Self (72)


Stress inevitably will be part of the job search process. Here are tips to help you deal with stress.

Write down what seems to be causing the stress - Identify the "stressors," thenthin of possible ways to handle each one. Can some demands be altered, lessened, or postponed? Can you live with any of them just as they are? Are there some that you might be able to deal with more effectively?

Set Priorities - Deal with the most pressing needs or changes first. You cannot handle everything at once.

Establish a workable schedule - When you set a schedule for yourself, make sure it is one that can be achieved. As you perform your tasks, you will feel a sense of control and accomplishment.

Reduce stress - Learn relaxation techniques, or other stress-reduction techniques. This can be as simple as sitting in a chair, closing your eyes, taking a deep breath and breathing out slowly while imagining all the tension going out with your breath. There are a number of other methods, including listening to relaxation tapes, that may help you cope with stress more effectively.

Avoid isolation - Keep in touch with your friends, even former coworkers, if you can do that comfortably. Unemployed individuals often feel a sense of isolation and loneliness. See your friends, talk with them, socialize with them. You are the same person you were before unemployment. The same goes for activities that you have enjoyed in the past. Evaluate them. Which can you afford to continue? If you find that your old hobbies or activities can't be part of your new budget, perhaps you can substitute new activities that are less costly.

Join a support group. No matter how understanding or caring your family or friends might be, they may not be able to understand all that you're going through and you might be able to find help and understanding at a support group for job seekers.

These groups consist of people who are going through the same experiences and emotions you are. Many groups also share tips on job opportunities, as well as feedback on way to deal more effectively in the job search process. National Business Employment Weekly, available at major newsstands, list support groups throughout the country. Local churches, YMCAs, YWCAs, and libraries often list (or even host) support groups. For information about self-help groups in New Jersey, call The New Jersey Self-Help Group Clearinghouse at 1-800-367-6274. It's on the Internet at

Forty Plus is a national nonprofit organization with clubs around the country. It is an excellent source of information about issues concerning older employees and the job-search process. Both Philadelphia and Manhattan have chapters:

Philadelphia: 1218 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19107; online:
phone: (215)923-2074

New York: 470 Seventh Ave., Suite 403; New York, NY 10018;
phone: (212)947-4230

Clarence Coggins
Crown Prince of Web 2.0
Equal Access To Justice For All
Build Them All With One Link

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11 Steps to Staying Motivated

Step 1

If you're not working, get out of the house each day, even if it's just to take a walk or get some fresh air. Use this time to appreciate the natural beauty of your surroundings. Realize how blessed you are to see,
hear, feel, smell and taste. Don't forget to spend a few minutes each day
studying your Bible or other wise book.

Step 2

Focus on what you already have, evenif you don't have a lot of material or monetary things. Most of our blessings

come in the smallest of packages; they are the things we tend to take for

Step 3

Exercise to strengthen your mind and body. You'll look and feel like a million bucks, even if you don't have it.

Step 4

Surround yourself with positive, goal-driven people who want something out of life and are doing what is

necessary to get it. Don't waste time on those who are constantly complaining
about something or criticizing your dreams, ideas and plans for the future.

Step 5

Find something that you enjoy doing and are really good at. Turn it into an opportunity to make money and new

friends. Refer to those self-help/enrichment books for ideas and tips.

Step 6
Be persistent. If something doesn'twork the first time you try it, don't give up. Keep working at it and look for ways to improve your approach.

Step 7

Join a support group online or inyour local area. Listening to others in need can be therapeutic for you and

them. Inspire each other and don't judge.

Step 8

Learn to forgive those who hurt you in the past and let go of things you have no control over. This baggage will

overwhelm and consume you if it's allowed to fester. Be open to a new
relationship and KNOW that you are still quite a catch!

Step 9

If you're fortunate enough to be aparent, look into your angel's beautiful
eyes and smile. Give him or her a bear hug and kiss and listen to them coo. Do this at least 10 times a day if you can. Don't forget to

say I love you.

Step 10

Stay organized and focus on what needs to be done. Make a list of items that are to be addressed, devise a

detailed plan and stick to it. Before you know it, you'll start to work your
way through the maze.

Step 11

Reach out to someone else in need and offer a little of yourself. Volunteer at a local nursing home or become a

big brother or big sister to a neighborhood youngster, if time permits. You'll
find it very rewarding.

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I'm in love!

I am in love!

Yes - it's true - I am in love! I've meet this wonderful person. This person is kind, loving, knows me inside and out - my good points - and my not so good points - my past, my present - and knows where I want to be in my future.

This person just loves all of my diva self!

And this person's name is 'Ophelia'!

Yes, I'm in love with me! It is not a prima donna type of love - a love that is selfish or unkind - but a love of who I am - a love of who I was - a love for where I've come from - and a love of where I'm going.

My mother always use to say 'you can't love anyone else - unless you FIRST love yourself'.

I've always, had a good sense of self-esteem - not to much to annoy people (at least I hope not) - but enough to NOT feel like I was less than - because of my size, the colour of my skin - or whatever negative views people had of me - I've always felt that I was a Divine child and a beautiful person.

I was getting rid of some last bits and pieces from my marriage - and as I shredded some documents and photos - I realized that when I got married and during the marriage - I had lost a bit of myself - and had not allowed my light to shine to it's full brilliance with in the marriage.

Part of the reason, the marriage ended - was due to the fact - that I wanted to shine my light - and be my true authentic self - and felt the support was not there for me to do so....In shredding the stuff, I realized there was no hate - or love for my X - just indifference - a warm sense of peace - a feeling of joy for where I now am - an acceptance for that part of my life and the contribution it made to where I am today - and I realized - I was back!

Ophelia is back! I am in love with me! So never - ever - never let anyone - even yourslf - make you feel less than! Look out world here I come!

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OK ladies it's Valentine's day tomorrow and I know there are mixed emotions.
Included in this blog post on savvy women's tips I want to share some insight
on love and hopefully motivate you to look at your life in a different way.

Bravo!!!! To those of you who are already living this way.

The greatest love to we as Christians is Father God's love as He gave His
only son for us.

I'd like you to remember that, however, I'd also like to focus on you.
Yes, you. In the bible it says to love your neighbor as you love yourself,
however, all too many times that's the problem we don't love ourselves!!
Ladies until we can learn to love ourselves it doesn't matter one bit how
many brothas, fellas you have.

You will probably self sabotage every relationship because you are
counting on the man to fulfill you and "to make you happy!"

You must come to terms with how unique, how special how absolutely
incredible you are. You are a unique one of a kind gift from Father God.
He didn't make robots.

There is a song that was so-o-o-o very instrumental in my learning to
love myself and to feel good about myself. It was a song that Whitney
Houston sang very early in her career and some of the words said
"learning to love yourself is the greatest love of all."

You see when you love yourself you are less inclined to be intimidated
by those with more education, money, followers (smile) than you. A better
car, home, body than you might think that you have. You will be so confident
in who and whose you are that excuse me "none of it matters" enough to stop
or block you.

My gift to you is to challenge you to discover more about you.
Discover your core values, what makes you unique, what your purpose is.
And this savvy woman will help you live a delicious life with no apologies.

Of course I'm going to invite you to connect with me for additional
support on this new journey by either joining my
Breakthrough Mentoring and Coaching program here or attending my preview call and you'll need to register here
for that. We will definitely cover a self discovery component during Breakthrough.

Happy Valentines Day!!

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You Couldn't Make it

Yes! they said you couldn't make it this far. Your business will fail. You will be back. You will not win. The people who are near and dear to you are also included in this negative talk. The so called friends; the ones you ask to attend the meetings with you and all of a sudden they had a prior engagement. Have you heard these words before. Surely, you have and that is why you became so determined to prove them wrong. You were determine to have the last laugh; because you knew what GOD placed within you no one can take away.Applaud yourself for taking a bold step towards school and graduating. Applaud yourself for taking courageous steps towards starting your business. Applaud yourself for taking the powerful steps towards your career. You did it and if your reaping the rewards righ now so be it because it was determined in your mind long time ago that this day would come. So, bask in your glory for you have earned it through sweat and tears.How did you do it? How did you stand and be counted? What were your solutions to getting it done? Well! First and foremost you trusted God when everything and everyone around you seemed unforgiving. Knowing that God was on your side sooth every cell within your being. Secondly, you knew you didn't want to be like the masses waiting for a handout. You had dreams that could not wait for someone else's approval, you had goals to reach therefore, you were determined to make it happen. Why, because a life unfulfilled is a life filled with coulda, shoulda, woulda's.So, you couldn't make it the way the others were making it, living from hand to mouth. You coudn't make it sitting in silence letting your desires burn into ashes. You coundn't make it throughout the day without accomplishing a thing, You couldn't make it without being of service to others. Why, because you are different; you are YOU!
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It's been a wonderful Summer and I can't express enoughmy gratitude for all of the support and words of affirmationthat I received over the course of the summer and this yearfor that matter.I've had this question asked by many women and it is simplyhow do I get started? Or how do I continue even when it seems like nothing's happening?I've been sharing about the army of empowered women that I'm building, are you ready to join the revolution?This Thursday, October 1 marks the beginning. I'm going to shareeverything I can to motivate and challenge each and everyone of you to take the leap of faith to begin living the life of abundance that Father God designed for you. We're just about in the last quarter of the year, however, this is not the time to retreat. Power up!Let's make Father God's dreams come true for you. Dreams alive is about His dreams for you being activated by your burning desire and re-dedication of your life to His purpose for you. In essence your dreams will ultimately manifest as you partner with God.Join me Thursday, October 1 at 1:30 PM PST 4:30 PM ESTThere will be a recorded audio replay for each registrant.Plus discover how you can write your own empowerment-successsong for your life and participate in my upcoming session fre.e .Go to:"It's never too late to redeem your dreams." ~ Sharon Williams
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As My Special Gift To Those Ning Sites and Their Members That Love and Support "SUCCESS DRIVEN DIVAS"

DOWNLOAD YOUR COPY OF One of My Favorite Ebook " 23 Simple Strategies to Immediately Begin Empowering Your Life Design Everyday" for Only $3.00
Change Your Mind and Shift Your Paradigm: Using Positive Self-Talk to Conquer Any GoalBy V. Ivana Foster, The Confidence ArchitectFounder and Owner of The North Star Life Empowerment Program, Platinum Level Coaching for Success Driven Divas.Do you feel like you are always talking yourself out of success? As soon as you start to set goals for yourself, do you suddenly have nagging thoughts about how you aren't up to the task or how you simply aren't qualified to carry it through?If you have ever experienced either situation, you need to change the way you respond to your inner dialogue. Instead of obeying your negative commands, you can use positive self-talk to counter the negativity and overcome nearly all anxious thoughts.Setting Goals and Sticking to Them with Positive Self-TalkAre you initially filled with excitement when you first set goals for yourself? Are these thoughts then followed by self-doubt and self-defeating thoughts that stop you in your tracks before you even get started?It can be difficult to make the most of your life when you are constantly talking yourself out of being a success. It can be frustrating and discouraging to have these thoughts constantly plaguing you. Many of us, in fact, don't even realize we have them! All we know is that we don't have the confidence to stick to our plans and reach our goals.But there's another way!Positive self-talk is an effective way to set goals and ensure that you stick to them, even if you have never been able to do this before. The way this works is that you decide what goal is important to you, and then you plan the logistics of how you are going to attain this goal. When self-doubt starts kicking in, you will respond with affirmations that prove your success without surrendering to the negative pressure. Since you're reading this article, it's clear that you're no quitter and you're certainly not a failure, so start believing in yourself!Re-Programming Your MindAffirmations are essentially positive statements that re-program your mind for the positive. The moment you have a self-defeating thought you'd be able to counter the negative with a motivating statement. An example of a positive affirmation is: "I am worthy of great success," or "I see myself in the winner's circle." What this does is replace negativity with thoughts that will help you move toward your goals instead of further away from them.Positive self-talk is easier to implement than you might think. You may not be aware of the severity of the negative dialogue currently within your mind. However, once you begin with positive self-talk, you will suddenly realize that you are self-sabotaging the goals you set for yourself from the minute that you make them. This process can open your eyes to exactly how much this inner conversation has been interfering with your life. You'll feel hopeful that you can now set goals and surpass them.Through positive self-talk you will be able easily set long and short-term goals for yourself. And when you use affirmations, you'll have accessible tools to help you push yourself further than ever before. Learning to quiet negativity with positive thoughts is a great move toward setting and attaining future goals with ease.As Always,

Love YOUR LIFE. Achieve YOUR GOALS. Love YOUR DREAMS...on THIS DAY!P.S.Remember to Grab Your Special Gift Today

DOWNLOAD YOUR COPY of "23 Simple Strategies to Immediately Begin Empowering Your Life Design Everyday" For Only $3.00 Today.

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Let’s clear up a source of a lot of confusion for authors new to the publishing industry: What is a “publisher” versus a “publishing services company”?An author is the one who comes up with the intellectual property in manuscript form. The publisher is the one who adds the money and expertise to leverage the intellectual property into a successful book by providing a great title, cover, interior, setting the price and then cost-effectively printing the book and getting distribution for it into the bookstore market.By this definition, so many of the entities calling themselves “publishers” are instead, “publishing services” or “author services” companies.Here is the bottom line: IF A COMPANY ASKS YOU TO PAY FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF PUBLISHING YOUR BOOK, IT IS NOT A PUBLISHER. Publishers make investments. If the author is both making the investment and bringing in the intellectual property, then that is not a publishing deal. What you are doing is buying publishing services.There is nothing wrong with that if you know what you are paying for and what you are getting. I hear so many people tell me what their “publisher” said, only to find out they aren’t working with a publisher at all.If you are thinking of doing business with a publishing services company, (sometimes called a POD publisher) – a company that calls itself a publisher but charges you a fee up front – make sure they are right for you.You have a right to know what to expect, so you need to have a contract to document the agreement. The services provider should provide you with the contract and you would expect to see provisions regarding who does what, what the flow of money is, in and out, termination provisions, and what liability each party is assuming.But beyond the standard, there are some provisions that are especially important in publishing services contracts. We’ve developed a eight-point checklist of these essential points. If they can say “yes” to each of these, then you’ve found a great company to work with. If there are any “no” answers, please think twice!1. Author retains all intellectual property rights – if you have to pay up front, there is absolutely no reason you should be selling your rights to your intellectual property in the bargain. You are licensing your rights to print, perhaps exclusively, for only a designated period of time.2. Author benefits from book profits (isn’t just paid royalties or a commission) – again, if you have to pay the full cost of producing the book up front, the publishing services firm might get a percentage of what you sell, but you should retain the lion’s share. If they only want a percentage from the books they are able to sell, that would be a reasonable exchange. If they are able to generate bookstore orders (unlikely, but not impossible), then they should take a percentage from those sales. Otherwise, the profits from the book sales, minus the costs to print, should be yours.3. Author has the right to terminate the publishing services contract, preferably in 30 days, but no more than 60 days - if you get a great offer from an established commercial publisher, you will be kicking yourself if you can’t take it because you are stuck with a bad contract you can’t get out of.4. Timeline the author can live with - many publishing services companies do not specify how quickly they will publish your book. There is no reason they cannot create the cover and interior and have the book printed within 90 days of when they receive the manuscript. Anything much outside of that time frame is unacceptable and you should only sign a contract that gives you a full refund if they do not have books in your hands within 90 days, unless you specifically agree otherwise for some reason.5. Professional quality cover, interior and printing – I have seen way too many books with completely unprofessional covers and a book binding that is falling apart. A professionally-designed cover is easy to spot a mile away and if you aren’t sure of what you are getting, call in a professional to take a look for you. Many of the publishing services firms outsource their printing to (just another reason for you to go direct), but if they do, at least you can be sure that the quality of the printing and binding will be good.6. Author is given cover and interior design files if contract is terminated - if you have had to pay to have your book cover designed and the interior typeset, then you want the right to get the design files back (not just a PDF) if you terminate the contract. Most POD publishers do not allow this as a way to keep you tied to them.7. Reasonable prices for books – if part of your contract is for the publishing services firm to print your books on-demand, then you want no more than a 25% mark-up to cover their administrative costs than if you took your book to your own printer. The on-demand printer you would be smart to use is (for more reasons than I can detail here). The formula Lightning Source uses to determine the price of printing a book is $.90 x .015 x the number of pages in the book. So for instance, if your book were 183 page, the price per book would be 183 x $.015 = $2.75 + $.90, which equals $3.65 per book. Again, using this example, if the price quoted to you by the POD publisher were more than $4.56 per book, you are paying too much.Too many publishing services companies charge a percentage of retail for you to buy your own book; for instance, 50% of a $20 book, or $10 a book. This is how established commercial publishers work, but they do it because you haven’t paid for publishing up front – that is a whole different story. Don’t ever sign a contract that requires you buy a minimum number of books. Regardless of what the POD publisher tells you, they are printing on demand, which means they don’t have to buy a certain quantity from their printer, so you should not have to either.8. Reasonable prices for other services – many of the publishing services companies want you to buy marketing or other services and they will offer you a menu that you feel like you need to be successful. Much better to interview qualified professionals and choose your own after talking to other authors and others in the industry. Don’t sign a contract that requires you to buy any additional services.The bottom line is this: You can easily self publish without a POD publisher, but if you decide you want someone to handle all the details, be sure you get what you are paying for. There are hundreds, if not thousands of POD publishers so you have plenty to choose from. As in all other things, make sure and read the contract and get the terms that work for you and your book.Article written by Jan King. The Publishing Store
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You might be wondering what group coaching is and I'm happyto share a little with you.Life Coaching helps you get where you want to go. Many people findthemselves stuck unable to move forward. Coaches hold you accountableand responsible for taking steps while cheering you on.With group coaching you tap into the collective genius of others.Partner up with a coach and a group of individuals to co-create the GroupCoaching Conversation. Group Coaching combines the power of thecoaching conversation with the gift of group support to create life youwant and to live life intentionally.A synergy of energy,commitment,and excitement is created by what theparticipants bring to the group. One of the many bonuses to Group Coaching isthat the participants raise the standards by challenging each other tocreae and implement targets/dreams/goals.Not only will you gain tremendous insights, which can improve yourbusiness,personal and spiritual lives. Group Coaching is highly effectiveand an efficient use of time. You call from the convenience of your homeor office or any location. There is no need to drive anywhere,dress upor hire babysitters.Group coaching is another way to receive double the coaching at half the cost!Take this opportunity to learn more about my brand new program"Dream launch Mentoring and Coaching program."Click here to get started by listening to the preview call.Or... you can jump in now and secure your space while they're still available for mytransformational Dream Launch Mentoring and coaching program.. If you're tired of the same ol' same ol' are ready to take action and connectwith an accountability measure and realize the power of connecting with like-minded womenfor synergy energy don't wait Get started here"It's never too late to redeem your dreams." ~ Sharon WilliamsDon't let your fears sabotage your dreams.Here's to you.... An Extraordinary Woman leading an Extraordinary life!Here's to you.... An Extraordinary Woman leading an Extraordinary life!
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The Healthy Woman: Inside and Out

Love is a very vital source of our life. But as women, we are nurturers. We take care of everyone but ourselves. Those few times we dare to do something for ourselves; guilt sets in. We think we're being selfish. We even give ourselves excuses, as though we don't deserve to be pampered and cared for. Not all of us fit into this category some of us have learned the value of looking out for number one first. If you consistently take time for GO GIRL! but if you don't read on.Excerpt from Chapter 3 of The Healthy Woman: Inside and OutVisit:
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The Healthy Woman: Inside and Out

Becoming the healthy woman inside and out is a process. So where do you start? I believe that as women we should ground ourselves spiritually. When I think about the trials and tribulations that I have been through, I know the one that that kept me going was the Word. So right now, I want to tell you to WORD UP! The word will help you deal with any and all situations."I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." (Phil. 4:13) Yes, you can. Believing and trusting that Christ is your energy source can cause a wonderful transformation in your life. Fear will be eliminated, doubt will disappear, discouragement will no longer exist and loneliness will not be a state of mind.Excerpts from Chapter 1 of "The Healthy Woman: Inside and Out"The book is now on sale for 1/2 price. Visit:
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The Healthy Woman: Inside and Out

My mother and father would say, “What goes on in the house stays in the house.” Maybe your parents told you the same thing. So therefore, we grow up and become stingy. We don’t want to share. We say things like, “I don’t want anyone to know my business.” What business? Your business is somebody business because somebody has gone through you have been through. I recall having a conversation with a friend who said “Women should never go buy a car or furniture without a man.” Now for me that was some illogical thinking. With those beliefs and others we begin to lose sight of what is inside speaking to us and learn to listen to those individuals who believe they know what’s right for us. Let’s put them away forever and begin to listen to that inner spirit, that God spirit that says, “Whatever we want, need, or desire can be obtained.” Why? Because our Daddy, (yes, I like to call him Daddy) said so.The Bible talks about having FAITH as a small as a mustard seed and being able to say to a mountain move and it shall be moved. (Mat. 17:20). That’s some strong Faith. Well, I am here to tell you mothers, daughters, and sisterfriends, inside of you lives that same kind of faith. The minute you bring it to the surface, change will take place.Change takes place when you get sick and tired of being sick and tired. It takes place when you get tired of doing the same thing day in and day out. It takes place when you get tired of those temporary fixes. It takes place when your emotional bank balance becomes overdrawn. It takes place when you have grounded yourself spiritually and began having FAITH. Faith knows that whatever you ask for it shall be given to you. That’s called unshakeable, without doubts faith. This kind of faith happens to The Healthy Woman: Inside and Out.for more:
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Time and time again, you hear people saying that "money is the root of all evil." Time and time again you hear people saying that "money isn't everything."Well I say if money is the root of all evil, and if money isn't everything, then what will make you happy?Most people complain that they:* are tired of not having anything* have no money* cannot afford a new car* cannot afford to send their child(ren) to private school* have no time to spend with their family* cannot afford to go on a vacation* cannot afford a home* cannot go to see the doctor, dentist plastic surgeon* cannot help others that need helpSo then I say, money is not the root of all evil, "people" are the root of all evil. It's what people do once they make the money. Also, if money isn't everything, then are you living in the area and house you want or in the one you can barely afford? Do you wake up in the morning when you are done sleeping or when the buzzer goes off,? (time to get to the plantation). Do you go window shopping at the stores you love or the local shops with the 90% off sign on the window? Do you have a private family doctor or do you go to the one your bank account says you can go to? Do you purchase good food or the one's that injected with all kinds of "junk?"Could you, at anytime you wanted to, get up and go to any vacation spot you dream of? Or is the plantation boss waiting on you bright and early tomorrow morning? What seems to me is that people with their greed and false ambitions want to always please and show off to others and are not willing to put forth some effort to make a better life for themselves. I think deep down they don't really see themselves as worthy enough to attain wealth. Like that is something other people get.I will tell you this financial freedom, if handled the right way brings you:* more time with the ones you love* help others (oh what a wonderful feeling it is to help others)* any vacation you want to go to* to live in the nicer parts of the country* choices to pick and choose the house, car, school, doctors, hair stylist, diets and stress free life anyone could wantI don't know one good reason why anyone would want to be a job slave all their lives. It sickens me to my stomach when I hear people saying that their job this, their job that. Just like stardom is not for everyone, just like happiness is not for everyone, just like not everyone has drive, ambition and passion, well not everyone is cut out to be self driven and ultimately successful (with their own business)."Money doesn't bring happiness, not at all, but it takes you on the road to it." I want the nicer things in life, because I deserve it. Not because I am a mom, a woman, sister, wife, friend, but because I work hard to achieve my goals. So I keep on moving on....
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Women are searching for relief from overwhelm, fear and reliable resources to assist in the realization of empowerment “Spirit, soul and body.” Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva Provides Mentoring, Coaching, Expert Education,and Advice Through networks, her websites and Free Tele-seminar Series.Elk Grove, CA June 3, 2009 – Women are becoming overwhelmed as a result of the economic downturn. Some are becoming sole earners in their homes as husbands are in transition from either being laid off or other reasons that have led to their current unemployment. Although it has been stated that we may see relief from the recession this year, women are still needing and wanting programs and systems that will assist them in their endeavor to live their best empowered life, allowing them to thrive in the midst of any financial crisis, according to Robin Tramble, founder/owner of Robin Tramble International.“I've heard it from women across the world, in my neighborhood, online and offline.... a sound of fear, confusion, discouragement and possible defeat. You can choose to survive or take action and thrive in 2009! Empowerment is a choice and women must become decisive action taking women if they're going to manifest their best empowered life.” Having experienced some of the same things and now living a life of empowerment through learned systems and experience I can passionately share strategies and keys to get unstuck, overcome overwhelm, fear and how to stay focused in crisis. I have also been rewarded with witnessing the impact it has had on raising 4 children who are now all successful in their own rights including my youngest daughter graduating with her BA and immediately following her graduation travelling to France for the Cannes Films program.”The Empowerment Diva mentors,trains and coaches savvy entrepreneurial women ( and thoseaspiring to be) as they strive to realize their personal, spiritual and professional goals. Robin offers weekly ezines, a community/network where members can participate in forums, blogging and networking. Robin Tramble The Empowerment Diva is currently hosting her free “DynamicWomen of Faith Telesummit” , an online mega-event providing keys and strategies for exponential growth and maximized empowerment.13+ Christian women entrepreneurs will share insights on staying fired up in the home, Kingdomand the marketplace. They will cover areas such as internet marketing, social media, communications, blogging, pr/ministry marketing, staying fired up in the midst of chronic illness, health and fitness, personal and spiritual growth including Image development.“The Dynamic Women of Faith Telesummit is an excellent resource for women who desire to have a business and/or ministry but are confused by all of the information out there. They will learn from successful Christian women who share their same values and principles where it concerns the Kingdom life,your home life and the marketplace.It’s the place to be for breakthrough results and to experience the power of like-minded women from across the world in one place striving for their best empowered life”“The Dynamic Women of Faith Telesummit “ runs from June 23 through July 23 with one to three speakers weekly. To register for a complimentary pass to the entire event, go to: .For more information visit:http://www.robintramble.comAbout Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva The Empowerment Diva is a definitive resource for savvy entrepreneurial women. The Empowerment Diva passionately empowers women to live their best empower life via a vast array of empowering resources for the express purpose of assisting them as they strive to realize their dreams and desires.Robin Tramble is qualified to mentor women in their life empowerment journey through her experience in the work force, working at home and personal experiences. Robin Tramble is also an author and recoding artist and plans to creatively combine her music into another empowering resource for women.Connect with Robin Tramble (EmpowermentDiva) and realize your best empowered life today!
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You are better than that.

Did you know that you are a wonderful work of art, created by God? Did you know that all His works are excellent? Know that you are special, blessed and loved. God created us “fearfully and wonderfully…” His word tells us so. And do you know what that means? That means that you are good enough just the way you are. That’s not to say that we should become complacent and not strive to become the best person we can be. In order to give our best we must be our best. It’s that simple.We are children of the most high, our daddy owns everything. He is King of Kings. We can have, be and do anything that we desire. He told us so. Jesus said that He came so that we may have life and have it more abundantly. Optimal health and wealth, prosperity; it’s all ours for the asking and for the taking. Just sayYes! Say Yes to God, He will lead you, He will guide you. He will put joy back in your heart, love back in your soul. Deliver you from sadness, depression, low self esteem; you can have that great life.He is calling us higher and wants us to do a good work. And we can. As mothers, we sometimes place ourselves on the back burner. We stop dreaming, we sometimes stop living with passion and drive, we stop being the women that God wants us to be. We place all our energy on our families, and none on ourselves. We give them our best, or so we think, and don’t give ourselves the best. We can’t afford to do that any longer. Our children and our families need us to dream, to live on purpose. They need us to be healthy, wealthy and wise. If we are denying ourselves the simple necessities, then we aren’t healthy.After having my children I completely took myself out of the picture. I stopped living my life. I lost myself. I became sad, and depressed. I stopped caring for myself. I didn’t do my hair, I stopped exercising and eating healthy, as a result I gained about 50 lbs. My business was suffering to the point where I had no clients anymore. Now I was even more depressed and my self esteem hit rock bottom. I hit rock bottom.Everyone noticed it, I noticed it, but I didn’t do anything about it until I took a hard look at my children and their innocent faces. My son, who will be 4 in a week, he would notice the sadness on my face and he would often asks me “Mommy are you ok? It’s going to be alright.” That broke my heart. I didn’t want him or my 2 year old daughter to take on the burden of feeling that they had to take care of mommy. I saw how selfish I was being by not giving them the best mommy they deserved. I am my daughter’s example of what a woman is. I am the example of the type of woman my son will someday marry. I didn’t like the woman I was and had become. Drastic measure needed to be done. I was not being the type of woman that God created me to be. I am fearfully and wonderfully made, what is wrong with me? That’s when my transformation back to life began.As women we have strength, we have power, everything we need is within each and every one of us. We don’t have to beat ourselves up any more. We are ok. The sooner we start believing that this is true, the quicker we can start enjoying our lives. It’s not selfish to love ourselves. It’s not selfish to put ourselves first. It is however to very selfish to not share the best of who we are to those who need us the most. Our children will benefit and thrive at having a mom that is balanced mentally, physically and spiritually. They’ll see and feel the difference in the way we talk and the way we walk. They’ll be happier and you’ll glow at the smiles that will be on their face when they see that you are living a joyful life. They in turn will live a joyful life. We’ll notice how each day will seem just a little bit brighter, in spite of what we may be going through.We are wonderful creations of God, we were made in His image. Let’s step forward and walk in our excellence everyday.I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14 NIVLove yourself. Live well. Be empowered.Daphne (CEO/Founder Eshe…)Your Sistah in Spirit!www.eshe.soulpurpose.net
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According the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease (primarily heart disease and stroke), cancer, and diabetes are among the most common, costly, and preventable of all health problems. They are considered preventable because they are tied to our lifestyle choices. Choices that we have the power to control.Each waking day our lives are filled with messages that cause us to think about and encourage us to live healthier. We see them on T.V., hear them on the radio, read them in the newspaper or our favorite magazines – they even pop up while we’re surfing the Internet. And there’s a reason why these messages are so prevalent. It’s because our neighborhoods, our communities, our cities, our states and our nation are saturated with disease and illness that have our healthcare system in a financial bind.The CDC states that the medical care costs of people with chronic diseases account for more than 75% of the nation’s $2 trillion medical care costs. The bottom is, we all have the power of choice and it’s our responsibility to implement it not only for ourselves, but for those in our lives, to include the neighborhoods, communities, states and nation that our unhealthy lifestyles will impact.So, how are you going to respond to these messages? You see them. You hear them. They’re everywhere. Hopefully, you’ll respond by implementing change in your life. For months during President Obama’s campaign trail, we heard a message that resonated throughout this country. ‘Yes we can!’ It was a statement of possibility, a statement of hope, a statement that caused us all to believe. Well, that statement doesn’t have to end with President Obama’s campaign trail. You can make it your own by saying ‘Yes I can!’ You can even add to it and say, ‘Yes, I can change and make better choices!’Our leaders are working on legislation to help families make ends meet, as well as to address not only our economy and other issues, but our healthcare crisis. With all of the changes that are underway, though, it’s critical that we do our part. And we can start with our health and fitness.Just think about the following comment I recently heard from a lady. ‘I never made the connection of my lifestyle habits and the healthcare crisis until recently. Now, I think about my father who recently had a massive heart attack that costs somebody – Medicare, insurance company, etc. – over $150,000. I think about the costs associated with my debilitating arthritis which primarily stems from my excess body weight. I think about my cousin’s stroke that caused paralysis on her left side. I think more and more about how our unhealthy lifestyle habits were contributing factors that led to our health predicaments.’Take the time to figure out how you’re going to respond to the messages you’re seeing and hearing. Yes, you can change!This health and fitness dialogue is provided for your consideration only. It is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care provider. Please consult your health care provider for advice about your specific health and fitness needs.Fitness coach Bridgette Collins is the author of Destined to Live Healthier and Imagine Living Healthier. For general health and fitness questions, please feel free to visit or email Coach Collins at
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Too busy to live?

Are you too busy to live?Every year Americans die from a lack of proper management andcare for our health . I know you don't have time to take a 20minute walk at least 2 times per week. It's too much to take time toplan my meals so that I don't consume too much food with empty calories,or overwork your heart with saturated fats.....sure we only live onceand must enjoy ourselves with over indulgence with desserts, fats,carbohydrates, sodas, fries, burgers, alcohol and...need I say more?Read the following study done by HHS' Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention (CDC)...........Mortality for several leading causes of death declined in 1999,according to preliminary figures from HHS' Centers for DiseaseControl and Prevention (CDC), released today by HHS SecretaryTommy G. ThompsonAt the same time, there were increases for other leading causes ofdeath, including septicemia (6.6 percent); hypertension (5 percent); chroniclower respiratory diseases (4 percent),and diabetes (3.3 percent). thing that I wanted to point out was where it was said that most of the other leading causesof deaths mentioned were preventable.Are we too busy to live?"Good health is literally a walk away," Secretary Thompsonsaid. "You don't have to work up a big sweat at the gym or becomea long-distance runner. Just 30 minutes of walking a day, five days a week, can significantlyimprove your health. Playing with your kids in thebackyard for an hour each day can help the whole family stayhealthy.", I don't know about you, but I'm not to busy too live."Don't bother me....I'm living!" That is my desirefor you that you will get busy living a super-charged empowered life of success "Spirit, soul and body."So what are you doing at least three timesper week for 20 - 30 minutes a day...... walking to good health...(or whatever form of exercise you choose)!Now I invite you to gain access to two free resources for stressed-lessliving and toboost in your self esteem and confidence to realized a new empowered you .To your best empowered life!Beloved I wish above all things that you would prosper and be in healtheven as your soul prospereth. 3 John 2
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At a time when the world is reeling from the worst financial collapse since the Great Depression, most people are experiencing an economic recession that will undoubtedly have an impact on their lives in 2009. Each day we hear about companies failing, industries needing government assistance, retailers struggling, increased joblessness, housing foreclosures, and more. Even more overwhelming and frustrating are our daily thoughts, feelings and activities that revolve around a busy schedule, a stalled business, a stressful job, a contract that ended unexpectedly or didn’t materialize, the rumors of job layoffs, an unfulfilled relationship, a pending divorce, the memories of an unresolved past, a medical condition, a mountain of bills, and so much more. All of which have the potential to stifle our desires and intentions to implement and/or sustain healthier lifestyle habits. So, how do you plan to address your desire to live healthier in the midst of a life full of hassles, demands, obligations, and uncertainty? Which lifestyle habits will you try to spend more time on? What will you decrease spending on to live healthier?As you began to sift through those thoughts and feelings about how your life has been and will be impacted by the state of the world and your personal circumstances, and those actions you intend to modify in 2009, don’t put off evaluating those related to healthier lifestyle habits. It’s no secret that when you have so many feelings, thoughts, interests, and activities vying your attention, the idea of exercising or eating healthier will inevitably and continuously be placed on the back burner. There is never time enough time in the day to exercise or prepare a home cooked meal, get a sufficient amount of sleep, drink the appropriate levels of water, or get that much needed annual physical examination. Are you one of those people?Now is the time for you to sit down at your kitchen table and focus on how you’re going to achieve the following three important tasks related to living healthier: (1) conduct a self-examination of those things that challenge you everyday, (2) develop a plan for how you’re going to align living healthier with your pursuits and challenges, and (3) implement your plan that will help to alleviate a continuum of poor lifestyle choices. The one thing you have to your advantage is the power of choice; taking responsibility for your actions and learning that your faith, determination, and perseverance are necessary for overcoming your challenges, rearranging your priorities, and embracing healthier lifestyle habits. One of the most important transactions you’ll make in 2009 will be to live healthier in the midst of it all.This health and fitness dialogue is provided for your consideration only. It is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care provider. Please consult your health care provider for advice about your specific health and fitness needs.Fitness coach Bridgette Collins is the author of Imagine Living Healthier and Destined to Live Healthier, two entertaining and inspiring books that uses fictional stories to illuminate familiar patterns and truths about common lifestyle habits. For more information about Bridgette L. Collins (Coach Collins) and her books, go to
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Live a life of Self-care

What is a Self Caring Lifestyle?Self Care is exactly what it sounds like. It is the caring for self. It's not being selfish. It's being aware of the fact that you can't give what you don't have. If you have no sense of self and how to love on self than how do you expect to give it to others. I had to learn this. I put all my time and effort into my children and my family that I took no time to just work on me. This made me stressed out, irritable and just not the joyful person that God wants and expects me to be. It carries over into every aspect of your life. It's a journey not to go back, but well worth it. When you are being your best then you can give your best. You're a better mother, a better mate, friend, sister; you are just a better person.Self care is about more than tending to the physical, which can be getting your hair or nails done.It's about more than grooming. Self care emcompases the Mind, Body, and Spirit. When you choose to take part in activities that nurture, renew and fortify all three of these elements of self, than you are not only practicing but living a Self Caring Lifestyle. Self Care takes care of the inside as well as the outside, it's a lifestyle not a hobby.We'll take a further look at what needs to be present and the steps we can take to begin our journey to a Self Care Lifestyle.Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 (NIV)Imagine Life...Be Empowered...Live on Purpose!DaphneYour Self-care Sistah / Lifestyle
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