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Importance of E-Presence in the Google Age
By []Maria Lisa

In the world that we are living in today, we want everything to be a click away and internet provides the platform to do just that. Many term an IT expert as the engineers of the modern era and why not it is due to them that we can buy, sell, learn, teach and do pretty much everything that comes to mind. Websites and web designing play a pivotal role in today's society. Long story cut short, a well managed website brings profits and recognition to any business.

In the digital age websites are the most effective tools to attract customers and the best way to utilize this tool is to have as much and as easily understandable information as possible information displayed on your websites. As the end user loves web pages that save their time, cost and energy.

To have a compact website that covers all aspects and gives the user all the information that he desires through a simple yet attractive interface the web designer needs to know what exactly the customer is looking for, one has to get into the shoes of the customer and understand his needs and preferences like his own. i.e the website developer or the designer or for that matter even the programmer should know exactly what information does the customer need, how to facilitate him/her and keeping things clear and simple without compromising on presentation.

Bottom line is website development must be precise, on the target and object oriented in order to get maximum output.

Coming to the technical side there there are various diverse technologies being used for website designing. Some of the major technologies that are being used most commonly are as follows:

Server-side scripting (e.g PHP and ASP)

Markup languages (e.g HTML, XHTML and XML)

Style sheet languages (e.g CSS and XSL)

Multimedia technologies (e.g Flash and Silverlight)

Database technologies (e.g MySQL, MSSQL)

Client-side scripting (e.g JavaScript and VBScript)

Furthermore websites may also be divided into static and dynamic depending on the utility of the website and the designing budget. A dynamic website usually comes along with a content management system using which you can easily update content sitting anywhere in the world if you have access to internet.


The benefits of having a website are countless in this era that would be remembered as the GOOGLE age for the years to come. Here are some very important advantages of website development and having an e-presence:

1- 24/7 access to customers/users whenever and wherever they want it.

2- Having an online presence means you have a global presence, meaning feedback from any part of the world is made possible opening new avenues to expand your business and getting recognition.

3- Comfortable way to do business, all you need is a laptop and an internet connection to be a businessman doing business worldwide sitting on your living room couch with all the comfort you need to work efficiently.

These and many other advantages make []website design ing & []website creation and development a hot cake in the market and make you realize that doing business is not so hard anymore. All you need is a little bit of determination, a whole lot of skill and some patience.
That is the secret behind having a successful e-presence!

Article Source: [] Importance of E-Presence in the Google Age


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Hello Community, I have thank April Mason for this message. I did not realize how simple was to manage Google email tab structure. This note saved me a lot of time.
Networking increase Net Worth!!
Have most fantastic days,
Juniques Multi Cultural Connections ( )
Here is April Mason message

Gmail is making some big changes to how they deliver email. Gmail will now automatically filter your email messages into separate categories, whether you want them to or not. This will also apply to your Google Apps for your business email.

So, if you're a Gmail user, all of your April Mason emails will now go straight to your ‘Promotions’ filter, which means any email from me will go straight there, skipping your inbox completely!


Gmail has 5 catagories that they will put your emails in:

  • Primary
  • Social
  • Promotions
  • Updates
  • Forums

The problem is, Gmail won't know that you always look forward to another empowering email from April Mason Inc., or that you look forward to tools that will help you in the area of Love, Business and Wholeness. With that said, they will automatically put the messages into "Promotions" folder

However, you can ensure that you continue to get my messages. All you have to do is manually adjust your email settings, by following these quick and easy steps.

  1. If your inbox has already been changed, simply drag one of the April Mason emails (this one for instance!) which will be located in your Promotions tab to the "Primary" tab. 
  2. Make sure you click "Yes" when the alert pops up. 
  3. If you would rather completely remove these new tabs - go to the "Settings" box in the upper right hand corner of your Gmail dashboard and select "Settings." 
  4. Click on the "Inbox" tab and deselect all categories but "Primary" 
  5. When you're finished, click "Save Changes"

That's it! 

I have some wonderful things that I'll be sharing with you shortly. By adjusting your email, you won't miss them. Have a great week!


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There has been a incredible shift in the world around us.  From the Northeast hurricane, to many people stepping out on pure faith and starting new businesses, ending unhealthy relationships to even finally taking health seriously. We’re all being charged with “purging” something. In the midst of this though…doesn’t mean there are challenges or days when you simply want to “quit”.

::The client money isn’t coming in on time

::The husband just “ain’t acting right”

::The kids are a mess at school

::Your stress level is out of wack

::Your business is good…but it’s not “great”

::You seem to be working harder for the same result.

::You feel enslaved to your purpose.

As women we come as a package deal and with that means that often overwhelming feeling of wishing and wanting to just “quit” – to let it all go. To throw in the towel and just let the sh!% it the fan!

I know that feeling and I have to have a “come to Jesus”  meeting with myself. And get real.

It’s time someone offered you a dose of truth…and that is


Truth be told, women of color tiptoe around our issues in our lives and ultimately our businesses. We don’t invest in ourselves however we expect others to invest in us.

Do you? Do  you invest in yourself or do you quit at the thought of doing the work

QUIT at the thought of truly asking for assistance and support in growing your business or how women like Cameka Smith (founder of listed BOSS Network) has done by fostering a community of women entrepreneurs who network for good?

QUIT feeling like you can’t really work with other women because “they always want to take what’s mines”. And the hard work of learning to trust your own “GET IT GIRL!” so you can work with other women without the “crabs-in-the-barrel mentality” like LaShanda Henry (founder of Black Business Women Online) did with her girlfriends

QUIT at the thought of truly (and I mean truly) investing in quality mentorship and guidance and humbling yourself to end the thinking that you must do everything on your own or that perhaps Women of Color can’t produce high quality events and workshops that are impactful and profitable like thePOWER CIRCLE Conference & Expo happening Jan 2013.

What’s my point? I’ve been in a “Inner BITCH” release pilgrimage for some time involving releasing all the GUNK that was stuck in my belief system for too long.  My sister on this journey of complete liberation and I have been charged with not only calling ourselves out…but other women. Particularly women of color and Black women more specifically on how our emotional wellness is the TRUE source of abundance.

If you’re still reading I offer that I realize this post is making tons of assumptions about you – the reader – but perhaps it’s not. Perhaps somewhere inside of you, a-lot of this rings true. If not to this extreme, perhaps in your own self-sabotaging efforts to define “success” merely as the sum of your bank account or based on the number of episodes of  Donald Trump’s
The Apprentice” you’ve been able to copy-cat in your own business journey.

Whatever it is…there is a time to call it quits, but not on yourself…but on the nonsense that is causing many of us to live beneath the truth of our possibilities. The truth is that there is another more authentic way of living and creating and this video offers a bit of that truth.

Join me Friday November 9, 2012 here.

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ATLANTA, GA — Katrina M. Harrell and Akilah S. Richards have a collective abundance of life and business anecdotes from their personal and professional experiences.  One common thread among their stories is the lack of harmony between sound business strategies and real emotional wellness.  

Frustrated with the trial-and-error approach to success among their own, Harrell and Richards now lead the movement that challenges black women business owners to face the harsh truths about promoting their brands versus building their businesses.  Their solution is 5-step “escape plan” from what they've dubbed "The inner B.I.T.C.H.".

On Thursday, November 9 at 9PM (EST) the two will host a free, live dialogue on Google+ Hangouts based around the focal points of their debut joint venture, How She Got Free: A Spiritual Business Manual for Women Who Lead Through Entrepreneurship.

The dialogue, which will also be live-streamed on YouTube, offers women a platform to discuss their biggest hurdles in business and life planning and income generating models.  Using the 5-Step Escape Plan, black women entrepreneurs can recognize their ineffective patterns, and align themselves with higher standards, sound structures, and effective systems in their professional and personal lives.

During the November 9th dialogue, the duo will tackle frequently dodged topics such as:

  • Offering “bargain bin” pricing instead of charging what we’re worth

  • How black women look to their white counterparts for marketing models that do not work with own potential markets

  • The lack of application of basic business principles and the consequences therein

About the authors

Harrell and Richards are uniquely qualified Business and Life Strategies whose unique approaches to business building and lifestyle design have garnered them the unique approach to lifestyle management has garnered the attention of Black Enterprise Magazine, Essence Magazine, Real Simple Magazine, MSNBC’s Today Moms blog,  and various local and web-based publications.

Register for the live dialogue at

For more information about How She Got Free, visit



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If you have a website, blog, ezine, or newsletter, I'm sure you consider your content to be valuable to your readers and potential customers. So, why not get paid for it in the meantime? If you're new to this idea, then this article will help you. There are several ways to go about monetizing your website or blog:

Google Adsense

This is one of the most popular and best ways to monetize your website or blog. Google Adsense will place advertisements on your site that are similar to your content. So, how do you get paid? You get paid when someone clicks on the advertisement. Here are some resource sites that will help you better understand Google Adsense and help you sign up.

Google Adsense Sign Up

More information on Google Adsense


This is a program that offers several different types of products you can promote on your website and get as much as 75% commission on them. You can choose any product and as many products as you would like to promote or advertise. This is another lucrative way to make money from your website or blog.

Text Link Ads brings targeted traffic to your website or blog. Similar to, you make money from potential clients clicking on text-based ads inserted on your site. You receive 50% commissions on everything and they also have an affiliate program which gives you $25 for every person you refer to their company. Read more here:

Here are some additional sources for making money on your website or blog:

Blog Traffic Cash

Remember, just because you create a website doesn't mean people want to see it or work with you. Give them a reason to, by enriching your website or blog. Make some extra money!

How do you make money on your website or blog? Share your ideas with us.

Tamara Garrison-Thomas

follow me on twitter:

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10744065068?profile=originalChoosing the right business name is the good way to start your business. In a world where there are many variations of names, prose, and business services it is important to make sure you find a name that is unique to you and your business to brand as your own.

Perhaps your business is in its inception phase, meaning while in this stage, you are still working on finalizing some ideas. This is the process of visualizing, planning, and development of the type of business you want. It is also the time in which you are making decision on the direction you plan for the branding of your business. By the end of this phase, the business should have at least a tentative name. There is no rule that sets this into stone; however, as a business owner destined for more day-to-day decision making to come, you want to at least complete this portion of your process.

In this article, we will be performing a run through of some suggested ideas to use when choosing a name for your business. Choosing the right name from the start is important, because once the name goes public, it may be difficult to go back and change it later. We have provided some simple suggestions that have been tested and learned through experience.

There's no requirement that says you have to choose a name that seems common or even make sense to others. Take a chance. Select some random business names for testing and trial runs. Although were going random, we also want to make sure, the business name signifies the nature of your work or the specific line of business you are catering to. Names that give no clear reference as to the type of business or nature of the work are often overlooked. Unidentifiable business names take time and research to figure the nature of the business. Be considerate and do the work for them by making the meaning of the business obvious within the name. For example, Joe Smith, LLC, tells us nothing about the business or what it is they do and risk potential customers not taking the time to find out. Same with promoting your business online, not only should the name be original, it should provide some indication as to the nature of the business. Do choose a clever name. People like thoughts that trigger ingenuity.


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pagerank_google.jpgWe all know how hard it can be to get ranked by Google,so your showing up in the search engines organically.. I have been doing much research on some easy ways to to increase Google page rankings and have actually learned a ton. I thought you had to be a rocket scientist or something to figure out how to get yoursite ranked on the first page of  Google but I was wrong. There are a few easy ways to do this that I found out about and I wanted to share them with you..



Learn how to get ranked by Google and increase Google page rankings from Kandace Wilson........







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Get Marketing Tips via Facebook with help from Kandace Wilson..........



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Well, hello! If you're just joining us, you'll see I've been writing blogs for a few months now( the one in 2010 was, "99 days to Win in 2010" ) and it's been a blast. It may come as a surprise to some, or confusion to others, but believe it! This is a part of the many hats that I wear. I LOVE helping others with business matters. My goal is to educate as many people as I can on all business details. Whether you own a Subway or a Network Marketing Coin Business, I can help! So click FOLLOW to the right and follow my blog for 2011, "Get Your Blessin' in 2011: Business Ideas & Advice" (


So today's topic was touched on last year but I'm going there again. For a few weeks we will be focusing on building a proper and working business plan, website and/or blog, and marketing strategies. So let's start with the website(my book on building a business plan is coming out in February! Keep your eyes and ears open for it!). Anyhow, I was thinking about all the action I get from my site, and wanted to talk to you about how to build a successful website, for....(wait for it...) FREE! There are several resources for this and if you know anymore, follow my blog and comment below with your suggestions. But lets start with I'm not too familiar with this site, but it allows a lot of video and flash player options. Tis really cool for a unique website, trying to reach a more chic crowd.


Another resource that I like! I found Weebly to be very easy to use. You don't even need a domain name they can give one to you and you're set. I have a hard time sitting for a long time trying to figure things out and with Weebly I didn't have any formulas to decode or vast instructions to read. Weebly has numerous templates you can use that will fit any business you are marketing. You can also monetize your site (that means MAKE MONEY!). Weebly has Google Adsense AND an affiliate program you can all use for....(here it is again)FREE!


For a very minimal monthly fee you can receive the following features: audio player, password protection, up to 10 websites, more MB space and MORE! I don't need those features CURRENTLY, but I look forward to upgrading my membership.


I highly suggest as a tool to create your website! It's fun, it's simple and it's....(drum roll please) FREE! Check it out! Talk to you soon!


P.S. If you are not sure of what type of business you want to market or build a website for, check out my website or email me at I can help you find a business you would be interested in starting (trust me, I have my ways)! If you have any questions about a domain name, or any of these resources, email me at I'll be happy to answer your questions.

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What's Working Now

In the Internet Marketing Arena things are always changing and evolving. So it makes sense to keep up with whatever new trends are going on in the online marketing world to keep your business on target and gain increasing profits.As we all know doing business one way is out. These days you have to have multiple ways of generating leads, prospects, marketing your business and services and so much more. I'm new to the internet marketing business and literally it seems like there is a new product emerging everyday. Some products are good but let's face it, a lot of products being sold over the internet is nothing but a bunch of junk, or it's information you could have obtained by simply doing the research yourself on Google.Granted some of the information is priceless and because it's all in one place where you can get instant access to it, it makes it easier to use the tools and knowledge you learn or have learned in the process of doing online marketing. One tool I found to be helpful is a membership site/product by Mike Dillard, this site will give you inside tips and tools on how to build your business online and offline. In addition to getting the inside tips and tools you could also obtain access to Mike Dillard through monthly webinars.Click here for more details FIND OUT WHAT'S WORKING NOW IN ONLINE MARKETINGHave a blessed day! Remember to Pay it forward and spread the news to someone else who could benefit from it....~Tamishia Clayborn~
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Necessary Steps in PPC SEO Management

By: Mohammad Aftab

Promotion through PPC has become really popular because it is one of the accepted and quickest ways to support website online. By using PPC search engine management correctly, you can support your website with minimum expenditures and maximum gains. PPC search engine management involves you paying another host website to place an ad on the website and charge you for every visitor that clicks on your advertisement. So PPC play and key role to attract the targeted visitors to make a profit. There are few steps for right PPC search engine management.

The really key thing that you must need to think when doing PPC search engine management deals with the actual website that is going to host your advertisement. The excellent kind of the website will host your ad and will be closely related to market targets. Making sure the host website is relevant to yours with ensure that involved and motivated prospects has entered into your website.

The extremely key thing is to opt keywords in PPC search engine management. The keyword collection is really key because they define the kind of customers that you will funnel into your website. You cant attract the traffic and cant earn the revenue if your keywords are not relevant to the theme of your website. The text ad in the PPC campaign must be strong, but not long. The text must be minimum if you want to make it successful.

You must place the advertisement at the apex. You can apply the Google Analytics to know about the sales funnel and will help you to know the place where the clients are merely dropping off. You must place your ad between positions 3 to 5 if you are selecting PPC promotion off of the Google search engine. This manner, you won't waste your income rapidly by going after the number 1 position and you'll still be able to get a bunch of targeted receptive traffic. Furthermore you will be able to analyze where you are missing on the sales.

The extremely key step for PPC search engine management is the constant updating and keeping of the ad. It is highly recommend that you must continuously split test new ads in order to improve on the original one. Every ad you create must be really catchy, creating curiosity in the readers.

Author Resource:-> For more services ppc company and seo agency please visit at

Article From Article Directory
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Normally I’m all about free ways to get traffic to your website and learning how to automate your SEO projects so it’s easy and simple. I’ve had some success getting my articles and blog content posted and reviewed.
But there are things about SEO that I still need to learn.

Let’s face it the online internet marketing system is constantly changing and websites like Facebook are ranking higher in the search engines than Google these days and even gets over a million more people going
and signing onto Facebook than Google. But several people don’t know how to
even begin learning how to advertise on Facebook effectively and get more
traffic to their website.


Getting traffic to your website is essential and important toward your website ranking in the search engines and making more sales. This new product that Jeff Johnson has created is exclusive and is actually going to
go down in the next few days. Yes I know this is last minute but you will have
to get signed up by April 2nd 2010 to get on this new product.

Jeff is a well known traffic generator, he is an expert and has already earned well over millions of dollars doing this. Not only that but he is the top affiliate for sites like and other affiliate
products he promotes.

If you want to find out more info about him I suggest you look him up on Google because he is the real deal.


Believe me you CAN make money online. He has brought in a huge line up of the best of the best internet marketing including Frank Kern, Leslie Rohde, Jeff and Ryan Ringold, and many more to personalized one on one
coaching and guidance. He has also lined up a step by step process of how you
can get started with the program, develop your own product and sell them
effectively online, be an affiliate marketer, get the inside tips, AND ALL THE
SOFTWARE YOU NEED directly from the instructors and people who have made
millions doing this themselves. This is a must have access coaching system.



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eBiz Marketing is looking for contributing writers for articles and essays to be posted on eBiz Marketing and several of our network affiliate sites. These articles must be based on “Online Marketing Tactics/Techniques” and “How Your Business Can Survive the Recession”. We will provide a bio/bi-line and your contact information. Some articles may be posted in our “eBiz Marketing Newsletter" eBlast. Because our subscribers are typically African American Professionals , Companies interested in submitting articles must be 51% African American owned. eBiz Marketing has last say on what articles will be published. Once your article is approved we will contact you via email. You must have complete rights to publish your creative works. We at eBiz Marketing recognize the importance of featuring articles in blogs, blasts, and network sites. We are currently seeking your help in increasing our exposure. There are many excellent writers in this community. In exchange we hope to bring additional exposure to you and your business. We would additionally like to thank LaShonda for all the valuable information she provides on a daily basis.

Please Email the following information with your submissions to: NOTE All responses must come to email address provided. Thank you

Company Name
Company Website
Contact Number
Brief Bio or Bi-Line (95 words or less).
URL Links to any RSS Feeds, Blog Sites, etc..
URL link to where you may want articled to be linked to.
All articles must be submitted in word or notepad only.
Please do not submit any pictures, logos, or graphics.

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