Self (72)

Crash #11

Crash #11

DJs Unique Sounc Charities



Crash #11


Imagine your Highest Highs

The most spectacular events of your life

Imagine your Lowest Lows

The worst events of your life


Is it better if I had not ever experienced such Highs in my life?  Would it have been better if I had not ever had such high beliefs in someone?  Would it have been better if I had not ever had such high hopes for my future? Would it have been better if I had not ever put my total trust in someone?  Would it have been better if I did not believe in my fairytale marriage?  If I did not experience these things I would not know the blessings of each.  If I did not experience these things I would not have crashed so hard.

I was convinced that God had brought us together.  After all, we would not have ever met unless this was true.  Because of my beliefs, I put all my trust in my husband.  I had always held back my emotions; I had never let my heart out to anyone like I did now.  I remember telling my husband that this was my last chance to find love.  I am 15 years older than he and I convinced myself that if this did not work, I would not ever try again.  Having told myself that, I knew I had to give 1000% of myself, I couldn’t hold anything back, I had to trust and believe in him and our marriage.  I know marriage takes work and I was willing to do what I needed to do.  I knew I was finally going to be happy.  I remember acting like teenagers and it felt so good to be giddy and carefree.  I remember saying people were going to be jealous of our relationship. 

I worked so hard to make our home a place I was proud of.  This was a place where everyone was welcome and everyone could feel the love within the walls of our home.  We had so many plans and dreams and they all began in our home.  Now my house was boarded up.  I was afraid to be home alone.  The security of my home was gone.

There are three things that I had expected most out of our marriage.  I look back now and think maybe I expected too much.  Maybe, it wasn’t fair of me to expect what I did.  These things were important to me and I expressed these things to my husband even before we got married.

The first was that I was extremely lonely.  I hated to go to any family event because I always felt alone.  I was the one person just sitting there with no one to talk with.  I didn’t fit in.  I had to pretend like I was happy, when inside I felt very lonely at ever get together.  Now I would not ever be lonely again.  I looked forward to family events just so I could be with my husband and not be lonely. Now I am lonelier than I have ever been in my life.  It hurts more to be lonely when you are with someone than to be lonely when you are by yourself.

The second was to make sure my Dad knew he never had to worry about me again.  I have had such bad experiences in the past and I always felt like I put worry on my Dad.  I had a husband that promised to love and protect me.  I couldn’t wait for my Dad to meet him so he would know he didn’t ever have to worry about me again.  Now I have caused more worry and pain to my family because of the things that happened.  How can I ever make this up to my Dad?

The third was to have someone love me for who I am.  Someone that would love me no matter what and that I could love back with love unconditional. I had the kind of love that was so strong that my husband would dedicate his life to me and I to him. I was on my highest high and in love “Like the White Light”. I have the experience of love even if it were for only one weekend in St Louis.  I was blessed with that weekend. Now all I have is a memory. 

Everything else was taken from my heart.


The things that I lost cannot ever be replaced by anyone except the person that took them

I had everything I ever dreamed of and more

I believed and had hope for my future

All was taken away from me
I Crashed


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Betrayed #12

DJs Unique Sound Charities

Betrayed #12


Is it wrong to believe in a person

Is it wrong to think the best of the person

Is it wrong to love someone unconditionally


My husband came home and I was in 7th heaven.  I was so excited to begin my long awaited fairytale.  I knew in my heart that we would be okay and our dreams would come true.  We had worked so hard at understanding each other and at studying God’s word so we would live the right way.  The things he did after he came home from prison would destroy all the trust that we had built up while he was gone.  The promises he made, were nothing but words.

After about 2 months, he got mad about something and slapped my face.  I don’t remember what he got mad about; I just remember how shocked I was that he put his hands on me again.  As always, he was sorry and swore it wouldn’t happen again.  He never hit me again.

Soon after this incident I realized that he had started using drugs again.  Things got more bizarre than before.  I don’t know if it is because he was using more or if it was because it was a different type.  I am still naïve to this, but I do know that once again my fairytale became a nightmare and this time it was worse in many ways.  Although he did not hit me again, there were so many other things that were worse.

His paranoia was so intense that it scared me.  I couldn’t reason with him because in his mind his paranoia was real.  The things he saw or suspected were real and of course, I needed to be aware or something might happen to me.  I am not sure if he got high during the day.  I suspect he did and I know he did other things that were totally disrespectful to me and our marriage.  He would get high when I got home from work saying he was only going to “do a little”.  That “little” would last all night.  He would pace around the house in a way that made me scared.  He carried a knife with him at all times and if I tried to sleep I would be woken with him standing over me with the knife in his hands.  He would watch out the back window with binoculars because, as he said, a house in the next neighborhood would turn on or off their lights when he watched.  He would tell me to watch the light and I honestly did not see what he saw but it was real to him.  The most bizarre thing he did was due to his paranoia.  I would be sitting on the couch and if he happened to come into the room and I moved at the same time he walked in, he would get so angry at me and start yelling and cursing.  He was convinced that I had someone inside/or under the couch and I was having sex with them and that is why I moved.  I was so scared by the way he would come at me and turn over the couch to see who was under it.  Again, I couldn’t reason with him because if I tried it would only get him angrier.  If I slept with my legs a bit parted and then closed them because I adjusted in my sleep; that meant I was having sex with someone or something.  I was so afraid to do anything.  I was afraid to sit on the couch or sleep or do anything because I didn’t know how he was going to react.  I soon started to sleep with a knife and carry a knife with me at all times.  I didn’t do this to hurt him; I did it because I swore I would not let him hurt me again.  I would hurt myself first.  I could not live like this again.  I wanted to die but I had to do it in a way that he would not get in trouble for it. 

There came a time when I knew I couldn’t be in the house with him if he was high.  I packed my car with clothes and a jug of water.  I told him that if he got high I would not be there.  He didn’t seem to care.  I slept in my car almost every night because that is where I felt safe.  Sometimes I slept in the driveway of our house and other times I slept in parking lots; it all depended on how scared I was.  After a while, I started sleeping at my job.  I think what hurt the most is that he didn’t care if I was in a parking lot somewhere sleeping in my car.  He didn’t care if I was sleeping on a couch at work.  All he cared about is that he was able to get high. I believe he actually liked for me to be gone because he was cheating on me.  It was no longer just the internet sites, now it was in person and with prostitutes.  I found out that he was paying to have sex with prostitutes on a regular basis.  I cannot explain the hurt this caused me on so many different levels.  First because I believed in him and I believed in our marriage and this showed me he did not have the same beliefs as I did.  Second because he continually accused me of cheating on him and therefore was justified in his mind to hurt me and yet he was the one doing it all along. Third because I remembered what he had told me shortly after we got married…”he would not ever cheat on me unless it was with someone better than me.”  So this is what he thought of me?  A wife who dedicated her life to him, who stuck by him no matter what and he would rather be with a prostitute?

I couldn’t tell my children or anyone else what was going on.  I had to keep this all to myself and therefore hurt by myself.  No one would understand why I didn’t want to get him in trouble.  He continued to tell me he wanted help.  I believed him…he was so convincing.  His problem was getting worse.  His actions were getting worse. 

I have been told that you can’t help someone if they don’t want help.  I tried to help him.  He did not want help.  I finally realized there was nothing I could do to help him.

To love someone unconditionally

Is  to let them be who they want to be

To love someone unconditionally

Might mean to let them go

To love someone unconditionally

Sometimes hurts


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Healing #10

DJs Unique Sound Charities

Healing #10


Time to heal

Mentally, physically & emotionally

Time to heal

From the hurt, abuse, & betrayal

Time to heal

So life can go on…


We had met the day we got married so we really didn’t know each other.  We were able to change this during the course of the time he was gone.  We were able to use this time to heal and to grow together.  We talked in length about everything that had happened and why.  We discussed how we felt and what we needed to do to help each other.  We learned to trust each other; we learned to believe in each other.  Most of all we used this time to grow in Christ.  Many people would say that everyone finds God in prison.  I say that is great, because it is the story of the prodigal son.  God makes good of all evil if you allow him to and if you believe and ask.  We asked and we believed.  We took this time to start up our non-profit to help others.  We could use our experiences to help someone else.  For that reason it would all be worth it.  God has a reason for all things; this was our reason.  My husband expressed our feelings best when he put the saying on his back…”embracing the struggle”.  I could hope again…I could believe again…I was excited about our future.

It wasn’t easy and it didn’t happen fast.  I was still depressed and struggled to find a way out of my depression.  I had lost my job which caused another level of stress for me, however it turned out to be a blessing because I was able to watch my new grand-daughter.  Every time I looked at her I was reminded of my thoughts of death and how her birth had brought me hope.  She was my angel…She was a blessing…She helped save my life.  I focused on her and how precious she is, I focused my thoughts on my own children and my other grand-children. I focused on my husband and helping him to heal.

One day, while watching my grand-daughter, I was flipping through T.V. channels and accidently came upon a Joyce Meyer telecast.  I am not sure what caught my attention.  I watched the entire episode and knew that God was talking to me. I still had to deal with the guilt I felt for the restraining order.  I still had to deal with the guilt I felt for causing my family pain.  I knew it was time for me to heal and to put the past in the past.  I heard words that I had heard all my life and it reminded me of who I was.  I didn’t ever think I could get into a state of mind that would pull me away from my core beliefs and yet my depression was causing me to not be able to remember these simple beliefs.  I watched the next day and the next and slowly began to feel my heart open and my mind clear.  I felt light…I felt like I could believe again…I felt happiness

It has been proven that there are certain stages that most people go through in order to heal or in grieving a loss.  1st) Denial and Isolation; 2nd) Anger; 3rd) Bargaining; 4th) Depression; 5th) Acceptance.  There is not a set amount of time that each stage should or might last.  There are not any limitation to the severity of each stage.  We are all unique so there is no right or wrong way to get through your loss or your individual hurt.  Everyone I knew gave me advice to help me heal, however they did not realize that I am different; I am unique.  The struggle I had, was to face the fact that I had a right to hurt in my own way and in my own time.  My sister told me this recently and I didn’t realize that what she said was exactly what was causing me pain in my healing process.  I could not change what others thought about my situation, I could only change the way I thought about my situation.  I began to “embrace the struggle”.  I began to remember that God does things for a reason.

The White Light…..It was shining brightly.  I cannot explain the new feelings I had within my heart.  My husband and I had so many plans.  We took this time to heal in a way I didn’t think was possible.  We took this time to grow together.  We were one.  We both wanted the same things and we were ready to work together to achieve them.  The second chapter of my fairytale was becoming a reality.  I was blessed in so many ways and I knew everything is possible with God.

I believed this was a new beginning……no looking back

Was I wrong?


Anything bad can be turned into good

It is all in how you look at it

Look on the positive side

And life will be much brighter

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Broken #3

DJs Unique Sound Charities

Sometimes it's impossible
To leave the past in the past

Sometimes it's impossible

To reach your deepest inner feelings

Sometimes it's impossible

To separate what is real and what is ingrained in you

Because of your past


We had a saying ..."I Love you Like the White Light."  By saying this we expressed how our love was pure and beyond anything of this world.  it was from Christ...

W both had a near death experience in our past.  Mine was from a former partner when he tried to kill me, by strangling me.  The white light was so beautiful and peaceful.  The feeling is beyond anything that can be explained in words.  I remember asking God to take me, I was ready to go.  I wanted to go and experience the peace that the white light was offering me.  He didn't take me, however he did give me something that I didn't realize at the time.  He gave me strength to know that I was not afraid of dying.  The peaceful feeling I had at that moment would give me strength to face what lie ahead.

The fairytale was fast becoming a nightmare....the white light was fast fading into a black hole that I couldn't escape.

I opened my heart to my "fairytale husband".  Before we got married he had asked me to tell him of every relationship I had been in.  I told him if our marriage depended on me telling him, we should not marry.  I told him I was afraid of him using this against me.   I knew...why didn't  I believe in my own instincts.

After we got married, he made me feel like I could tell him everything.  He made me believe that in order to be one, we had to be totally honest and open with each other.  I told him how all my life I had been told how ugly I am.  I told him about my previous abuse.  I told him about my being raped on more than one occasion.  I told him about all the mean and hateful things that were said to me.  I told him specifics and in great detail.  I told him because he made me believe in him.. I believed I could be me and he would still love me.  I let out my heart to him.  It felt so good to be able to express myself to someone in such detail.  I could let out all those repressed feelings that I have carried all my life... those feelings that eat away at you little by little.   The feelings that you don't dare speak out loud because if you do, they will become real to someone else and you will be found out.  The feelings that you hold in a secret part of your heart; because to speak them out loud would be to acknowledge their truth.  I told him how everything made me feel...I told him everything because I finally felt like I had someone I could trust  that would understand me and that loved me enough to care.  In telling him my inner most feelings were somehow released... I could be happy...I didn't have to be ashamed of who I was.

I had no idea he would use everything I told him against me.  I had no idea he was addicted to crack.  I had no idea of what lay ahead.

He used to say something on a daily basis

"signs and symbols for the conscience mind...if you cannot see, you are truly blind"

I didn't see the signs...He said these words to me on a daily basis, why did I not see the signs before it was too late.

It started with mental and verbal abuse.  The things he said to break me down.  I should have seen the signs.  These types of things were said to me before.  He would tell me I was lying when I  knew I was not...he would tell me of the things he had done in his past to keep me scared and aware of his capabilities.  It was so subtle and he did it in such a loving way that I didn't notice him using my insecurities against me.  He would accuse me of cheating on him and when I tried to explain that I have not cheated on him he would bring up my past.  I couldn't believe this was happening because it was exactly as I predicted before we even got married ... something he promised would not ever happen.

The accusations became more and more frequent, the tone of his voice changed from loving to hateful.  He would hang on to my every word and if I said something incorrectly he yelled with such a harsh voice that I was afraid to speak for fear of saying the wrong thing.  I began to feel like there was something wrong with me as he made sure I knew that he acted the way he did, because of me.  If I questioned this he would say something like..."you don't even see the things you do" or "don't you even hear yourself".  I tried so hard to stay calm because if I dared to cry, he would say something like, " I don't want to hear that fake ass sh**."  I began to feel that I could not do or say anything right.  It didn't help that I had started menopause and my emotions were totally out of control.  When or if I tried to explain to him that I was changing body was changing, he would get mad and tell me that has known plenty of women and they did not act the way I did.  He said my body smelled and insisted it smelled of sex and that I had been cheating on him.  I was so embarrassed and I couldn't fix the problem because what he accused me of was not true.  What was wrong with me?  Why couldn't I be the person he wanted?

It started...I was 'walking on eggshells.'  I always felt like my heart was going to jump out of my chest, my nerves were gone and I felt like my insides were always shaking and ready to shut down.  I felt like I couldn't think straight; I couldn't ever say the right things; I couldn't express my feelings or emotions; I couldn't be me...because no matter what I did or said, it always seemed to be the wrong thing.  I must be a bad person...there must be something wrong with me since he is not the first person who has said these things...I have heard such things throughout my life.  How could this be happening when he was the person  that made me feel so special and now I felt worse than I had ever felt in my life.  I couldn't face my family or friends because to express what I was going through would be to admit I was a failure. 

I was alone.......My spirit was broken

I am who I am

Because of my past

I am who I am

Because of my beliefs

I am who I am

Because I can only be me


If God be for me

What man can be against me?

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Self Love is Not Selfish


 "Self Love is not Selfish!"

This affirmation is featured in our book Because I am a Queen: 100 Affirmations for Daily Living, however, this isn't about a shameless plug. Rather, it's a reflection on what it means to truly internalize self love.


A perception of love that I embrace is that it is an action word; a verb that requires movement and an expression of what one has declared. If you heard someone state to "love" something then one would expect to see that love displayed. For example, if it were a professed love for ice cream, you may expect to often see them indulging in the latest ColdStone creation. Or perhaps they are a gold card carrying member of Starbucks because of their immense love for the brewed beverage. On the other hand that love may be for a spouse or child and their undying devotion is displayed in everyday acts of kindness and sacrifice. So then it begs the question, if one has self love how then is it displayed? Better yet, if YOU have self love how do you display it? Can YOU be found indulging in activities that promote your wellness? Are YOU a gold card carrying member of immense love for self? Are YOU capable of undying devotion to yourself in everyday acts of kindness and sacrifice? These are the questions I had to ask myself.


Self love is not selfish!


It's ok to say no sometimes. It's ok to feed yourself and not starve literally and figuratively for the things you need to be well. Self love means WE understand our self worth. It's inherent, intrinsic and cannot be lessened or made poor. Self love means care for our mental and physical well being. Self love means we are careful of who we allow into our sacred space.  Self love means we define situations and do not allow situations to define us. Self love means that we value people, things and experiences that assist us into developing into our best selves. Recently, I've embraced the concept of being a self-love revolutionary. It's dawned on me that many people who do not value themselves will aim at killing another's natural desire to see themselves in the best light. Thus, we unwillingly accept others perception of who we are and the value we bring to the world. When the reality is, very often those individuals are viewing us from their own skewed reality. There is a serious lack of beautiful, reflective love in our communities and sometimes our homes. Our girls do not see themselves as beautiful and thus struggle with seeing the beauty in their sisters. I've been blessed with an amazing group of women around me who strive to reflect the best of themselves so I see the best within myself, yet we're not perfect and we too struggle.


While, writing in my journal the other day I realized I was feeling quite unhappy. It seemed out of the blue but upon further introspection I realized that even with all my work, I was still engaged in habits of negative self talk, giving more time and voice to things that I didn't want rather than positive self talk to things I do want. I needed a mutiny in my own mind. I needed to take drastic action. Self love!


Thus, I declared a ground breaking, radical revolution in my life. I would be a self love revolutionary. We must thank the late and great Gil Scott Heron and the Last Poets for the adage that the revolution will not be televised because it shall surely start in my mirror. It means I take care of my spiritual, physical and mental wellness. I speak words of love and encouragement to myself. I write myself love letters that I mail at random. It means to not sacrifice my spiritual time with my Creator or treat it remotely. It means to be purposeful in taking care of my body. It means I become a "gold card" carrying member of the self love club. While it's a very personal journey to be a self love revolutionary, I would appreciate my sisters (and brothers) checking in on me. If it touches a part of you declare a self love revolution in your life. Be innovative and absolutely rebellious with your revolution, because self love is not selfish and you deserve the greatest love.


Your Sister,

Mothyna James-Brightful

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Helping Youth at Risk and the Young at heart

I have been gone for awhile as I was concentrating on a new challenge.  We started with DJs Unique Sound & Entertainment which was established to help local artist brand themselves and gain exposure through social media.  We have expanded and are extremely excited to announce....DJs Unique Sound Charities.  DJs Unique Charities is a non profit in Phoenix, Arizona.  Our ultimate goal is to obtain a motor home and to convert it into a mobile recording studio. Our mission is to help youth by giving them a way to express themselves in a positive way through music and photography instead of negatively in the streets.  It has been a slow start, however, believe in what we are doing and we know our work will help build up self esteem and self worth.  If we can make a difference in one person's life, all the work is worth what we put into it.  We are always looking for suggestions/help.

Diana Jones

DJs Unique Sound Charities

DJs Unique Sound Charities

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Where can women find reliable resources to assist in the realization of empowerment “Spirit, soul and body?” Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva launches a 6 week ecoaching program “Extraordinary woman, Extraordinary life!”




Apr 20 2012 - 
Where can women find reliable resources to assist in the realization of empowerment “Spirit, soul and body?”  Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva launches a 6 week  ecoaching program “Extraordinary woman, Extraordinary life!”

Elk Grove, CA  April 20, 2012 – Women are becoming overwhelmed as a result of the economic downturn and some are finding themselves stuck, unable to grasp hold of the energy and persistence to move forward. Some are becoming sole earners in their homes as husbands are in transition from either being laid off or other reasons that have led to their current unemployment.  Although it has been stated that we may see relief, women are still needing and wanting programs and systems that will assist them in their endeavor to live their best empowered life, allowing them to thrive in the midst of any financial crisis, according to Robin Tramble, CEO and Visionary of Robin Tramble International.

“It is apparent that there is an echo, a sound of fear, confusion, discouragement and possible defeat. You can choose to survive or take action and thrive in 2012! Empowerment is a choice and women must become decisive action taking women if they're going to manifest their best empowered life.”  Having experienced some of the same things and now living a life of empowerment through learned systems and experience I can passionately share strategies and keys to discover your authentic self, get unstuck, overcome overwhelm, fear and how to stay focused in crisis. I have also been rewarded with witnessing the impact it has had on raising 4 children who are now all successful in their own rights.

The Empowerment Diva mentors, trains and coaches savvy women, aspiring, new and enterprising entrepreneurial women as they strive to realize their personal, spiritual and professional goals. Robin Tramble The Empowerment Diva is currently launching a 6 week eCoaching program complete with Bonus live calls for exponential personal, spiritual and business growth.

The three components are Spiritual workout, Body works and prosper your soul (mind, will and emotions)..

The Extraordinary woman, Extraordinary life ecoaching program is an excellent resource for women who desire to be equipped with keys and strategies to empower them to move to another level in their lives manifesting maximum empowerment and becoming an extraordinary woman leading an extraordinary life. When you take care of the internal structure you are laying a sure foundation for the external which renders a great return for business and ministry success.

“It’s the place to be for breakthrough results and to join with like-minded women from across the world in one place striving for their best empowered extraordinary life” Says Robin Tramble

Enrollment is being received here

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About Robin Tramble International

Robin Tramble aka The Empowerment Diva is a definitive resource for savvy women, aspiring, new and enterprising entrepreneurial women. The Empowerment Diva passionately empowers women to live their best empowered life via a vast array of empowering resources for the express purpose of assisting them as they strive to realize their dreams and desires. 

Robin Tramble is qualified to mentor women in their life empowerment journey through her training, experience in the work force, education, working at home and personal experiences. 

Robin Tramble is also an author and recoding artist and plans to creatively combine her music into another empowering resource for women.


Find out more about here at

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Empowered to Say No

Empowered to Say No


When asked to take on a task and you know that you don’t have time to fit it in your day do you

1) Say I’m sorry I’m unable to do that at this time

2) Say I’m sorry I’m unable to do that at this time while feeling guilty or

3)You agree to do it knowing full well that it will be next to impossible to fulfill it?
One of the biggest hindrances to one’s endeavor to lead a balanced and healthy life is the inability to say no.

Many things contribute to one’s inability to simply say no without the guilt. It can b a problem with needing approval, not wanting to be rejected which is complicated by low self esteem.

Generally speaking, people can’t say no to someone asking them for something because they are so worried about upsetting the person or lack the courage to turn down the request. People often dislike disagreeing, or believe saying yes is easier than saying no. Others can simply not say no. However, there are often instances where it is best to say no to a request and it is important to learn how to utter that small little word, “no.”

You can become empowered to say no.

Discover simple strategies to say no, politely but firmly.
It’s you schedule and your life. You don’t have to come with excuses or stories. If you don’t value your time no one else will. You can say no without being dishonest.
Here are a few ways you can say no.
• No. I would only be able to do a mediocre job right now.
• No. I don’t have any spare time right now.
• Not this time, please give me more notice next time and I’ll work it into my schedule.
• I can’t accept this, with my present commitments. I’m sorry.
• I’m rather quite busy now. I must decline.
• I don’t think I have the time for it, as I am in the middle of something important.
• After looking at my calendar, I found that I already have prior commitments.
• I can’t.
• Why don’t you try someone else? I’m not the right person for this.

Take some time to come up with some additional ways that you can say no that feel authentic to you and our personality. If you aren’t sure, you can always ask for time to make the decision without feeling guilty. You may say you will have to think about it. If somebody persists with the request when you want to say no, you may have to be assertive and firmly decline. You don’t need to risk over committing by saying yes when you actually want to say no.

When you neglect being honest when approached by your boss for instance and you know that you couldn’t possibly fulfill the request in excellence you are putting your job on the line.

If you can show your boss, the reasons for not being able to accept the extra responsibility, you may be able to convince your superior about your inability to accept the additional work. Don’t accept anything that puts your job at risk or makes you suffer later.

Believe it or not learning to say no at the right time can help you gain respect with your peers and help avoid dire situations.

When saying no do so with confidence and if you lack confidence well this is an area that you want to work on. An inability to say no will be a definite hindrance to your personal empowerment.

Boost your confidence and self esteem. Celebrating the uniqueness of you will go a long way in enhancing your ability to say no without feeling guilty.

Besides when you don’t truly desire or have room to fulfill the request you’re not being authentic and you know I’m all for being authentic.

Here’s to your no-ability!

I know you enjoyed this post and maybe you’d like to go deeper. I’d like to invite you to join me for my new Teleseries. Click here to join my Teleseries “Essential secrets to Extraordinary Life and Business Success!”

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Calling all Savvy Women, Women Entrepreneurs, Coaches, Ministry Leaders


Say YES to the Extraordinary Woman in You! Essential Divalicious (Diva - Delicious) Steps/Secrets to Creating and Enjoying Your Divine Empowering Life and Business Success!"




Do you ever feel stuck, stressed, confused, frustrated, wondering

where to start, what to do once you got started to stay motivated and

confident or what would happen if you never get it right and continue down

this same road? Does it ever seem "HOPELESS?"


I've been there too! It changed for me and it can change for you!


You’ll never realize your empowering life and business success until you….


Get clear on what you want


Make a decision to never ever settle for mediocrity


Make a commitment


Develop a plan


Set effective Goals




Connect with an accountability Partner


Commit to your Spiritual Authority


Embrace Divine influence


And more!


Those are just a few of the elements necessary for realized empowering  life and business success.


Always remember empowerment is a choice. Yours!


Make the choice today for your Best Life, Rich Life, Glorious Life!


I want to help you.


Join me for my brand new Teleseries “Divalicious Secrets to Extraordainry Life and Business Success!”


Be sure to bring your Juicy Red Divalicious Strawberry or other Passion Fruit You Enjoy.


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Today with all of the amazing technology, self publishing a book has become a more attractive option. Gone are the days of someone’s dreams and visions being placed on hold or forced to wait because they are in search of a publisher to accept their book. I remember hearing so many stories of how many attempts, how many companies, and how many rejections it would take before an author could get published. I don’t know about you but I always had this image in my mind of traditional publishers sitting on a throne deciding the fate of the literary world. To me it was like a secret society that allowed a select few to enter and those that did had very little control.

Today that image has changed for me. When I set out to publish my first book, going the traditional route was not a consideration. “Why?” you might ask. As I alluded to earlier technology has revolutionized the publishing world. The internet along with the social media platforms have empowered and given a voice to so many talented authors; many of whom would never have received even a rejection letter from a traditional publisher. Traditional publishers, like so many industries because of technology, have been forced to develop new business models. Major publishers are faced with downsizing and cut backs making it even more difficult for a new kid on the block. Most of the traditional publishers today want authors who have a celebrity size following or a distribution list that equates to immediate ROI.

There are a lot of opportunities in self publishing a book. You can do it completely yourself. When you publish your work yourself you are responsible for the editing, formatting, securing distribution, communicating with the printer, and copyrighting it to name a few. The other option is selecting a publisher that will handle all the previously mentioned items, but allows you to remain in control. If you are a writer and perhaps run another business, the latter option would more than likely be the most beneficial for you. Here are top 5 things you should consider when looking for a self-publishing publisher:

1. Is it a good fit?
Believe it or not personality means everything. Your book is your baby. It’s a project and not a drive-thru menu experience. Ask yourself, “Are you comfortable with their style of communication?” I know its cliché, but communication is the key to everything. Does the publisher make you feel like you are valued and not just a number? Is there a real interest in your project? What’s your publisher’s background? Many times I have seen authors when self publishing their book forfeit the importance of literary and business experience of their publisher. Make sure when selecting a publisher they have literary experience and business acumen.

2. Make sure you maintain all your rights.
In the traditional world of publishing you generally give up a large portion, if not all of the rights to your book. This means all of the control on editing, characters, book cover design, etc, are determined by the publisher. This is primarily because you have received an advance for your book. When you are self publishing a book there are publishers who cater to authors who desire to self publish. In this case if you are not receiving an advance you should maintain all the rights to your book. All of the decisions from editing to the book cover design as mentioned before should be your final say. You should also have the option of taking your book with you if you decided to leave that publisher.

3. Royalties
When self publishing a book it is my opinion that you as the author should receive the higher percentage of royalties. In the traditional world it can be viewed slightly different because they have a larger distribution, they have provided you with an advance, and there is more at stake. There are some self publishers who will do a 90/10, 75/25, or 60/40 split, with you receiving the lower percentage. In this case I would make sure you get the higher, because there is no upfront investment in you from the self publishing publisher.

4. What type of services do they offer?
Do they offer various editing services from rewrite to copywriting? Editing is extremely important when self publishing a book. Be mindful of a company that will publish your book that doesn’t offer or require editing. In most cases if they don’t offer editing, your publisher should have a list of editors they can refer. It is true today with technology and a fast paced society the standard grammar has become more relaxed. However, you still want a quality product that will stand the test of time. Other services you should look for are marketing that includes social media, graphic and website design.
When self publishing a book often authors assume the publisher is automatically going to promote your book. This is not the case. You as the author should have an option of acquiring those additional services.

5. Time
Yes, I know everything is done at the speed of light today. We no longer have to wait on the 6 o’clock news to find out what’s happening around the world. We can email a document that used to have to travel by what we now have labeled “snail mail”. Although this has made our lives easier, when self publishing a book, we still want to value the time it takes to create a quality product. Again, self publishing should not mean you should compromise and produce an inferior product. That’s what the big guys and critics expect and/or automatically assume. I have seen companies that promote one to two week turn-rounds. That might be the case. However, please allow yourself the time for editing, correct formatting, the right cover design, to receive a proof (an actual copy of your book), etc. A reasonable amount of time should be 60 to 90 days, but this is determined by so many variables. How long it takes you to submit your work, and to sign off. You may realize that an entire chapter needs to be deleted. Allow for creativity which is often something that shouldn’t be rushed. Remember experts say today a book is the new business card. What do you want yours to say?

Deborah Hardnett is the Founder and CEO of Wealthy Sistas® Publishing House. Wealthy Sistas® Publishing House focus is to help authors self publish their books. If you are considering self publishing a book,  visit Wealthy Sistas® Publishing House website today and get more details on how you can achieve this without the exorbitant fees and retain all your rights to your intellectual property. Deborah and her staff are strong advocates of the self-publishing industry and offer an extensive variety self publishing book services.
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Teen Girls Need L.O.V.E.

S. Dodson

Rating: 5


This self help book provides insightful nuggets of information that teen girls from every age, race and background will be able to relate to. The book is written in a very relatable manner and covers everything from peer pressure, to bullying, to teenage pregnancy, to self love.


In a day and age where negative influences are in abundance, a book like this one is absolutely necessary. There are pressures that mount up on teens that if not handled could cause a daunting demise. A few years ago I was told about a young girl who had committed suicide because of things she was going through. She felt like she had no one to talk to an eventually took her life for that very reason. I wrote a book inspired behind that incident called “Sweet Dreams” and in reading this book it took me back to the emotions I felt during the time that I was writing that book. I really wished that that young woman had a chance to read this book. Had she done so then perhaps she would still be among the living and used her strength to tell her own story to other teens as to how she was able to overcome.


This is a book that I believe every parent of a young lady should own. Sometimes they just need to know that someone else has been there and done that in order for them to feel strong enough to talk about the pressures that they have to endure. Often adults think that children don’t have anything to worry about because they don’t have bills, they don’t have to worry about jobs, money, etc. Little do we know that there is so much more to being a teen now a days. In this book the teens learn how to empower, inspire and motivate themselves to get on the right path. There were some minor editing concerns, however all in all this is definitely a recommended read. For teens to it will allow them to find ways to over achieve. For parents, it will allow them to find ways to relate. There is nothing better than building a bridge to close the gap!


Reviewed by:

Nikkea Smithers

RWA Bookclub President

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How to identify and overcome negative or limiting beliefs?

In my interaction with women I find that many are struggling with limiting and/or negative beliefs. And there are some who are in denial and feel that they don’t have any limiting beliefs. Entertaining limiting beliefs will only sabotage your empowering success and I am out to help you finally be free of the control of
limiting belief. My passion is empowering women and this is one area that blocks many from realizing their desires.

Read what one of my clients stated about identifying a limiting belief……

Pay attention to part B of her testimonial

One of my success statements was related to me exercising on a regular basis. While I am not grossly overweight, I was carrying more weight than my small frame could handle. I knew this because my knees started to hurt constantly. After emailing Robin my success statements, I committed to it. In addition to exercising I actually went a step further and did some clean up in my diet. I can report today that I have lost 5 pounds to date. I feel better and my knees don’t hurt nearly as much.

I also sent in my limiting belief. At first I did not feel as if I had one but through prayer I found that I did. And it was a big one! I have proceeded with my action steps and praise God, He has confirmed what I needed confirmation of. I’m still doing both action steps and I know these will keep me moving forward toward success. I would never have identified this had Robin not challenged us with this. Thank you Robin!”

Mari Taylor – Author
Extraordinary Woman Extraordinary life Silver Group Coaching program

One of the first steps to identifying your limiting or negative beliefs is awareness.

You have belief systems that were formed early on in your life. Think about some of the things that come up for you when embarking on a new journey or undertaking a new task.

Do you start off with a bang only to be tripped up by negative chatter or negative/limiting beliefs?

Overcoming your limiting beliefs entails becoming aware, identifying the belief and reprogramming. And please know this…. it didn’t happen overnight so the reprogramming is not going to happen overnight. It’s a process.

What are your beliefs?

What are your thoughts about money?
Do you say things such as  Get the rest of the juicy details here

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It's Sunday Morning and as I got up to prepare for prayer I was thinking about,"What I could to do enhance my business and push my self to do better?". I am a firm believer in self challenges. All my life, society told me I couldn't do certain things because of, race, gender, height, wearing locks before they were fashionable, surviving illness and any other foolishness a person could dream up. I always used those "You cant's" as self challenges to motivate me to do what I set out to do. Whenever I was striving for a goal and got tired, discouraged whatever, I would replay that persons' voice who told me I couldn't. This always gave me that boost I needed to reach my goal.

So now to self challenge myself I'm going to make one new item everyday for the rest of the year. People who know me personally know that I can be very prolific. I will make a bunch of items in a sitting and them not make anything for a while. So what I'm working on here is consistency to make myself create something each day. Maybe I'll learn some new skills as I get bored easily.

My Granddaddy who passed just shy of his 96 birthday taught me that you should learn something new everyday. When Granddaddy turned 90 I asked him if there was anything left for him to learn. He smiled and told me what he had learned new that day. He then said," Baby you should not stop learning until they throw dirt on your face."

I expect this to be an interesting journey so sign up for my RSS or join or link to my blog and lets' see where the path goes. Let me know what your self challenges are or have been and how you dealt with it. I'd really like to know.

The challenge will start Tuesday January 25, 2011.
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What if I told you that you could change your life for-ever?

What if I told you that it could happen within 45 minutes and totally up-level in under 8 weeks?

I will be facilitating a phenomenal Tele-series Total Transformation: Simple secrets to Maximum Empowerment, Mega Mindset Breakthroughs and Total Wellness

Do you feel like you need a total overhaul? Well I want to talk to you about
Total Transformation. And when I say total I mean total.

What is Transformation?
1: an act, process, or instance of transforming or being transformed
In the bible it reads; Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Notice it states renewing which is continual. It’s not a place of arrival and then you’re done. There are many things that come to stop us from reaching our destiny and fulfilling our purpose.

“Give me just 45 minutes
and I’ll share with you secrets to
realizing MEGA Mindset
Breakthroughs, maximum
debilitating Fear, unleash the
Faith-full, Holistically Fit and
Fabulous you so you can realize
Total Transformation, manifest as the
unstoppable irresistible Kingdom
woman you were meant to be with
laser focus, an EMPOWERED mindset
and live an Authentically Brilliant
Diamond life!!”

Topic this week: Kingdom Woman Total Transformation:
Simple Secrets to Maximum Empowerment,
MEGA Mindset Breakthroughs and overcoming limiting

When: First call
Thursday, February 24 at 1:00 pm PST, 3:00 pm CST, 4:00 pm EST
Can’t make the call?
My gift for this call only is the download of this power-packed audio teaching.

I will also be giving away over $897 in resources during the course of this Tele-series to registrants

of this call so be sure to register.

Register here:

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10744057671?profile=originalWhat Love Has to Do With It!The Importance of Unconditional Love in A Relationship!By Kamal Imani © 2010My wife and I have been happily married for 15 years and together for 19. Much of our success can be attributed to a book we read entitled “Black Woman’s Black Man’s Guide to a Spiritual Union” by Ra Un Nefer Amen. In this book he speaks about the importance of unconditional love. He also highlighted how we have a script or sort of fantasy like picture in our minds of the perfect or ideal lover or mate and when that person doesn’t meet our expectations, we feel let down, disappointed, the drama begins and things begin to fall apart.When our partner fails to perform up to our Hollywood or conditioned standard financially, sexually, emotionally or otherwise, maybe they didn’t cook, clean, communicate or perform the way that we envisioned it, we allow dissatisfaction to set in.Have Realistic Expectations but High standardsWhen getting to know your significant other, you need to be real when it comes to acknowledging his/her strengths and weaknesses. You also need to realize that peoples long developed habits are slow to change. If you’re hoping that something he/she does will change simply because you have entered their life, you may be disappointed. Some changes can be made if it’s clearly communicated, understood and your partner makes a conscious effort to change, but be very patient because it will probably be a slow and gradual process. I’m not saying that you should lower your standards, but have you ever heard the term wysiwyg? It is an acronym for what you see is what you get. And, you know while you’re dating you’re getting a persons best side, and as the saying goes “You don’t know a person until you live with them”. So keep it real, but stay optimistic, patient and keep the faith. Always keep a spiritual vibration in your relationship.Unconditional LoveUnconditional love is giving of your self without expecting anything in return. It is being selfless! If you’re giving and taking is like a Wall Street financial transaction, sometimes you will rise, other times you will be in a recession, a depression and eventually a crash! So it is important for both partners to practice selfless giving with out making the other partner feel that he/she owes you something.When unexpected financial, medical and other emergencies arise, you will have to be flexible, calm and optimistic until the situation improves (because you will be tested). Always find a creative way to communicate, be understanding, stay affectionate, optimistic, patient and faithful…Did I say patient? Selfless giving/unconditional love is a high form of practical spirituality and it takes two to apply it. It indeed takes two to make a thing go right.Watch Kamal’s tribute to the sisters “Ms. Melanin” on Youtube Imani is a Poet, Author, Film Maker Teacher and Mentor residing in New Jersey. He can be reached at To book Kamal for speaking engagements email or call 201-923-9213
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Give a young adult a book for self reflection and self improvement this upcoming holiday season! Find info on Iseecolor African American Books Group or kamalinspires.comAuthor Kamal Imani is a youth educater and mentor who assist troubled teens from New Jersey's urban areas, which include foster and group homes, with both academics as well as issues of self esteem, focus, future focusing and overall social skills. Although it is challenging at times, this is where his heart is at. He is also a Spoken Word poet, Hip Hop lyricist and music producer and was once a teenager who lost many of his close friends to the streets in which they hung out in. He knows how to identify, communicate and build relationships with our youth. In his small, but to the point book, he provides basic information, education and coping skills that will open up dialogue with our youth.Share "You Got Next" with a young adult in your life and use it as a tool to open up dialogue in the various subjects of anger,sex, drugs, peer pressure, dating, marriage and more!'s Talk About Drugs, Gangs & Peer Pressue! You Got Next! Real Talk For The Hip Hop Generation (Promo Video)! Let's talk about Sex! (An excerpt from the book "You Got Next" book,gift,teen,youth,african,american,nonfiction,inspiration,self,reliance,gangs,sex,drugs,peerpressure,education,philosohpy,mentoring,teacher,selfesteem,graduation,college,highschool,bloods,crips,oprah,malcolm,x,
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BOOKKEEPING TIP: As a sole Proprietorship, you are responsible Self-employment and income taxes on the NET EARNINGS/PROFIT your business earns. It is important to keep accurate records of payments received from sales and be sure not to record non-payroll payments to yourself as an expense. Need help figuring out how to... track this? Visit our site or Call us to schedule a complimentary 30-consultation 888-449-4145 or visit this link to schedule a 30-min complimentary telephone consultation NOW!

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Booty Parlor is The Beauty Parlor for Your Love Life!

Founded in 2004 by married couple Charlie and Dane B. Meyers,

Booty Parlor is America’s premier sexy beauty and lifestyle brand.


We believe that confidence is the sexiest thing

a woman can have and that

Every woman deserves to feel sexy, desirable and satisfied.


Booty Parlor’s award-winning products are specifically designed to

Boost a woman’s sexy self confidence and inspire her to create sexier

Experiences, both in and out of the bedroom.


A Sexy Lifestyle Advisor is a personal shopper for your love life!

She delivers personalized sexy lifestyle

consultations and shopping sessions

To her customers at our fabulous Sexy Shopping Parties.


Joining Booty Parlor is an easy-to-operate, flexible and

profitable business opportunity

For today’s entrepreneurial woman.

With Booty Parlor, you sell an irresistible line

of affordable luxurious products, and to discover ways to

boost their satisfaction within their love lives and relationships.

Booty Parlor Parties
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Are you experiencing challenges and is just basically dealing with thechallenges sending you for a spin? You must remain focused regardlessof what you’re dealing with.

The road to women’s empowerment will involve holding on to two words:

Tenacity:Tough minded persistency non yielding…and tireless effort regardless ofobstacles, opposition and or other’s opinions.

There are so manyobstacles that come before you and hinder you especially during theeconomic times of challenge. You must have tough minded persistency andbecome a woman of tenacity. You must be if you’re going to achieve yourdreams, live an empowered life, be an extraordinary woman leading anextraordinary life. You have to have a non-yielding and tireless effortregardless of obstacles. That’s something I want you to hold on toregardless of obstacles and opposition and we have great oppositionespecially women of faith and/or other’s opinions the opinions ofothers the opinions of the world, the opinions of society where itconcerns our faith. Tenacity, hold on to that.

Another is the word resolve; unwavering committed mindset adhering to a bold decision and strategy.

SoI want you to hold onto those two words as we move on. It takes muchcourage to continue in the midst of crisis. It takes passion, faith andmotivation.

I looked up the word crisis and there are a couple of definitions and they include the following;

Acrucial or decisive point or situation a turning point. A traumatic orstressful change in a person’s life; it’s also a term meaning a testingtime or an emergency event.

What I’d like you to answer is howdo you respond to crisis or what should your response be? If you’regoing to embrace any level of empowerment you’re going to need to havetenacity and there should be a resolve. It’s also important to have theright mindset in order to keep moving forward during the time of crisisduring a testing time. There will be continuous testing times as youmove along your journey towards an empowered life. There’s no questionabout it, you will have testing times as you move up to new levelsthere will be new testing. Build safeguards so you stay focused and youstay along the course that’s been set for you and given the fact I’mtalking about focus in crisis, learn to focus.

One of thehardest things to do in life when an unexpected change orcircumstances, disappointment etc. come your way is to stay focused.You are either experiencing so much pain or you’re so overwhelmed thatthe event tries to take your full attention. So how can you continuealong your path so the goals that you’ve set the action steps you’veset that will lead you to that goal long term, short term? The eventtries to take your full attention. One thing for sure is that therewill be unexpected situations, and that’s just the way it is. There arechanges and disappointments that are sure to come your way. Theessential thing is to learn how to remain focused during these timesand it is a learned state. Losing your focus can immobilize you, bindyou and make you ineffective in your life.

Here’s one thing not to do:

Don’t panic!

Thisis number one here as this may be the natural response by most and thatis to Panic. When I heard the call from my daughter saying “mommy Ican’t see” my first inclination was to panic and then I gave the callto my husband so that I could regroup and reach into my Faith. Panicwill send you spiraling down a staircase of many emotions sending youdeeper and deeper into a mode of gloom and defeat. Below I share otherthings you must do to stay focused that you also must do that will fuelyour ability to resist the panic stage. Unless you make an agreementwith yourself that you will not panic the other keys may not be aseffective in your endeavor to learn skills to help you stay focused in crisis.

Ifyou’d like to know more about how to stay focused in crisis I inviteyou to secure a copy of my special report “How to stay focused incrisis.” I share many more tips and insights in this area. Learn more by clicking here.

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