanta
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Http:// 1-800-652-7157 In this video, I explain the new departments the that Good Credit Union have opened up to it's clients.

Good Credit Union has added a Tax elimination dept. with a CPA and IRS Registered agents. As many of us understand that a CPA is the blood line of the business. Understanding having access to a CPA is one of the best resources a growing company needs to be profitable. 

Our CPA works right along side of our IRS Registered Tax Agents to make sure your company financial documents and taxes are looking good to financial institutions.

GCU Group also offers employment verification for people that work off of 1099 and need regular pay stubs created. This is great for someone that trying to purchase a vehicle or get into an apartment.

Check out our other services 1-800-652-7157

Read more… 1-800-652-7157 In this video Houston with th GCU Group, Inc. explain why many people should fix their credit instead of getting a CPN or SCN.

1st you no longer have to find a co-signer to help you get an apartment, car, or student loan. I understand this is embarrassing for many adults with bad credit.

2nd If you have good credit you could add a child or family on you credit cards as authorize users and they could inherit your credit. This is one of the best gifts you can give someone if you're not rich or wealthy. Your 18 year old could inherit your credit and you will not have to co-sign for them an apartment, car loan, or student loan.

3rd You could buy real estate in which you could not do with a CPN or SCN. Many people want to get into real estate investing but they must understand that having good credit will make it easier to purchase that property.

4th When you fix your credit you don't have to show as much paperwork to get funding. With a CPN or SCN creditors want to see the id or drivers license to go along with the file. Creditors are asking for social security cards for that SCN or CPN, they are also asking for employment verification. This is alot of personal information they are requiring now for an SCN or CPN. 

5TH It's much more easier to get funding when you have good credit to do you investments, succh as buying a car from the auction instead of having to finance it from a car dealer.

This is Houston with Good Credit Union. You can call me at !-800-652-7157 or email me or Alex

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Are you scratching your head wondering why people just aren't responding to your emails? I mean it's bad enough that they don't respond to your special sales promotions. But, they don't even respond when you give away free stuff.

What gives?

I believe there are three things that could be happening here:

1. You have spies on your list: You know, people who signed up just to see how you did your ebook or what kind of email campaigns you deliver. Oh, don't act like you've never done it :)

2. They're just not that into you: These people may have joined your list for something very specific that met their need at the time and now that they got it, well, they could care less what you send them. So, why have they not unsubscribed? They hang on waiting for something from you that wow's them to buy from you again.

3. You're not putting your back into it: I'm sorry, what I mean is, you aren't even trying. You are just throwing together emails, hoping that that best practice tip (you know the one where they said to email your list once per week?) will hypnotize your subscribers into obeying your every command.

If you want to get your marketing emails opened and your subscribers to take action you need to shift and shake things up a little.

Give value, value and more value and you'll be rewarded for it. Yep! Content Marketing applies to your email marketing efforts too!

So, how can you create a follow up campaign that keeps subscribers engaged, responsive and eager to buy from you?


Here are five quick tips:

1. Don't just send promos: Follow the 80/20 rule provide value eighty percent of the time and promote your offerings twenty percent. This will keep your subscriber's sales walls down and show them that they are worth more than a sales pitch.

2. Be intentional about providing value: Do you take time out each week and look for ways to make your subscriber's lives better?  I myself have been guilty of just throwing together a "fluff" email just to keep in touch. But, if you want to pass the "so what" test, you need to demonstrate that you really care about giving them valuable information they can use, whether they work with you or not.

3. Provide incentives: Sure coupons and discounts on your products and services are cool, but find ways to take it even further. What can you use as a carrot to get people to act? Can you offer tickets to an event, a gift card, a gift basket? Maybe you could partner with someone  and have them sponsor a gift to your list? The possibilities are endless, get creative.

4. Give your subscribers a piece of you: It's important to be you in style and tone when writing your list. It helps them to create a deeper connection and establishes the all important "know and like" factor of that famous marketing mantra.

5. Reward your most responsive subscribers:  If you want your subscribers to engage and pay attention to you, show them that you're paying attention too! Try rewarding them with exclusive discounts, a spotlight interview or a cool prize. I feel the best way to do this is unexpectedly. By the way, this could be a great incentive.

Employ these tips and your subscribers will go from "so what" and ignoring your emails to looking forward to communication from you.

I know there are a lot of email marketing blueprints and advice that give you the A to Z on how to build a responsive list. But, there is no magic bullet. You have to put what you know into action and see what works. Repeat what does and tweak what doesn't until it works too! Don't forget to have fun and be creative, your subscribers are people....not robots :)

 What are some techniques you use to keep your subscribers engaged and happy?

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What's the key to becoming a likeable and buy-able brand?

I'd say it's to get good at content marketing. Content marketing is all about creating interesting, high value, share-worthy content that makes people crave you as a resource and a choice provider for solving their pain.

But, you are a solo entrepreneur with limited resources, trying to get your audience to notice you amid an ocean of information available to them online.

Not only do you have to compete with the blogs and social media musings of competitors, you have to conquer their ADD over their umbilical smart phones, and iPads.

And, although you are offering all kinds of FREE stuff, it seems as if you can't pay people to sign up for it, let alone pay for any product or service you have to offer.

What gives?

How can you grab your target customer's attention to even begin to build a relationship when they are so distracted and guarded?

There's no doubt marketing and promoting your business in the digital age has become more challenging. But, sometimes you have to revert to old tactics to make yourself stand out as the new and better choice.

Here are 3 simple, yet powerful ways to win the famous know, like and trust contest and become the provider of choice for your target audience:

  1. Be Creative & Innovative: Part of the reason people are hitting the ignore button, is that everyone is doing and saying the same things in the same way. Cookie cutter marketing has made us immune to hearing blatant and bland attempts to entice our business. Excite, shock or surprise your audience. Look for innovative and creative ways to get your message in front of your audience.
  2. Educate: Don't just tell your audience they need your products and services. Show them why they need it and how having it will make their life or business better. That means…you guessed it, taking time to craft valuable content that helps them understand how various aspects of your solutions work to make their lives better. Be careful to be helpful here and not all "salesy". Your #1 goal here is to be a helpful and trusted resource.
  3. Build Relationship: Most businesses large and small focus on getting customers to come to them. Make a commitment to find your prospects and get to know them. Create an incentive program to inspire conversation. Show them you are willing to invest in them in the same way you want them to invest in you.

Case Study: The Apple Store is a great example of a company that leverages all three of these elements successfully. Go to any Apple Store and you can not only buy a product, but an associate will take the time to teach you how to use it. This model is creative, educational and builds good customer relations while inspiring customer loyalty.

Take Away: Success begins with taking action. Create a 3 step strategy for incorporating the above 3 elements in your marketing. Take some time to examine what others are doing and find gaps you can fill to do it better.

Share Your Thoughts! What are your tips on how we can create a that provides a unique experience that builds a likeable and buy-able relationship with our target customers?

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Do you know how to create content to market and support your signature products and services?

You probably have some idea of what to do. Tweet it, pin it, post it…may be among some of your options. But, what kind of combination of content is best to promote your offerings?

If you’re still reading this. you probably know what you want to create. But, perhaps you’re not quite sure where to begin.

Educate to Sell Your Signature Products and Services

First let me make one thing clear. Educating to sell does not mean trying to win over people who are not aware or have a desire to solve their pain? I don’t care how much or even how good your content is, these people will never buy or engage. So it is a waste of your time and resources.

Instead, you want to educate people who have the desire and ability to purchase your solutions. Content Marketing is about soft selling by making your customers smarter than they were when they found you. So, your job is to create content that guides them from awareness to the sale, without being all “salesy”.

Once you create your product or launch your service, you want to be sure that you support it with client attracting content that reaches all over the web and sustain sales beyond the launch.

Here are 5 of my favorite ways to create marketing content to support your signature products and services:


#1) Create content that relates to each of your core offers

Content marketing is all about creating purposeful content. Creating content that educates your audience on topics related to your core offers will meet his requirement. Supporting content can include, articles,social media content, info-graphics, emails and more…

Supporting content can also include internal items like step by step training materials, course content, exercises, scripts, checklists, templates, and accompanying articles that highlight the training programs.

#2) Create several types of author resource boxes to get people to click-through your offers

If you want to create more opportunities for your audience to interact with you, create an author resource box. An “author resource box” also known as byline or mini bios are short summaries located at the bottom of blog posts or articles.

You can use your byline and embed links in articles your distribute around the web. This will help you to increase the flow of “qualified” traffic back to your site.

#3) Create social media postings that promote your articles

Most entrepreneurs make the mistake of not promoting their content. Great articles need help getting seen. I  like creating the posts as I create my blog articles. It’s just a part of the process, so it helps to ensure it gets done. Plugins like Tweet Old Posts are one way to automate this process and make life easier for you.

#4) Create sample promo content to make it easy for JV and affiliates to promote your offers to their networks

Pre-creating content such as ads, banners, emails, blog posts, social media content and more  helps make you more sharable. The easier you make referring and promoting your products and services, the more successful your affiliate marketing and joint venture programs will be.

#5) Create “Welcome Content” to support and guide your customer’s experience after the sale

We often hear about all the “external” content we need to create like blogs and social media content, etc. But, what we often overlook is creating content to WOW our customers after the sale. What type of content can you provide your customers to make your solutions easy to implement?

Exercises, handouts, scripts and templates are some common examples. Some other examples include, learning guides, mind maps, emails nurturing campaigns and newsletters. The more you can wow them, the more they’ll come back again and again and bring friends.

There of course are other powerful forms of content to promote your core training programs products and services. I will explore them in this article series so stay plugged in.

What types of content do you create and publish to support your signature products and services? Share your answers with me below…

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Business Credit America has done it again. This time, their taking on the credit industry to prove to Americans it is still possible to build business credit. Their offering a free business credit forum and BUSINESS training teaching entrepreneurs, small business owners, internet and online marketers how to properly structure themselves for the best asset protection.

As the banks and other financial institutions still refuse to help the American economy rebuild itself, Business Credit America has decided, they will not wait until after an election to help revive the economy. A spokesperson for the company, said “they feel the American Economy should not be struggling when you have so many multimillionaires that are able to help small business owners keep their business going and help start new businesses”.

Business Credit America is offering a Free Business Credit Forum and Business Training to the American public. Learn some of the Basic things most business owners miss in order to have a successful business

• Learn, How to properly structure your business for the strongest asset protection
• Learn how to properly order you EIN number
• Learn about current trade vendors that offer business credit on net terms, such as,,,,, these are just a few trade vendors.
• Learn the difference between a Paydex score and a Business Credit Score
• Learn how to properly file a Ucc-1 financial statement to help your business or personal credit
Business Credit America offer so much business information to help get the American Economy get back going. Check them out at and join their free business credit forum today, IT’S FREE

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How to get Business Credit Cards Without a Personal Guarantee? 1-888-821-6408x2
How to get a Business Credit Card with out a Personal Guarantee is a step by step process. First you have to see what business is more favorable to banks, which is called SIC CODE. Once you know and understand this step then you can continue on with the proper step to get business credit cards.

Here are the necessary steps to get a Business Credit Card with out a Personal Guarantee.

Know you Sic Code for what type of business your looking to Start.
Call and get your EIN#/TAX ID# over the phone not online and please make sure you use Incorporated at the end of your company name.
Incorporate your business to a C-Corporation Banks love this entity.
Get your Dun and Bradstreet Number from their website. You want the number thru the CCR Government program. This way you get the number for Free and within 48hrs instead of 30 days.
You need to have Projected Financials submitted to Dun and Bradstreet in order to a Clear complete file this is very important.
You need to file Ucc-1 lien against your business for the money and equipment, you invest in the business to get it started. This is very important to creditors.
Once these steps are completed then you need at least 6 to 9 Net30 Accounts such as,,,,,, Grainger, Uline, Seton, nebs, deluxe and so on. Remember Dun and Bradstreet does not report your credit limits, they report the amount you spend on purchase, so the more you spend on products the better the tradeline looks on your business credit file.

If you follow this step by step, you're guaranteed to get Business Credit cards with out a Personal Guarantee.

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Take the guesswork out of filing your trademarks with is dedicated to bringing affordable quality legal services to consumers, within the United States and internationally. Founded by top Intellectual Property attorneys, TrademarkSOS has positioned itself to provide trademark legal services to individuals and small businesses. The TrademarkSOSteam consists of attorneys, paralegals, and legal support staff.

The TrademarkSOS Mission is to provide first-rate affordable legal services to individual entrepreneurs, small businesses, and mid-size corporations around the world by affording them a "no-surprise, flat-fee" system with respect to their trademark prosecution and maintenance needs. TRADEMARKSOS, "Your BrandAid!"

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Hello? Is it you we're looking for?

If you have a stellar product or service you would like featured in a specialized guide, please join Suite369 on Tuesday, June 20th at 12pm EST for a quick information session. If you can't attend the call live, please register so that you may receive the replay. There will be a drawing amongst live participants... Register here:

Event planners, personal chefs, caterers, bakers, confectioners, tutors, children's book authors, clothing lines & boutiques, vintage retailers, costumers, stylists (hair/wardrobe), make up artists, life/business coaches, photographers, videographers, venue owners, bartenders, novelty item retailers... << this includes you and more.

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Hello friends in the business world..I am Annie...its been a long time since I've been on here ...I have 2 kids ages 5 and 7.  I am certified CNA(which is my full time) and Im certified EKG.  I work Part-time(for now) as an Independent Rep for Primerica. If I knew then what I knew now I should've been in this field a long time ago... I started as a Rep and now I am a senior next goal is to pass the state exam to become a licensed life insurance agent which would lead me to district...guys its an awesome opportunity...  A friend of mine died March 2nd, 2012.  We were suppose to meet to discuss about him getting a policy on him and his little daughter...I didnt get chance to talk to him..our schedules didnt match.Yall let me just say that when I found out that he passed(test driving a motorcycle) hurt me to my heart...My friend is gone too soon b/c I waited too long.. friend.  Now my mind is on helping people make the right choice b/c you never know when its your time...I am looking for 20 people to join me in becoming a light for those who need it....If you would like to work to help families as well as yourself please contact me.

I do travel to meet with groups of people to hold life insurance classes if you would like to book with me and hold group meetings, company meetings please let me know.... if you would like quotes on life insurance please let me know..always looking for bright people to join my team...get chance to meet like-minded individuals making a difference in this love ..thanks

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First I want to say thank you to each one of you. The response to my original post was great and I am now even more excited with the launch of Done Write Transcription implementing some of the changes suggested by you.

I have extended the up to 30 minutes of free transcription services but I can only take two more clients. As I mentioned in my previous post, there are so many ways that you can use your transcribed audio so don't miss this opportunity to reach a whole new audience by having your audio transcribed.

In addition to receiving up to 30 minutes of free transcription services you will also become one of Done Write Transcription's VIP Clients simply by taking advantage of this offer. Email me now at to learn more and secure your VIP seat.


Warmest Regards

Yolonda J.

Done Write Transcription~ Reliable, Accurate Transcription Services for the Solopreneur

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Free Transcription Services

Do you have a Podcast, Teleseminar, Interview, or any audio that you would like transcribed? Done Write Transcription is offering up to 30 minutes of transcription services for free. Done Write Transcription will officially launch on March 15, 2012. As I prepare for the official launch I am looking  for 3 to 4 more projects to complete to be sure I have worked out as many kinks as possible and to get feedback on what can be done better to ensure I am offering the best possible service. 

There are so many reasons why you should get your audio transcribed but here are just a few: you can offer it as a free resource to your subscribers, you can create an e-book to sale, use the information for articles or blog post, reach a whole new audience (not everyone wants to listen to audio) and sometimes people just want both!

Interested in taking me up on this great offer? Email me today at to get all the details. Worried that your audio is more than 30 minutes? Don't worry with rates starting at just 0.83 per minute this is still a great deal that you don't want to miss. 

Once I get the number of projects I feel comfortable with I will not be taking on any projects until after the offical launch so contact me today!


Yolonda J.

Done Write Transcription

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Today with all of the amazing technology, self publishing a book has become a more attractive option. Gone are the days of someone’s dreams and visions being placed on hold or forced to wait because they are in search of a publisher to accept their book. I remember hearing so many stories of how many attempts, how many companies, and how many rejections it would take before an author could get published. I don’t know about you but I always had this image in my mind of traditional publishers sitting on a throne deciding the fate of the literary world. To me it was like a secret society that allowed a select few to enter and those that did had very little control.

Today that image has changed for me. When I set out to publish my first book, going the traditional route was not a consideration. “Why?” you might ask. As I alluded to earlier technology has revolutionized the publishing world. The internet along with the social media platforms have empowered and given a voice to so many talented authors; many of whom would never have received even a rejection letter from a traditional publisher. Traditional publishers, like so many industries because of technology, have been forced to develop new business models. Major publishers are faced with downsizing and cut backs making it even more difficult for a new kid on the block. Most of the traditional publishers today want authors who have a celebrity size following or a distribution list that equates to immediate ROI.

There are a lot of opportunities in self publishing a book. You can do it completely yourself. When you publish your work yourself you are responsible for the editing, formatting, securing distribution, communicating with the printer, and copyrighting it to name a few. The other option is selecting a publisher that will handle all the previously mentioned items, but allows you to remain in control. If you are a writer and perhaps run another business, the latter option would more than likely be the most beneficial for you. Here are top 5 things you should consider when looking for a self-publishing publisher:

1. Is it a good fit?
Believe it or not personality means everything. Your book is your baby. It’s a project and not a drive-thru menu experience. Ask yourself, “Are you comfortable with their style of communication?” I know its cliché, but communication is the key to everything. Does the publisher make you feel like you are valued and not just a number? Is there a real interest in your project? What’s your publisher’s background? Many times I have seen authors when self publishing their book forfeit the importance of literary and business experience of their publisher. Make sure when selecting a publisher they have literary experience and business acumen.

2. Make sure you maintain all your rights.
In the traditional world of publishing you generally give up a large portion, if not all of the rights to your book. This means all of the control on editing, characters, book cover design, etc, are determined by the publisher. This is primarily because you have received an advance for your book. When you are self publishing a book there are publishers who cater to authors who desire to self publish. In this case if you are not receiving an advance you should maintain all the rights to your book. All of the decisions from editing to the book cover design as mentioned before should be your final say. You should also have the option of taking your book with you if you decided to leave that publisher.

3. Royalties
When self publishing a book it is my opinion that you as the author should receive the higher percentage of royalties. In the traditional world it can be viewed slightly different because they have a larger distribution, they have provided you with an advance, and there is more at stake. There are some self publishers who will do a 90/10, 75/25, or 60/40 split, with you receiving the lower percentage. In this case I would make sure you get the higher, because there is no upfront investment in you from the self publishing publisher.

4. What type of services do they offer?
Do they offer various editing services from rewrite to copywriting? Editing is extremely important when self publishing a book. Be mindful of a company that will publish your book that doesn’t offer or require editing. In most cases if they don’t offer editing, your publisher should have a list of editors they can refer. It is true today with technology and a fast paced society the standard grammar has become more relaxed. However, you still want a quality product that will stand the test of time. Other services you should look for are marketing that includes social media, graphic and website design.
When self publishing a book often authors assume the publisher is automatically going to promote your book. This is not the case. You as the author should have an option of acquiring those additional services.

5. Time
Yes, I know everything is done at the speed of light today. We no longer have to wait on the 6 o’clock news to find out what’s happening around the world. We can email a document that used to have to travel by what we now have labeled “snail mail”. Although this has made our lives easier, when self publishing a book, we still want to value the time it takes to create a quality product. Again, self publishing should not mean you should compromise and produce an inferior product. That’s what the big guys and critics expect and/or automatically assume. I have seen companies that promote one to two week turn-rounds. That might be the case. However, please allow yourself the time for editing, correct formatting, the right cover design, to receive a proof (an actual copy of your book), etc. A reasonable amount of time should be 60 to 90 days, but this is determined by so many variables. How long it takes you to submit your work, and to sign off. You may realize that an entire chapter needs to be deleted. Allow for creativity which is often something that shouldn’t be rushed. Remember experts say today a book is the new business card. What do you want yours to say?

Deborah Hardnett is the Founder and CEO of Wealthy Sistas® Publishing House. Wealthy Sistas® Publishing House focus is to help authors self publish their books. If you are considering self publishing a book,  visit Wealthy Sistas® Publishing House website today and get more details on how you can achieve this without the exorbitant fees and retain all your rights to your intellectual property. Deborah and her staff are strong advocates of the self-publishing industry and offer an extensive variety self publishing book services.
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Test Your Advertising

Is that great advertising idea really going to be the one to increase your sales? Test your concept before pursuing that ad campaign for your business.

If you want to turn your ad strategy into sales, evaluate your idea from every possible angle. Is your campaign a fresh angle or a tired approach?
Many campaigns fizzle because they try to play on old ideas. Grab a potential customer's attention from a new perspective. You'll be putting your heart and soul into starting this campaign so make sure the idea's one you'll want to live with in the long run.

How's the market for your campaign?
You wouldn't want to sell snow shovels in Florida, so make sure your concept is a good fit for the market you want to hit.

What's your advantage over some of your competitors?
AKA will customers have a reason to use you over the other guy? Don't just say you're charming and can get the job done. It's going to take a lot more than that if you're trying to lure customers away from other companies or gain new customers altogether.

What's your time frame for getting your ad campaign off the ground and your product/service into people's homes?
You don't want to invent the wheel if you have to sit on it for a long period of time. There's always someone out there that can beat you to the finish line. You have to move fast. And over time, your passion for the ad strategy will fade as well.

Will the money from this ad strategy burn a hole in your pocket or just burn you?
Evaluate your income potential. Is it worth it to start this campaign financially?

Advertising is key to making your business successful. Just watch out for the common pitfalls campaigns fall prey to and you'll see increased sales and happy customers in no time.
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Contractual Agreement

So, lately I've been talking to my friends who either own businesses that offer services or are thinking about it. And one of their biggest concerns is creating and having a contract. They've been asking questions like, "Why would I need one?" and "What would it say?" etc etc. So, I figured I would address this issue in this week's posting.


 Who needs a contract?:

First, let's discuss what type of small businesses would need a contract.  Any business that is providing services as an independent contractor like an event or wedding planner, buying or selling goods without an established distributor, distributing equipment, or selling or leasing  real estate. You also need a contract if you have partners, employees or even selling your business. Having a contract would first guarantee your services to your customer and THEN ensure that they pay you! Also, with business partners, things can somtimes get sticky so you want to make sure everything is divided properly, to avoid nasty break ups :).


What exacly is a contract?:

Now, what IS a contract, you ask? Well, The World English Dictionary defines a contract as the following: "to enter into an agreement with (a person, company, etc) to deliver (goods or services) or to do (something) on mutually agreed and binding terms, often in writing." In order for a contract to be valid, both parties need to sign and agree on terms listed in the contract.


What type of contracts are there?

There are two different types of contracts. First, there is an Oral Contract which is when people speak on the terms and conditions of the business transaction. Contrary to popular belief, these are legally binding contracts. The only thing is it is harder to prove who said what in a court of law.


The second type of contract is the Written Contract. This is the most common type of contract and obviously easier to prove in the court of law. Usually a contract is written to determine the job that needs to be done and what is going to happen after that job is done. If the people who are involved with the contract, do not keep up their part of the bargain, they can be sued. 


What should it say?

Well, there are several contract-writing softwares out there that can help you with the actual wording of the contract but I will give you a general idea. Remember, you want to be very specific about what is said in the contract.  Unless you are a lawyer, you don't have to use legal terminology you just have to be clear on the expectations of both parties.


You want to make sure you have the following features in your contract:

~Date of contractual agreement and expiration of contract

~Name of everyone involved- i.e. customer, owner

~The services taking place for the contract- i.e. Company agrees to decorate Customer's house by 5/6/12.

~The payment amounts and DUE DATES- i.e. Initial Deposit, Amount Due after decorating is done

~Any interest that would take place if the payment is not made on due date

~Expiration dates for the contract

~Terms and conditions if contract is broken- i.e. If either party does not adhere to terms on contract legal action will take place

~Terms and conditions for someone to cancel or break contract before due date- i.e. If Customer breaks contract before job is done, the deposit is non-refundable. If Buyer breaks contract before job is done, the Customer will receive their deposit via mail.

~Signature of both parties


If you include all this in your contract, you should be fine! All grounds should be covered. Make sure you go through every aspect of the contract with your customer, answer and ASK all questions. Do not assume that they understand all the terms of the contract. Make sure you also review your state's laws on contractual agreements. They might have certain things that must be stated in the contract.


Lastly, at the end of the day, if you're still unsure about the validity of your contract or NEED that legal terminology included, then consult a lawyer. They will be able to help you ...for a small fee.


For online resources or sample contracts you can visit these sites:

allbusiness.comsample contracts - sample contracts 



Tamara Garrison-Thomas

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Happy New Year!!! Wishing Everyone New Beginnings and a Start to A Brand New You!

VLS is truly excited with the growth and support of our affiliate partners since we officially started in mid 2010. Putting all the elements together for a good recipe as a real estate service and referral provider has been an awesome experience, and we know that the best is yet to come in real estate leasing for us!!!

As we all know real estate leasing is HOTTER than ever. What are the predictions for commercial and residential leasing for 2011? Rents will continue to increase in prime markets and remain steady in areas where there are more vacancies. 

Commercial Office Leasing:
Office Leasing activity will remain strong in 2011, especially as entrepreneurs, small businesses and companies begin to grow and expand their employment levels. The vacancy rate for office space will decline in the range of 1 to 1.5 percent and virtual office services will increase tremendously.

Residential Leasing:
The demographic trends are changing from longtime renters buying to longtime home owners renting. It's all about choice!

Baby Boomers are renting their homes to downsize or move to warmer climates, but not necessarily buying a second home, but renting by choice without having the hassle of owning.   

On the flip side longtime renters are going for the "American Dream" of home ownership. There are alot of great deals and incentive programs for first time homebuyers to purchase by choice.

I would say this is a good look for real estate leasing in 2011!!!

Lin Gordon
Virtual Leasing Solutions

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