10744063291?profile=originalI am so excited to announce the launch of Caribbean Women Who Lunch, Inc. ( This is an organization with a mission to provide global networking and learning opportunities aimed at helping to grow the careers of women of Caribbean descent.


Women are notorious for not engaging their networks in the same way that men are able to do, so my dream for CWWL is to provide a forum for professional women of Caribbean descent that will facilitate access to global networks online, while also encouraging members to tap into their local networks through power lunches. This way you can build some truly meaningful relationships that help to move you forward professionally. The CWWL website is a social networking site that allows you to invite your own networks and also tap into the networks of other members, all of whom have some connection to the Caribbean, so you are already starting off with something in common.


This idea came to me a couple of years ago when I decided to launch my coaching practice. I wanted to start a group of women who would be able to offer advice and support to each other as we progressed in our careers. I also thought about how migrating to New York when I was 26 had impacted the networks I had back home in Jamaica. Essentially I had to start over upon moving to the U.S. so I thought why not create a network that women can access from anywhere in the world?


In order to help the membership grow quickly so it offers immediate benefit to the membership, the first 500 members will get the first year of membership for free. Just click on this link, and with a few clicks you’ll be on and ready to invite your own networks by connecting to your email account(s).


Let’s network, learn and succeed!

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I got a little too excited. And then I got sidetracked. And then I got bummed out.

What about you? Have you ever had one of those days. . . or maybe one of those months? What is it that shakes up one's momentum just as things are getting really good? April's Success Strategy is "Resourcefulness" and when you start to wander away from the path to success, resourcefulness is just the ticket.

Have you ever fallen into a slump just when you were nearing the nexus of success? Sure you have, you’re an entrepreneur, right? Why does that happen? It is such an energy drain to be brought down low and listless and questioning your every move. Total bummer. So what do you do about it? How do you shake it off? As a business owner and person with some semblance of a life (I say that only slightly tongue in cheek – you know what I mean, right?) we can’t afford to have a bad day.

Have you ever fallen into a slump just when you were nearing the nexus of success? Sure you have, you’re an entrepreneur, right? Why does that happen? It is such an energy drain to be brought down low and listless and questioning your every move. Total bummer. So what do you do about it? How do you shake it off? As a business owner and person with some semblance of a life (I say that only slightly tongue in cheek – you know what I mean, right?) we can’t afford to have a bad day.


Many times you can talk yourself out of the miasma of inactivity. A pep talk might be just the thing. Other times you need some real tools to help you move forward. Oftentimes a reversion to the “tried and true” is just the ticket. So when you are not performing up to your normal level, get out your pen and paper and make a list of strategies you can use to get moving again. Remember that project you’ve been meaning to tackle? Well, do it now. Sometimes doing something new can help clear the cobwebs from your brain because when you’re learning a new skill you’re moving in the right direction.


Don’t let a sense of overwhelm keep you bogged down. Create a go-to list of “get my butt in gear” actions to take when you find yourself stuck. I really want to hear your ideas, but here are a few to get you started:


    Exercise is always a help – even just a simple walk (usually my best thinking time.)

    Work a bit on an open project (and we have plenty of those don’t we?)

    Take a nap (Okay, that one might just be a bit of self-indulgent wishful thinking)

    Write a blog post! It can help clear the clutter and give you a sense of accomplishment.

    Plan your next event. Just as I like to buy my holiday gifts throughout the year so I can peek at them now and again for a little feel-good moment, concentrating on something pleasant can be a nice distraction.

    Take a break. Maybe you really are overwhelmed and a little rest might be just the ticket!


What else can you think of that helps shake the “OMG, I’m-really-the-boss-and it’s-all-up-to-me-blues?” Leave a comment; we’d love to hear from you.

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Something's hot in the pot! I am excited and on the road to being debt free! Let's make it happen for you too! I know we all have different reasons why we want financial security, so let those reasons be your motivation for at least checking out this great income opportunity.

The product is organic instant gourmet coffee!  Yep, coffee!  It's the second  most consumed beverage following water!  And, in commodities, it's second to oil!  Who woulda thunk it?! 

We're in the Pre-Launch phase of this new company and you can join, get a website and build your team for FREE until June 1, 2011. We've got expert leadership, enthusiastic team support, and a super fantastic compensation plan.

So, go to my website at the link below, watch the video and seriously consider if this venture is right for you. Come on, it's FREE until June 1--No risk and no obligation! Feel free to email me at

Please don't be skeptical because every mega success in existence today--Microsoft, McDonald's, Starbucks and countless others--have had their humble beginnings. Looking back, we all would have loved to have had a start-up opportunity with any of them. Well, you may have missed those opportunities but here's your chance not to miss this one--it's all about timing and positioning!

So, avoid slapping yourself on the forehead later and Reserve Your Cup now! See the vision and embrace it!

Listen to the live conference calls and webinars:

Daily Mon-Fri @ 12 noon and 3pm CST (760) 569-7676 pin: 631596#
Nightly @ 8pm CST (760) 569-7676 pin: 257841#

Midnight Madness Call and Webinar @
w/Conference Call ( Simultaneous) @ (218) 339-2409 pin: 6544789  ****Eastern Time Zone****

Maximize Your Morning Wake Up Call 7am CST
Phone Number: (713) 300-0182
Pin Code: 300348#

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Self Assessment for Success


  Well it's a new year and you still have not started your new business. Don't worry you are not alone, there are many people considering the idea but don't feel as though they are up for the challenge. However, I want to reassure you that there is no better time than the present, ask yourself an honest question, how do you know what will or will not be successful if you never try? Now, having said that, all you need to do is really think about what type of business you would like to own and operate. One of the best ways of doing this is finding out what types of services you can offer or think about the skills that you may posess, seriously what do you have a passion for? Are you great with people? If so perhaps you need to offer some type of service to people. Are you great at applying make-up, or are you always in the know when it comes to the latest fashion? If your answer is yes then you may want to consider some type of consulting business.


 All of these are just small suggestions,however the most important thing is that you decide to do something that you love and it produces the results that you desire. So,no more excuses, you are worth it and you can accomplish anything that you set your sights on.

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How Not To Put Your Foot In Your Mouth

Conversation Etiquette 101

In today’s competitive business world it takes more than expensive clothes and a pleasant personality to be successful; it is also how you present yourself.

Make a wrong remark during a conversation and you could ruin your business and social position within certain social circles.

Ever wonder why you were not invited to an event?

Your conversation etiquette in meeting and social setting, especially those that include important business partners or high profile personalities, could determine if you are invited back or banned from future events.

8 Topics That Will Kill a Conversation: What not to say during a conversation.

One of the best rules in conversation is, never to say a thing which any of the company can reasonably wish had been left unsaid.”  Jonathan Swift

  1. Politics-Talking about politics is always a touch subject.  Some people are very passionate about their political views.  If you don’t agree with something that has been said, just acknowledge what has been shared by nodding .
  2. Health-People really do not what to hear about your latest surgery.  Sharing too much bad news can bring the conversation down.
  3. The cost of things-Ever been around someone and all the talked about was how much they paid for their car, house.  Don’t ask and don’t tell.
  4. Personal question-Don’t ask questions such as “How much money do you make?” Or “When do you plan to have children.”
  5. Don’t gossip-When you gossip you destroy your creditability and trust with the group.
  6. Your boss/or job-You never know who knows whom. 
  7. Off-color jokes-I tried to justify this by saying, “If you are with close friends and you all share the same views; however, I cannot.  It is never acceptable to joke about another’s weight, religion, racial heritage, physical limitations, or make any remark that will hurt another person.
  8. Doom and gloom-People hear enough bad news, all one has to do is turn on the TV.  If you want to draw people to you, be happy and optimistic.

So, what can you do to avoid putting your foot in your mouth?

Learn the art of small talk.

   Definition of small talk:  n. polite conversation about matter of little Importance, especially between people who do not know each other well. Encarta World Dictionary.

Small talk is not profound or deep conversation.  Small talk is casual conversation.
Practice these tips to improve your small talk ability:

  • Be well informed-Read the news paper, Keep up with current events, locally, nationally, and internationally. Watch interesting documentaries on TV.
  • Don’t interrupt-Interrupting a person’s conversation is very rude.  People could see you as being argumentative.
  • Focus on the other person-Use the others persons name during the convection.  Pay attention to what they say, the other person will say something you can comment on.  They may share their love for a certain sport, or a movie or book they’ve read. 
  • Maintain eye contact-Eye contact shows you are interested in what the other person is saying.
  • Ask for their advice-Keep the topic light.  You may ask their advice or opinion on a new restaurant, or play.
  • Don’t give advice-Give advice only if the other person asks.  It is best to hold off giving advice on personal matters, even if asked.
  • Think before you speak-There have been more times than I care to admit, when I should have not said one word. 
  • Always apologize if you say the wrong thing, or even is what you have said is misinterpreted.  People will respect you more.

Grace and Charm Insight:  Always close a conversation before walking away form the other person.   You can say, “It was a pleasure speaking with you, and I hope we meet again.”

Are you ready to up level your career or business?  Now you can gain the insight, learn tips and strategies that will help you STAND UP AND STAND OUT!  Let me help you.  Click here

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Offline gatherings are great for online businesses. You get to meet people who you only know through the screen of your computer. If you’ve never attended a live event, the one thing that can be said is to make sure that you get that experience. It can change your life.
There are many reasons to attend a live event. For one, curiosity often gets most people. They want to see what it is all about and how it can help their business. At these events, you are the focus. At your computer, it is the customer that you think about but here, you are given carte blanche to explore your future plans, chart a new course for your business and have fun doing both.
To get the most benefit out of your conference investment  it is important to have a plan:  what are your goals, what type of event it is, who is it you want to meet.  These are the kinds of questions you want to ask yourself before attending any conference or networking event.
The answer to these questions will determine the type of conference you attend, your focus and goals.

Four Reasons Why You Should Attend Live Events.

1.  Get out of your comfort zone. Many wouldn’t call this a plus, but how can your business grow doing the same thing over and over again? For one, you’ll get bored. If you are used to seeing people through their words, now you can put a name to a face and so can they. Stretch your business self with interesting people and thought-provoking seminars.

2.  Meet people with similar goals. It is refreshing to hold a conversation with someone who understands where you are coming from. If you are new to business, even the experts can remember back and give you practical advice on how to go from where you are to where they are and beyond.

3.  Begin a few joint ventures. Businesses partner with other businesses all the time. If you each have something that can benefit the other, it can be a match made in heaven or at least in cyberspace. But, you may not get the chance unless you attend a live event. When you get to see and hear their plans, you can make a confident decision that this person will be great to work with.

4.  Build your business. Oh, yeah, there is this one. There will be people from all walks of life with the same goal – improve their business standing. You will get business cards, photo opportunities, business materials and possibly drinks by the pool with others who are more than willing to talk with you about how to take your business to the next level.

Never been to a live event? Now you have four (of many) dynamite reasons that it needs to be on your “To Do” list.
If you don’t feel comfortable networking, my Grace and Charm Success Systemcan help you develop greater skills in this area.  When weighting the cost of a coach, keep in mind the right relationship can be worth million of dollars to you.I would like to invite you to claim your Free Instant access to Achieving Success With Grace and Charm Business Etiquette e-course, when you visit You will learn the ins and outs of using proper etiquette, so that you can boost your confidence, transform your life and accelerate your success.”

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  • You will feel more comfortable because you know how to behave in different situations.
  • You will be surrounded by people who enjoy your company because you are confident and poised.
  • You will get along with other people easier and it will help your to draw people to you.
  • Be it business or personal, it will help you in the initial establishment of any sort of relationship.
  • You can set yourself apart from the competition. It will open up plethora of good career prospects and job opportunities and increasing your clientele. Better, higher paying clients will be the result.
  • You will be more professional and confident by keeping the company operating at peek capacity.
  • Your might be able to get promoted faster and earn more money.
  • It will teach you how you can avoid international, social or professional faux pas.
  • You will lean essential human to human connection skills and behavior-attributes that will lead to success for associations as well as groups.
  • It promotes respect, civility and teamwork to keep dedication and high morale,
  • Last, but not least, it might allow you to find the right person to get married quicker.

What differentiates you from the thousands of coach, speakers, consultants, MLM and authors that all make the same promises?
You have to think of yourself and "brand yourself" as a celebrity within your own right. Celebrities don't enter the spotlight by accident and neither should you.

What if you could

  • Learn the skills necessary to reinforce your brand
  • Connect with your ideal client in 90 sec or less.
  • Become more charming, memorable and persuasive.
  • Learn the universal rules of effective networking and the types of people who can be helpful to you professionally.
  • Learn the attributes of great networkers and how you can attain them.
  • Instantly establish instant trust and credibility

Watch for my upcoming FREE webinar, Bridging the Gap:  The 5 Essential Skills That Accelerate Your Success. 
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“Time is money.” That three word sentence sums up the life of the woman entrepreneur. When your staff consists of only you, you realize quickly that passing the buck isn’t an option. Instead, you must quickly learn to sort through the multitude of tasks facing you each day and narrow down to only the key revenue- generating activities, while letting the majority of the “noise” fade away.

It’s a fact that you and every other entrepreneur in existence have one thing in common – a 24 hour day. However, what you DO with those 24 hours can be the single difference between having a profitable business or having to take on a side job.

I’m going to give you an opportunity to discover  several ways you can increase your productivity by narrowing down and focusing on the tasks that are going to move you towards your biggest money goals. You’ll learn about prioritizing your daily tasks, grouping them for greater efficiency, and how to keep on top of all the various projects you have going, so you don’t drop any critical elements.

Though you may already feel pressed for time (and the thought of attending a call seems like just another of countless things to do), I encourage you to take a break from your crazy schedule, sit down and secure your place for this call. The time you invest will be paid back in greater efficiency – and therefore profit.

Join me for my no cost call!

Tap into irrefutable productivity secrets and cure patterns of
disempowering habits so you can realize a juicy manifestation of more
time and more money.

Go to
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10744059888?profile=originalIt is a 'Grace and Charm' Monday. Would You Like to Polish Your Image to Get More Prospects, More Clients, and More Cash Flow?
I’ve spent the entire weekend planning and strategizing. Watch for my upcoming webinar Bridging the Gap: The 5 Essential Skills That Accelerate Your Success. I’m going to show you how to position yourself in the market place, create your presence in the market place, so you will have power and influence in the marketplace!

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Using EFT for Money, Abundance and Success

10744059875?profile=originalClick here for a great article on Using EFT for Money, Abundance and Success. This article encourages us to come out of our comfort zones, and eliminate limiting thoughts, attitudes and beliefs. 


The Tapping World Summit contains 20 free presentations to help you use EFT in every area of your life.  It starts Monday.  Click here to book your place now


Click here for more information.


Here's to your success! 

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This Can Really Change Your Life

10744059875?profile=originalI have been a fan of EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) for many years.  I wrote about it in Success Strategies for Black People


EFT can help us to transform health issues, money and financial issues, jobs and employment, and every area of our lives.


Click here for my next free workshops in London.


For more about  EFT, check out my articles:

Achieving Fabulous Success - download free EFT ebooks and audios here.
You Are Magnificent - more about how EFT can help you, and other ways you can manifest your dreams. 


Click here to book your free place for the Tapping World Summit online event. 


Click here to read more about it


Here's to your success! 

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How do you plan out your day, week, month for the most productive outcome?

Women’s Empowerment incorporates various components that when successfully integrated will yield a greater return on your endeavors.

As a woman you have many demands on your time, however, if you add that of being a woman entrepreneur it can be a very frustrating task to leverage your time. It may seem that the more you try to balance out your day the less time you end up with.

Do you feel like your day is spent in “firefighter” mode – putting out one emergency blaze after another?

You can easily spend eight hours or more at the beck and call of the urgent activities on your list: The phone call that comes right when you’re sitting down to do some much-needed strategic planning, the unexpected invitation to contribute to a blog round-up, the desperate plea for a last-minute speaker on an industry teleconference. While these all might be worthy tasks, they’re not necessarily related
to your high-level goals. And as a result, the time you’ve set aside for your important activities can be usurped by the tyranny of the urgent.

It is very tempting to check emails all day every hour or answer your phone overtime it rings.

If you want to manifest your EMPIRE by moving toward the next levels quickly you must have a system for focusing on important tasks instead of the urgent ones.

Here are five tips for prioritizing

1. Set expectations. I’ve had mixed feedback on this one. I’ve developed a system and enforce it so that I can remain healthy and sane. When doing this one you must get over what people think of you and commit to what you’ve set as an action to support your empowering success. You train people how to treat you and what to expect from you. If you always respond to their emails immediately, they’ll grow to expect immediate answers. Slowly wean them from expecting you to be on-call, 24/7.

2. Create No distraction zones. Although you may be tempted to shut down your phone, email and other interruptions for 8 – 10 hours, it’s actually not practical to turn off your phone ringer for 8 hours straight, or to check your email only once a day. But you can set up zones where you limit outside interruptions. Start with a no email time first thing in the morning. Institute a quiet time first thing in the morning for one hour.

Get to the cash producing activities before you check email. Once you’ve adjusted to this you can add another quiet zone, maybe in the afternoon right before you quit working. This way you can close your day and have a fresh empowering start the next day.

3.Know what “important” is. No more 10 item to do lists. You have to have your high-level goals in front of you, literally and figuratively. You must know what you’re trying to accomplish this month, this week, today, so you can filter your activities accordingly.

4. Create systems to support your new habits. This one tip has done wonders for some of my clients that I’ve shared it with. Email in-box filters that shuffle non-critical newsletters and group emails to another filter for later reading will help keep you from getting sidetracked. Removing all non-essential programs and icons from your computer desktop (and from your physical desktop, too!) can keep you focused. Figure out where you’re getting derailed and create some boundaries to keep you on task.

You can realize productive days instead of just busy, overwhelming, pull your hair out days, however, as I always say don’t just learn new skills and systems, take targeted action and implement.

I’ll share this and more in more detail during The Empowerment Diva’s Fit and Fabulous Coaching Program/Club.

Here’s to a healthy you and a thriving business!

Robin aka The Empowerment Diva
The Authentic Life and Biz Empowerment
Mentor,Coach,Trainer and Public speaker
to savvy women, New,Aspiring and Enterprising woman entrepreneurs across the world.

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How Important are Autoresponders to Internet Marketing?

What is an autoresponder?

An autoresponder is a computer program that automatically answers e-mail sent to it.
They can be very simple or quite complex.
Wikipedia dictionary

Think about when you sign up for a Teleseminar or free offer, you enter your
name and address or other requested information. Most times you can expect an
automatic email with either a confirm link for double opt in or a welcome.
This would be very tedious if you had to do it manually.

Internet Marketing and autoresponders essentially
go hand-in-hand. You simply cannot be effective or as productive with your
internet marketing without an autoresponder.

Autoresponders are used to achieve many of the marketing tasks
that are essential to a successful business that utilizes online

Internet marketing can be very time consuming.
Whether you do affiliate marketing or market your own products, an autoresponder is a big part of your
marketing arsenal. Autoresponders are used to keep in contact with your past customers, and to develop
a relationship with potential customers.

Another great use of an autoresponder is to deliver communication to your opt-in customer
list if you have one. It can be very effective in delivering ecourses, to send reminders and even help
build an opt-in list.

There are many creative ways you can use your autoresponder to make more sales and to build customer relations.

Any successful marketer will tell you that there are two tools that are vital to any type of online
marketing an opt-in list and an autoresponder. In fact, most marketers will agree that you could take
away all of their other marketing tools, but they would fight to the death to keep the list and the

So don’t shy away from the autoresponder simply because you don’t understand how to use it. This is one
thing that is worth learning. If you can, outsource the set up of your autoresponder to get you started
with your listbuilding strategy. Just do whatever you need to do to take advantage of this resource.

I invite you to connect with me if you need support in setting up your autoresponder. I can suggest a
great *autoresponder, go to and you’ll get a free trial when you use
this link. Send an email to and we can get you set up with a Coaching A la Carte
strategy session
to get you started on utilizing an autoresponder.

How important are Autoresponders to Internet Marketing? Very important.

*I am an affiliate of the suggested Autoresponder, however, I don’t suggest anything that I don’t back up
100%. If you do connect I may receive a small commission.


Robin Tramble is The Authentic Life and Biz Empowerment Mentor,Coach,Trainer and Public speaker

to Savvy Women, New,Aspiring and Enterprising Women Entrepreneurs



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Our Panel of Experts

Happy New Year, everyone! 

We had an impressive panel of experts on What U Need to Know on Saturday.  Click here to listen to the recording of the show

Click here for more details

If you have questions about money, career, relationships, or life in general, let me know as one or more of our experts is sure to be able to help,

Wishing you all the best for 2011.  May you achieve your unlimited possibilities.



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Preparing for a Successful 2011!

2011 is right around the corner, and if you haven’t already, it’s time to start planning! Here are a few tips that may help:

  1. Write down your goals. Think about each area of your life (financial, spiritual, career, health, etc.), and write down a few goals for each one. Just be sure you don’t have too many because that may cause you to feel overwhelmed and decide to give up. Also, be very specific about your goal. So, for instance, if your goal is to lose weight, don’t just write I want to lose weight. Instead, write I want to lose 15 pounds by July.
  2. Create an action plan to achieve your goals. Once you’ve written them down, you need to come up with a plan to achieve your goals. Using the above example, if you want to lose weight, ask yourself: What am I going to do to get to my ideal weight? Your plan could be to throw out all the junk food in your house, bring your lunch to work three days a week, and hire a personal trainer.
               If your goal is to start a business, your action plan could be write a business plan, create a website and marketing material, and work with a business coach.
  3. Create a vision board. So, you’ve figured out what you want to achieve next year. Now, it’s time to visualize your goals coming true. One way to do this is through a vision board. To make one, you’ll need a poster or cork board, tape, glue or tacks and magazines (or other photos). As you flip through magazines, cut out images and words that resonate with you and/or things related to your goals. Some things I use are pictures of women I admire (like Kimora Lee Simmons and Oprah), words like ‘success,’ ‘inspire’ and ‘fabulous,’ and photos of women doing things I want to do more of such as exercising.
  4. Affirm. After you’ve done the above, it’s a good idea to write some affirmations concerning your goals. Of course, at the beginning of the year, you feel super positive and optimistic, but sometimes, if things don’t go as planned or in the time frame you want, you may start to feel discouraged. This is where affirmations come in. So, if you start feeling discouraged (or you just need an extra push), read and/or write some affirmations. Some tips for writing them:

– Use present tense. Positive affirmations work better when stated this way. So, instead of saying, “My new business will be successful,” say, “My new business is successful.”
– Keep them positive. Instead of saying, “I don’t eat junk food anymore” (a negative affirmation), try “I eat healthier everyday,” or “I am motivated to eat healthier.” Affirmations work best when you actually feel yourself being joyful when saying them. Additionally, use words that have power.
– Make them short, and be as specific as possible. By keeping them short, your affirmations will be easier to say and to remember. And by being specific, you’ll get exactly what you want. So, if you want to make more money, affirm an exact amount, i.e., “I make $1500 through my business each month.”
– Repeat your affirmations often. Especially when you’re feeling down.
– Believe. Now, you don’t have to necessarily believe your affirmations initially, but as time goes on, you should definitely start believing what you’re saying sooner rather than later. The quicker you start believing you can have what you want, you will.

Do you have more tips to prepare for a successful new year? Share them below! : )

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10744057671?profile=originalWhat Love Has to Do With It!The Importance of Unconditional Love in A Relationship!By Kamal Imani © 2010My wife and I have been happily married for 15 years and together for 19. Much of our success can be attributed to a book we read entitled “Black Woman’s Black Man’s Guide to a Spiritual Union” by Ra Un Nefer Amen. In this book he speaks about the importance of unconditional love. He also highlighted how we have a script or sort of fantasy like picture in our minds of the perfect or ideal lover or mate and when that person doesn’t meet our expectations, we feel let down, disappointed, the drama begins and things begin to fall apart.When our partner fails to perform up to our Hollywood or conditioned standard financially, sexually, emotionally or otherwise, maybe they didn’t cook, clean, communicate or perform the way that we envisioned it, we allow dissatisfaction to set in.Have Realistic Expectations but High standardsWhen getting to know your significant other, you need to be real when it comes to acknowledging his/her strengths and weaknesses. You also need to realize that peoples long developed habits are slow to change. If you’re hoping that something he/she does will change simply because you have entered their life, you may be disappointed. Some changes can be made if it’s clearly communicated, understood and your partner makes a conscious effort to change, but be very patient because it will probably be a slow and gradual process. I’m not saying that you should lower your standards, but have you ever heard the term wysiwyg? It is an acronym for what you see is what you get. And, you know while you’re dating you’re getting a persons best side, and as the saying goes “You don’t know a person until you live with them”. So keep it real, but stay optimistic, patient and keep the faith. Always keep a spiritual vibration in your relationship.Unconditional LoveUnconditional love is giving of your self without expecting anything in return. It is being selfless! If you’re giving and taking is like a Wall Street financial transaction, sometimes you will rise, other times you will be in a recession, a depression and eventually a crash! So it is important for both partners to practice selfless giving with out making the other partner feel that he/she owes you something.When unexpected financial, medical and other emergencies arise, you will have to be flexible, calm and optimistic until the situation improves (because you will be tested). Always find a creative way to communicate, be understanding, stay affectionate, optimistic, patient and faithful…Did I say patient? Selfless giving/unconditional love is a high form of practical spirituality and it takes two to apply it. It indeed takes two to make a thing go right.Watch Kamal’s tribute to the sisters “Ms. Melanin” on Youtube Imani is a Poet, Author, Film Maker Teacher and Mentor residing in New Jersey. He can be reached at To book Kamal for speaking engagements email or call 201-923-9213
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 Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. ~ Maria Robinson

Do you find yourself wishing you could go back and start again or start a new beginning?

Of course there is such a thing as a fresh start or new beginning, however, you cannot literally go back in life and start a new beginning.

So what do you do?

You can spend your days murmuring and complaining about what you haven’t accomplished over your life or you can take an optimistic approach by taking inventory of what didn’t work and why? What did work and do more of it and of course discover new systems and strategies that you can implement..

Make the necessary mindset shifts. Many times having the wrong mindset can sabotage your endeavors towards empowering success.

Seek God’s wisdom. You can get as much knowledge as you want, however, you need wisdom to tell knowledge what to do.

Connect with an accountability partner such as a mentor or coach such as myself. My goal is to help you discover your authentic self, get unstuck and to empower you to make big changes and achieve results faster than you have before in your life and business!

As I always say “Empowerment is choice. Yours!”

Make the choice to start today, right here and right now laying the foundation to make a new ending.

This can be your best year ever!

Make endeavors to unleash the Fit and Fabulous you.

I invite you to join me for my no cost Tele-training “How to Unleash the Fit and Fabulous you so you can manifest as the unstoppable
irresistible woman you were meant to
be and live an Authentically Brilliant
Diamond life!!”

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Here’s to the new you… The Fit and Fabulous one!!

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