Coach (98)

How to identify and overcome negative or limiting beliefs?

In my interaction with women I find that many are struggling with limiting and/or negative beliefs. And there are some who are in denial and feel that they don’t have any limiting beliefs. Entertaining limiting beliefs will only sabotage your empowering success and I am out to help you finally be free of the control of
limiting belief. My passion is empowering women and this is one area that blocks many from realizing their desires.

Read what one of my clients stated about identifying a limiting belief……

Pay attention to part B of her testimonial

One of my success statements was related to me exercising on a regular basis. While I am not grossly overweight, I was carrying more weight than my small frame could handle. I knew this because my knees started to hurt constantly. After emailing Robin my success statements, I committed to it. In addition to exercising I actually went a step further and did some clean up in my diet. I can report today that I have lost 5 pounds to date. I feel better and my knees don’t hurt nearly as much.

I also sent in my limiting belief. At first I did not feel as if I had one but through prayer I found that I did. And it was a big one! I have proceeded with my action steps and praise God, He has confirmed what I needed confirmation of. I’m still doing both action steps and I know these will keep me moving forward toward success. I would never have identified this had Robin not challenged us with this. Thank you Robin!”

Mari Taylor – Author
Extraordinary Woman Extraordinary life Silver Group Coaching program

One of the first steps to identifying your limiting or negative beliefs is awareness.

You have belief systems that were formed early on in your life. Think about some of the things that come up for you when embarking on a new journey or undertaking a new task.

Do you start off with a bang only to be tripped up by negative chatter or negative/limiting beliefs?

Overcoming your limiting beliefs entails becoming aware, identifying the belief and reprogramming. And please know this…. it didn’t happen overnight so the reprogramming is not going to happen overnight. It’s a process.

What are your beliefs?

What are your thoughts about money?
Do you say things such as  Get the rest of the juicy details here

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What Is Your God Given Talent?

I had my hand in many of business opportunities , but this one is a keeper. You have to love what you do in order to do it well. Through the year's of giving advice and word's of inspiration that encouraged and helped family and friends to take their business to the next level I knew this was my God given talent .
Read more…

“Time is money.” That three word sentence sums up the life of the woman entrepreneur. When your staff consists of only you, you realize quickly that passing the buck isn’t an option. Instead, you must quickly learn to sort through the multitude of tasks facing you each day and narrow down to only the key revenue- generating activities, while letting the majority of the “noise” fade away.

It’s a fact that you and every other entrepreneur in existence have one thing in common – a 24 hour day. However, what you DO with those 24 hours can be the single difference between having a profitable business or having to take on a side job.

I’m going to give you an opportunity to discover  several ways you can increase your productivity by narrowing down and focusing on the tasks that are going to move you towards your biggest money goals. You’ll learn about prioritizing your daily tasks, grouping them for greater efficiency, and how to keep on top of all the various projects you have going, so you don’t drop any critical elements.

Though you may already feel pressed for time (and the thought of attending a call seems like just another of countless things to do), I encourage you to take a break from your crazy schedule, sit down and secure your place for this call. The time you invest will be paid back in greater efficiency – and therefore profit.

Join me for my no cost call!

Tap into irrefutable productivity secrets and cure patterns of
disempowering habits so you can realize a juicy manifestation of more
time and more money.

Go to
Read more…

Got Swag? 7 Steps to Social Media SWAG by Pam Perry



You’ve heard the term swag lately. Someone may say, “I like your swag” or “He’s got swag!” And although you may not find this popular term in Merriam-Webster’s version of the dictionary, it is used worldwide by teens, recording artists, TV critics and most importantly for your sake… social media!


I know, I know. Before you tell me how you don’t know how to tweet and have no desire to tweet, twit, or Facebook, for that matter, let me let you in on a secret. Social media can be your business’ ticket to success. Don’t believe me? I’ll prove it to you.

Swag is a term used to describe someone’s style, personality, the way they carry themselves, and their level of confidence. It’s a person’s walk, their talk. It’s their attitude, but in a good way! We’ve all got some level of swag… well, some more than others. But after reading the following, I challenge you to ‘get your swag on’ and make social media work for you.


Step 1

Don’t Hate on the Competition Just Yet…

            In any business, the goal is usually to beat the competitor. But in order to beat the competition, you have to know what they are doing and what makes them a competitor. If they are still in the game, they have to be doing something right. So you need to watch, look and listen at what is going on around you. Put your head in the game! Take inventory of where you are right now and where you want to go from here.

            For example, when you read a blog, you are studying your competition. And after you read so many blogs, you’ll not only be motivated to start your own, but you’ll know what to say, how to say it and who is listening. Read the responses to the blogs as well. This lets you know what your target audience is saying, which allows you to tailor your own blog to those respondents.

            Though many like to think so, social media is not a magic lamp where you can rub it, and out comes a genie. It is just another spoke in the wheel for your overall marketing plan. The social media outlet door is wide open for you and the rest of the world to see, free of charge! So no longer do you have to play detective and act like a secret shopper to find out the best strategies of your competitors. Their marketing strategies have just become an open book. Read their tweets. Follow their Facebook posts. Find out who your top three competitors are and simply sit back and watch, look and listen. Then determine your own personal goals you want to achieve through social media.

            Social media is more than an outlet to just post pictures and ‘like’ someone’s status. It’s essentially free advertisement. Let’s say that I have a client who has an article about them written in Essence or Ebony. They can then repost that article into a blog site, or even add a link to the article on their Facebook profile. So this not only allows the readers of these publications to read the article, but all of this person’s ‘friends’ and ‘followers’ also learn of the success. If someone is featured on The View or Oprah, they can obtain a copy of it from the TV station, upload it to YouTube, and then repost to whatever other social media sites they choose. So while your friends or family may not have picked up the latest issue of Essence and didn’t get to watch you on The View, they are sure to see it when you post it on your public social networking profile.

            Watch, look and listen. The competitor didn’t become a competitor by doing something wrong. They have to be doing something right. Find out what it is and make it work for you. While watching the competition, you purposely position yourself to attract your target audience as well.       


Step 2

Make Digital Footprints in the Sand

          Who are you? What do you do? What do you specialize in? These are all vital questions to ask when it comes to branding yourself in the social media. Make sure that wherever you go, with every digital footprint you make, that your brand is the same. Be consistent. Don’t create a brand for encouragement and inspiration, but post negative, depressing updates on your Facebook and Twitter profiles. This contradicts your ultimate branding of being one who encourages and inspires. Your Twitter and Facebook page should match your professional website. Your website should match your fan page. Your fan page should match your YouTube videos. And so on…

            Don’t confuse people. They need to see your brand and instantly know who you are and what you stand for. Take Coach for example. The Facebook page and website for Coach products should reflect the same brand. And because of the reputation Coach has built, when you see a product, you can immediately tell if it is created by Coach. The same should ring true of your brand.

            In this digital age, people have ADD. You have to capture their attention within a split second or you could lose them forever. However, if you have successfully branded yourself, they will recognize you and feel comfortable with whatever product you are promoting. There’s a certain comfort level people search for in brands. For example, if you visit Paris, but aren’t familiar with the restaurants, and you see the golden arches, you will more than likely eat at McDonald’s. You already know what their food tastes like and you feel comfortable with the brand. The same is true of Starbuck’s. When you visit a Starbuck’s, you expect a certain level of quality and great atmosphere, no matter the location.

            It’s not just the brand; it’s the logo. That logo signifies everything that is behind the brand. The time you’ve invested. The information you’ve shared. The trust you’ve built. The logo is a culmination of everything you’ve done for people to notice you, know you, understand you, and recognize your brand ultimately. It is the promise to your customers.

            Confusion destroys your brand. The equity and time you put into building your brand can be destroyed overnight by you simply doing something different and offbeat. Be known as an expert for whatever it is that you do. If you’re in business, your goal is to provide customers with your area of expertise. But it’s up to you to make sure you are known for just that. Share, don’t sell, information to your customers so that they not only come to know you as an expert, but they trust you. So as you make your digital footprints in the sand, make sure your brand tracks look identical to the ones you have made before!



Step 3

Content is King (Marketing is Queen)

          People don’t follow a good salesperson. They follow good content. That’s one of the ways people will get to know you, by the content you offer and the value of it. In order to create valuable content, you must research keywords. Search for certain keywords and brand your content so that it contains those keywords. This will allow you to receive numerous hits without a potential customer ever knowing your name.

            For example, if someone is searching for Pam Perry, they may use keywords such as PR coach, PR guru, ministry marketing, and so on. When someone enters any of these keywords, my website, blog or even my Facebook page should come up in the search results page. The ultimate goal is to be the first or second result on the search results page. If you come in any other place below that, you risk the user entering new search keywords, which may not be tagged for your business. Whether it’s a list of things to do (or not to do) or top ten tips, provide good, valuable content so that there is no question that you know what you are talking about.

            A good resource to use when trying to determine keywords is This tool not only allows you to enter keywords, but if you click Get Keyword Ideas, it will provide you with other keywords to use. Use these keywords in your blogs, eblasts, social media profiles and of course, your website. But even with keywords, if you have a similar name, like Jessica Jones, you want to make sure you are posting enough valuable content on the Internet so that you come up first in a person’s search results. Even though the other Jessica Jones in the world may have nothing more than a Facebook page, you don’t want customers to confuse the two. You have to constantly be active online. People love people that provide information for free. For example, author Seth Godin provided his entire book for free as an eBook before he released the hardcover copy. Because so many loved the electronic version of the book, they purchased a hard copy of the book once it was released, making it a New York Times Bestseller.

            You can’t give away too much content. If it genuinely came from you, there is more from where that came from. With every article you write, every video you post, and every status you update, you throw more content out onto the web to brand you all the more. The more content you share, the more people come to recognize you as an expert and will realize the value of your information and ultimately, support your business.



Step 4

Are You Engaged?

            Now, I’m not talking about the engagement where you get a ring and start planning a wedding for months down the line. I’m referring to interacting with others online. It doesn’t matter that you and I talk; we have to engage with others online. Create a community for isolated conversations to take place. Twitter actually uses hash tags, such as #GrammyAwards2011, which allows you to converse with all users who may be watching the Grammy Awards at the time. It’s all about engaging and establishing relationships. It’s not always about selling and marketing. Sometimes, you have to build up a group of ‘followers’ first.

            Take Facebook for example. That’s great that someone wants to become your ‘friend’. But if you never engage them, and they don’t visit your page on a regular basis, what’s the point? How does this help your business? But also realize that while someone may not visibly engage on your page on a regular basis, they may still be watching you. They may still be taking all of the information you post into account, without ever saying a word to you about it. Personally, 90% of my clientele comes from online. I never know who is watching me. All of a sudden, I get checks for thousands of dollars from people that have been watching me for three or four months and appreciate the information I have shared.

            I love this information age we are in. I’m like a kid in a candy store. While others feel overwhelmed by too much information, I consume myself in it. It’s what I’ve done all of my life. I reported information in high school, college, and even once I was out of school. It comes naturally for me. I’m always sending an eblast, conducting a conference call, tweeting a valuable website for authors, or even posting a video on YouTube of me speaking at a recent conference.


            I give away a plethora of information. But it’s up to you to use it. The same should ring true of you and your social media swag. Give away so much information that people say to you, “You give away too much free information.” Then give away some more! You’re putting your best foot forward. You’re creating your own community and at this point, people are simply watching you to decide if they will conduct business with you or not. The benefits in the long run will far outweigh the cost to send out complimentary information. Get engaged!

Step 5

The Swag Tool Belt

          As with any job, you have to make sure you have the essential tools to succeed. People are looking for a solution to a problem. So you must make sure that the content you provide or the service you offer solves a problem for the customer. For example, if you’re a plumber, you can provide content on taking care of pipes in the winter time.

            More importantly, make sure that you not only have a website, but that it works properly. It doesn’t matter if your website comes up first in search engine optimization and you have a steady flow of traffic to your site, but you’re not capturing their email address to communicate with them in the future. As with any other social media, your website homepage should state very clearly the purpose of the business and what it is that you do. Your brand should be the same as it is everywhere else on the web. Make sure you have an opt-in box on your website as well so people can continue to interact with you.

            You definitely want to invest in an AWeber or Constant Contact account. Constant Contact allows you to create and send eblasts in a click of a button. You can even create eblasts to be sent out on a certain date and at a certain time, without being anywhere near the computer when it goes out. Eventually, these eblasts will turn into blogs, which is where a significant amount of your social media will stem from.

            Do you have to have a blog? Absolutely! I say it’s mandatory! It doesn’t make sense to have a Facebook page or a Blog Talk radio show, and not have a blog. Don’t be blog haters; get a blog! You’ll be surprised at the results a blog can bring.

            If you really want to be found, you also need Google Analytics. This free service offered by Google actually tells you where your traffic is coming from and how long a person stays on your website. It will show you, for example, that 50% of your traffic is coming from Facebook and 25% is coming from Twitter, etc.

            In this digital age, you definitely need high speed Internet access. Dial-up won’t cut it. It will limit your capability to interact with others online as fast and efficiently. Also invest in a webcam. A webcam runs approximately $30 to add to your computer if you don’t already have one directly installed. Video tape yourself speaking about your area of expertise and post it on YouTube and Facebook. This counts as content as well. People are visual. Don’t be left behind because you won’t participate in the video content wave.

            As a side note, when using social media, use your real name. People may see your photo but if your Twitter name is GodselectLady, no one knows your real name to connect with you. If you won’t post your real name, at the very least make the name your business name. People trust the real thing, not a nickname.

          Ok, so yes, ultimately your goal is for people to do business with you. But you must first work to establish relationships. If the first time someone hears your name is when you release your first book, they may be hesitant to connect with you because they think you are just trying to sell them. You have to let people know who you are, what you’re about and that you’re not just looking at them as a dollar sign. I would advise using the attraction marketing method. Simply go about life, doing what you do best, and sharing information on a regular basis. Eventually, people will see how much of a goldmine of information you are for them, and ultimately be attracted to connect with you further.



Step 6

Find Your Social Media Niche

          So you’ve started hanging out online a bit more. You tweet more frequently and may update your Facebook status three times a day now as opposed to the one you were accustomed to doing in the morning before heading out the door. Depending on the audience you are trying to attract, you may need to reconsider which social media outlet you funnel your energy to. If you started a blog but you hate writing, then maybe you need to consider posting more videos of you speaking. If you like to speak, but you may not want your face plastered online just yet, consider starting a Blog Talk Radio show. Find three major outlets and master them.

            Most of the social media outlets allow you to integrate others. While you can integrate Twitter and Facebook, you can also integrate Facebook with your blog. Remember, most times we are mobile. So consider mastering three outlets that you can update and monitor from your cell phone. is another good one for retail businesses to use. This outlet can be monitored from a cell phone as well. LinkedIn is a more professional network where you can also connect with people worldwide.

            You have to find what works best for you. Once you find your three prominent areas of your social media niche, master them. Become consumed with them. Begin to build relationships, which will ideally turn into clientele. Remember, people look for consistency and a business they can trust. Make sure your daily branding reflects this.


Step 7

If It’s Broke, Fix It!

          The final step is to measure your results of your social media efforts. Maybe you got over 1,000 responses on your blog, but didn’t get any responses to your posting on Facebook. Maybe you gained 100,000 new followers from Twitter, but didn’t get any reviews on your YouTube video. This is where you have to decide where your most vital relationships will stem from based on social media efforts thus far.

            Make sure your content is not boring. Add pictures and video, if possible. Make it eye-pleasing. The great thing about social media is that it’s your world! Be as creative as you want to be. The more creative your blogs are, the more people feel a personal connection to you and start to see your true personality. This will build trust early on and cause them to stay connected long term.

            Don’t be discouraged if you don’t get one million ‘followers’ as soon as you create your Twitter profile. Social media takes time and dedication. It may not seem like anyone is paying attention to you; it may seem as though no one is listening. But believe this, someone is watching you. They’re just waiting to see how consistent you will be. Don’t change the message that you send out. If you’re a motivational speaker, your tweets and statuses should motivate, daily! Over time, you will see positive results from people you never even knew were watching.

            The benefits of Facebook are limitless. You can not only create a personal page, but also create a fan page for fans of you or fans of your business. You simply ask your personal ‘friends’ to ‘like’ the fan page. Now you have two pages where you can post content. Your personal page lets a person get to know you from day to day. Your fan page may only contain information pertaining to your business or your area of expertise. is another site that allows you to share content with one click of a button to many social media sites.

            As the old saying goes, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. But for the things that are broke when it comes to defining your social media swag, you do need to fix it. And quick! Don’t just hang out. Create an effective brand, build long-term relationships and get your swag on! Your business brand depends on it!


Upcoming Book by Pam Perry coming June 2011!

comments at please!


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What if I told you that you could change your life for-ever?

What if I told you that it could happen within 45 minutes and totally up-level in under 8 weeks?

I will be facilitating a phenomenal Tele-series Total Transformation: Simple secrets to Maximum Empowerment, Mega Mindset Breakthroughs and Total Wellness

Do you feel like you need a total overhaul? Well I want to talk to you about
Total Transformation. And when I say total I mean total.

What is Transformation?
1: an act, process, or instance of transforming or being transformed
In the bible it reads; Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Notice it states renewing which is continual. It’s not a place of arrival and then you’re done. There are many things that come to stop us from reaching our destiny and fulfilling our purpose.

“Give me just 45 minutes
and I’ll share with you secrets to
realizing MEGA Mindset
Breakthroughs, maximum
debilitating Fear, unleash the
Faith-full, Holistically Fit and
Fabulous you so you can realize
Total Transformation, manifest as the
unstoppable irresistible Kingdom
woman you were meant to be with
laser focus, an EMPOWERED mindset
and live an Authentically Brilliant
Diamond life!!”

Topic this week: Kingdom Woman Total Transformation:
Simple Secrets to Maximum Empowerment,
MEGA Mindset Breakthroughs and overcoming limiting

When: First call
Thursday, February 24 at 1:00 pm PST, 3:00 pm CST, 4:00 pm EST
Can’t make the call?
My gift for this call only is the download of this power-packed audio teaching.

I will also be giving away over $897 in resources during the course of this Tele-series to registrants

of this call so be sure to register.

Register here:

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Are you the person everyone comes to for advice? If so Compass is providing for you to make it official and become a Professional Life Coach. Compass Coach Training is comprehensive, accelerated and affordable.


With Compass Coach Training you can become a Professional Life Coach with a comprehensive curriculum,  industry IAC ( International Association of Coaches ) partnership. This is  unique coach training design for you to  become a Certified Life Coach within a year with an - Earn While You Learn approach.


You will have clients assigned to you through Compass Independent Reps who are enrolling people into the Compass Coaching Network. Classes can be atttended virtually as to not interfere with what you are currently doing. Next class starts in March and Limited Enrollment.


Contact me if  you are interested; I will provide you with additional details. Also visit to know all about Compass - self-growth and personal development network for women.


Marlene McCray, MS

Certififed Compass Coach



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Empowering last words of 2010

I shared the following on Facebook and wanted to also share them with you. Ending on number 8 wasn't intentional, however, it all worked out
quite well if I can say so myself. Enjoy!
 Empowering last words of 2010: #1 Although there are great blueprints, systems, formulas and 12 steps to follow never forget to keep God in your plans
(actually at the head).There is nothing new under the sun and you are
empowered to create because you have the creator within you. Creating
innovative systems, blueprints with your unique design inspired by God's
wisdom. Remember "Wisdom tells knowledge what to do!"

Empowering last words of 2010 #2 Want to Supercharge your entrance into 2011?
Cultivate an attitude of gratitude regardless of what wasn't
accomplished in 2010. Start a gratitude journal (If you don't have one)
Post at least 5 things you're grateful for Thursday and Friday Morning.
Give it an extra power-boost with evening posts on Thursday and Friday.
Your attitude determines your altitude. Continue & Soar in 2011!

Empowering last words of 2010 #3 Is there any unfinished business you need to
close before you enter 2010. Phone calls you need to make?Forgiveness
you need to impart? It's important that you make peace for complete
healing of your soul even if they've gone on."Unforgiveness is the
poison one takes expecting the other person to die." Author (Young man
from Africa) "Forgive, let go and live!"(c) My long awaited book

Empowering last words of 2010 #4 Have you heard this? Some things never change?
There may be some validity to that , however, if you're going to move
ahead and realize empowering success you must change your response,
change your actions. You'd be surprised how this defuses many negative
situations. Besides it's essential to stressed-less living.

Empowering last words for 2010 # 5 Although we're anxiously awaiting 2011 I am not
one to take any day that God gives for granted. God's gift to us is
life & what we do with it is our gift to HIM. So.... maximize every
moment through 2011. 2010 is not gone yet & if you read the
obituaries you'll see many that thought the same & didn't make it to
2011. Celebrate & be thankful for every day while making plans for

Empowering last words of 2010 #6 Remember: As we remember those gone on in 2010,
good times,sad times,challenging times we take from each the lessons God
allowed us to see and learn, the gratitude of being blessed with those
gone on to be part of our lives and celebration of the victories.As we
move forward in 2011 cherish the love of family & friends when times
seem challenging remember How Faithful God has been.

Empoweringlast words of 2010 #7 Set Intentions and Expect - When you set
intentions you aren't preoccupied w/ the how as much as the desired
result. Set your intentions for the New Year & then Expect. There is
power in expectation. Expect to receive,to be empowered to manifest
your desired results through systems designed to help you chart your
course. Connect w/ an accountability partner. Co-Partner w/ God!

Empowering last words of 2010 #8
# 8 stands for New beginnings. I didn't know how many ELW of 2010 I
would write, however, somehow I've ended here. The last words "Celebrate
New Beginnings!" We are entering into a new year with it's own path
that we each have for our lives. Go with God. Stand strong. Fear-less
and Faith-full. There is nothing you cannot do with God on your side.
wish you Peace, Love and Joy. A prosperous New Year!!


Happy New Year!


Robin aka The empowerment Diva

Authentic Life Empowerment

Mentor,Coach,Trainer and Public Speaker

Empowering New,Emerging,Aspiring and Enterprising Woman Entrepreneurs

90 Days to Business Breakthrough!

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 Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. ~ Maria Robinson

Do you find yourself wishing you could go back and start again or start a new beginning?

Of course there is such a thing as a fresh start or new beginning, however, you cannot literally go back in life and start a new beginning.

So what do you do?

You can spend your days murmuring and complaining about what you haven’t accomplished over your life or you can take an optimistic approach by taking inventory of what didn’t work and why? What did work and do more of it and of course discover new systems and strategies that you can implement..

Make the necessary mindset shifts. Many times having the wrong mindset can sabotage your endeavors towards empowering success.

Seek God’s wisdom. You can get as much knowledge as you want, however, you need wisdom to tell knowledge what to do.

Connect with an accountability partner such as a mentor or coach such as myself. My goal is to help you discover your authentic self, get unstuck and to empower you to make big changes and achieve results faster than you have before in your life and business!

As I always say “Empowerment is choice. Yours!”

Make the choice to start today, right here and right now laying the foundation to make a new ending.

This can be your best year ever!

Make endeavors to unleash the Fit and Fabulous you.

I invite you to join me for my no cost Tele-training “How to Unleash the Fit and Fabulous you so you can manifest as the unstoppable
irresistible woman you were meant to
be and live an Authentically Brilliant
Diamond life!!”

Go to

Here’s to the new you… The Fit and Fabulous one!!

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Are you your own worst enemy?

How many times have you started out with a Bang and end up with a fizz?

It goes something like this. You have a great idea or maybe we’ll call it a bright idea. You’re excited and can’t sleep at night becauseideas are flowing and you can’t turn it off. You jump up ready to goand put some things in place. This keeps up for about a week and slowlybut surely you start winding down.

Or maybe you’ve struggled with fear, low self esteem, a lack of confidence and you have a good week and another two good weeks so youthink everything is peachy cream until one day you hit a low.

What happened?

Why can’t you keep it going? Why can’t you sustain the motivation?

You are operating off of the high of self preservation, innovation and creation but lack the internal wiring to sustain your motivation.You recognize a need to develop the skills needed to change things,however, you talk yourself out of it due to a one day,week, monthwonder.

Can we be real (authentic) here. What’s happening on the inside? Is there a void and you’re trying to fill it with external things? Is yourinner critic louder than your healthy spirit and soul?

Are you suffering from an independent spirit and refuse to acknowledge your need to step out of yourself and get the support youneed?

It’s important that you nurture your spirit, soul and body. Take time to lay a solid foundation by settling and mastering yourpsychology which includes things such as your mindset, limiting beliefsetc. , get clear on your vision, setting and writing down effectivegoals and applying strategies that will allow you to realize your goals.

Without this your efforts will be a hit and miss.

Next it’s important that you connect with an accountability partner. I say this often, however, it’s key to your overall empowering success.If you continue to have episodes such as what I mentioned above you’llsoon become discouraged and conclude that business success is just notfor you leading you to abandon your dream and return to the routine 9to 5 job.

Are you your own worst enemy? Yes, you can be. If you neglect to acknowledge where you are and seek out support to resolve your concernsand simply apply a band-aid by coming up with the next best bright ideaor sucking in yet another teaching of the next best Guru you are yourown worst enemy. If you push down the negative chatter, disempoweringbehaviors and limiting beliefs due to a sudden surge of empowermentinstead of dealing with the internal, you are your own worst enemy.

No one’s going to commit to your destiny like you. No one’s going to do whatever it takes to realize your dreams, “YOUR diamond life” like you will.

The time is now to stand up for yourself. Seek out support. Your challenges don’t have to overtake you. You can soar above them.

Arise and shine. It’s your life. Say yes to YOUR Diamond life!

Robin aka The Empowerment Diva

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What is all the fuss about coaching?

I’ve been getting questions from someof the women in my tribe/network and most want to know how they can getstarted in the coaching business. I’m sure each of them have varyingreasons why they
are interested.

If you have a desire to help others that would be one reason to seriously look into this model. If you’re tired of
working harder without realizing the results, this is an ideal model for you.
If you want to monetize and share your expertise with the masses, this is an
ideal model for you.

Watch the video for additional supporting information. Go to to request access to the audio replay of the power-packed Teleseminar mentioned.

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Hello Powerful one!

Can I speak to you for a moment?

I'm sure you've had your share of crisis and challenges in your personal, spiritual and business life!

Do you allow this to overtake you or do you allow it to manifest your Diamond life?

You see most natural diamonds are formed at high-pressure high-temperatureconditions existing at depths of 140 to 190 kilometers (87 to 120 mi)in the Earth mantle.Carbon-containing minerals provide the carbon source, and the growthoccurs over periods from 1 billion to 3.3 billion years (25% to 75% ofthe age of the Earth.)

So it is with our lives. You can realize empowerment through your crisis. You can manifest the bold, beautiful and brilliant you through the pressures of your life. The one thing you must do is embrace
the process. Resisting only delays or sabotages your empowering success. It will only sabotage
your Diamond Life!!

Let me share more with you on how you can Tap into the bold, beautiful and brilliant you so that you
can manifest your Diamond life, yielding prosperity in every area.

This is a no cost event but don't let that fool you you will receive a content rich experience.

Go to to secure your seat!

I'll also be making an exciting announcement on the call. Plus as registrant you will receive
notice of the replay and qualify for my drawing.

When: Wednesday, November 17
Time: 11:00 am PST, 2:00 pm EST
Can't make the call?
Remember the audio replay is available to all registrants

Talk to you soon!!

Robin aka "The Empowerment Diva"

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Hello POWERFUL one!
If you've been working to grow your business for a while
now and things aren't happening as fast as you want, then I'd like
to help you create a MAJOR business BREAKTHROUGH.

Here's the scoop...

I've heard from a lot of small
business owners that are having an
especially difficult time getting their
business to grow fast these days.
After hearing about so many people's
struggles, I decided to do something
about it...

** NEW, For a Limited Time **

For woman entrepreneurs that already have a
business or are serious about starting one.

I'd like to invite you to take
advantage of a special, "Life and Business
Breakthrough" strategy session
where we'll work together to...

=> Create a crystal clear vision
for your 'ultimate business success'
and the "perfect lifestyle" you'd like
your business to provide

=> Uncover hidden challenges
that may be sabotaging the
growth of your business and
keeping you working too
many hours

=> Leave this session renewed,
re-energized, and inspired to
turn your business into a
highly profitable, revenue-generating
machine that practically runs itself...

If you'd like to take advantage
of this very special, very limited,
and complimentary 20 minute
"Life and Business Breakthrough" consultation

Go to to request yours now!

We don't know how intense the response
will be, so we can't guarantee a session for everyone.

We'll take as many people as we can and then start a waiting
list. You can expect to get contacted by our team to schedule your
session within the next 1 - 2 business

If you don't hear from us, it
means we've received more requests
than we can handle right now and
if something opens up we'll get
in touch with you at a later time.

Again, to take advantage of this offer
simply click reply, complete the areas requested and
send back to us.
Warmest Regards,

Robin Tramble

PS: The sooner you respond to this invitation, the more likely you are to get a session.

Go quickly to to request your Life and Business
Breakthrough Strategy session.

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A year from now you may wish you had begun today. ~ Karen Lamb

How would you like to realize Business breakthrough for 2011? Wouldn't it be great to have
support and someone walking with you as you get clear on your vision,goals and align strategic
plans for realizing your goal by 2011 all within a period of 30 days?

It's Fall 2010 and although there are just a few months remaining, there's still time for you
to make some great strides. You can make endeavors towards your best year ever. By the end of 2010 while getting clear on your vision,goals, action steps and be empowered to manifest that one BIG goal as you end 2010 with a BANG and kick your year in gear!!

I know that it seems like you've been working hard to accomplish
your goals since the beginning of the year.

Do you ever wish you could ......

* Achieve your desired results

* Leverage your time so you have more time for what matters most

* Uplevel your Business for realized increased revenue

* Discover keys to allow you to get more clients

* Realize unshakable confidence in your personal,spiritual and business life?

Learn more and secure your seat today!

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“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” C.S. Lewis

What an empowering quote!

Another one of my favorite quotes in this category is by Sharon Williams “It’s never too late to redeem your dreams!!

What is it that you dreamed about when you were a child? What stopped you from moving forward?

This was one of the questions asked of the participants in my Dream Launch Mentoring and Coaching program.

Quite often we allow time to influence what we do in life and once we get past a certain age you may figure that it’s too late so yousettle for what life presents to you. Why is this? Are you influencedby others? Or maybe what society dictates as the normal age to startthinking more sensible and slow down your ambitious endeavors?

There are many who started late in life and then who is to say what the definition for starting late is. Is there a magic number?

I’m sure you’ve heard of Kernel Sanders of Kentucky Fried Chicken and others. Some probably thought he was a little on the crazy side toembark on a dream at his age and yet he did and this franchise is athriving business even now.

What does it take to continue to dream and not just dream but take targeted action?
What about setting another goal and dreaming a new dream?

Well one essential key is to have confidence. Yes, you must have unshakable confidence in your abilities and your gift. There are goingto be naysayers and those who feel you need to do like the rest of themand settle. In order to stay motivated to continue you need confidence.

In the bible it reads “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

Here’s another quote; Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step. Martin LutherKing, Jr.

The right mindset
If you have the mindset that you’re not good enough or that you’re not worth it you’re going to definitely reach animpasse as you move forward to not only dream but take targeted action.

Crystal clear vision
Not being crystal clear on your vision is a definite way to sabotage your success and cause you to give up on yourdream or even worse never set a new goal. Your vision will provide youwith a healthy navigation system.

Not only will it provide guidance when setting your goals but will greatly enhance your activity ofwriting your goals and adding action steps.

These are a few things you need to continue to dream and take targeted action.
I’m sure you can add a few yourself and I invite you to do so. Here’s onemore “tenacity.” When it’s all said and done you must have a mindset tocontinue in the face of tests and discouragement regardless of whatother’s think or the opposition presented to you with a resolve of noretreat.

Go ahead Dream again, set new goals and take targeted action!

If you’re looking to connect with an accountability partner , clear the clutter inside/out, get crystal clear on your vision, set 1Audacious goal, get laser focused so you can be positioned to manifestthat goal then I invite you to join me for “30 days of Empowerment”mentoring program. This Empowering experience will begin when I returnfrom Ali Brown’s “Shine” Event. I’ll be fired up to help you move to anew dimension in your life and business plus provide an experience ofspiritual renewal. Go here to secure your seat now while there’s still availability.

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Savvy women and Woman Entrepreneur’s Productivity tips: The To do list reborn and Batching

We’ve all heard of the 10 things to do list.

The problem with this is that you end up with 10 humongous tasks which all require attention of their own.

I’d like to call this The to do list reborn. When making up your to do list don’t just jot down 10 things on the list Put the items of highest priority at the top. You don’t want to have a list of 10 things
to do. You want to narrow it down because you’re going to add some
action steps or mini goals.

It’s important that you do this activity correctly if you want to achieve the highest results.

I share this in the Make it Happen "30 days of Empowerment” mentoring program. You’ll discover how to get Big results faster than you have before.

Another productivity tip is what is called batching.

Pull out your new and improved To-Do list. Look it over and I I’m sure you’ll see some commonalities and patterns. You might find there are types of tasks that are all performed similarly.

How are they similar? Maybe you complete these tasks while you’re in the same mindset or while using the same equipment. They might be tasks that are call-related, tasks that need to be done in the same software
on the computer, tasks that require extended thinking, etc.

By grouping these tasks together, you can save transition time between activities – and, of course, get more done in less time. These are the types of tasks that are perfect for batching:

Tasks that occur or can be scheduled in the same physical location. By grouping tasks in the same environment together, you save time moving back and
forth. For instance, if you’re meeting a client downtown, arrange
several other meetings in the same general area.

Other ideas: Mailing/shipping at the post office, doctor’s appointments, running errands, even daily tasks in your house (when you’re in the kitchen cooking breakfast, put away the dishes in the
dishwasher, too).

These are just a few of the productivity tips that I’ll also share in my upcoming Make it Happen “30 days of Empowerment” Mentoring program.

This post is an excerpt from my free call You Empowered! Simple secrets to conquering overwhelm.

For a limited time you can request my free gift audio replay download of this call only. On this call I also share one thing that can be attributed to weight gain,overwhelm and
chronic disease and more!

Go to to gain access to my free gift to you.

This is my preview call to the Make it Happen “30 days of Empowerment” mentoring program which will happen weekly through October 27.

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Are you ready to realize Transformation for your life and business?
Do you want to experience a phenomenal program that will assist you along
with group coaching? Well, I can't believe I'm doing this, however, through
my time with my Co-Partner Father God and deep hearted thinking I am
introducing a scholarship. This is for those of you who have been looking
at this program hearing about this program and praying that you would
somehow be able to participate. That time is now! Go to
and select the Scholarship option. Here's how it will work; the current investment
will remain for the first 10 or until Sunday at midnight PST and it will increase and that will remain for the next 10 until Monday,midnight PST and then the Scholarship option will be removed.
I have been there. Wanting so bad to participate in a program that I knew would
change everything for me and if it weren't for the fre.e Teleseminars and kindness
of some I wouldn't be hear today. Oh and of course my Faith,family and favor of God.
As soon as I was able to invest I did because I knew that would be a direct
reflection on how God would allow women to invest with me.

It's never too late to redeem your dreams. ~ Sharon Williams
Let me help you redeem your dreams and take targeted action!

The "Authentic Life" Empowerment
Mentor,Coach,Trainer, and Public Speaker
to women across the world

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Attention Christian Women in Biz

First let me say this from one Christian Woman in Biz to another.
One WAHM and mompreneur to another and from one Daughter of
God to another.

It's your responsibility to express your gifts in a BIG way!!

You're a unique one of a kind Gift of God.

If you're not involved in the marketing activity of building your list/community consistently you won't
attract your ideal clients/customers and without clients/customers you won't have revenue and
without revenue your business will cease.

Okay I know you've heard that the money is in the list, however, maybe you can't seem to make
it work for you. Or you're having results but not to the extent that you desire.

Is it really true that the money is in the list? Or are there other elements essential
to realizing the fruits from your list.

Maybe you have questions such as......

"How do I get started?"

"What's the quickest way to realize results?"

"How can I persuade prospects to subscribe?"

"What's a squeeze page?"

"I'm not handy with all that tech stuff so how can I get started without a
fancy website?"

I'm glad you asked. All of the above and more will be covered in my upcoming free call.

Get your message out! 5 sure-fire strategies to build your list.
Everyone is welcome, however, this time the call is designed with the Christian Woman/Mom in business in mind.

When: Wednesday, September 29
Time: 11:00 am PST, 2:00 pm EST
Where: From the comfort of your home

Can't make the call? The audio replay will be available to
all registrants.

Secure your seat here

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What do you do when you’ve done everything you’re told and
it still doesn’t work?

You have a few months left to make it happen for you in 2010 but

you have no more motivation and you’re out of ideas. You are working

endlessly behind the computer only to find that you've left little time to do what
matter's most What do you do?

Give up? No. You can do it!


Sep 11, 2010 –Robin Tramble
aka The Empowerment Diva has developed a 90 day

VIP program just for you, The Bold, Courageous and Brilliant 90 day VIP

coaching program for 10 wealth conscious women and woman
entrepreneurs or aspiring.

“I want to give women an opportunity to get clear on their vision,

goals and action plan. I will work with you to accomplish
your goals but

more specifically to get laser focused on one BIG goal while tapping into

your brilliance and unleashing the bold, courageous and
brilliant you!” says Robin.

It's Fall 2010 and although
there are just a few months remaining, there's still time for you

to make some great strides and end 2010 with a Bang!!

Women will join Robin for a 90 day journey together with other like-minded

women who will all have the aim of accomplishing their goals
by the end of the 90 day period.

Your goal might be to realize a healthy lifestyle so you can realize better weight
achieve that ideal weight, to launch your first telesminar, to set up the

needed components to effectively build your list, to increase your revenue by a
certain measure, to become bold, courageous and tap into your brilliance so you
can play a bigger game etc.

Robin wants to support you in accomplishing your desires and goals within 90 days.

To learn more about how you can be one of the ten women who join in

this life-changing program go to

Get ready to kick start your year!

# # #

About Robin Tramble

Robin Tramble International was founded by Professional Life Empowerment Coach,

Robin Tramble to help women live a big, bold, beautiful and authentically brilliant

life of empowerment. Robin is a Mentor, speaker, Recording artist and Author

of the upcoming book “The Dynamic Power of Focus for unstoppable women.”

She is also creator of .

Find out more about Robin Tramble International at


Contact Details:

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Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must
fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act.
There is no other route to success.

~Stephen A. Brennan~

Do you have goals for your life and business?

I'm sure you do. Are you achieving any of your goals?

Even when you've set a "good" goal - you can run into some

challenges along the way... namely, motivation. Without motivation,

even the most ambitious person will get sidetracked. Here are the strategies that
will keep you on track to achieving your goals:

Write it down

It's one thing to set a goal and yet another to write it down.

You're making a step towards committing to your goal when

you write it down. I know it seems obvious, however, you'd be

surprised at how many individuals

don't complete this step.

Determine what achieving this goal will do for you

Give life to your goals. Write down what it will mean or what it

will do for you to achieve this goal. Visualize it and write it down.

Place yourself in the moment. This is also a key to manifesting

your goals.

Focus on success.

Being overcome by negative thoughts or "what if" scenarios can spell
disaster, even death, to your goals. When you start out by finding a
million ways why your plans won't work, your energy is getting diverted
to dealing with failure that hasn't even happened!

Instead of funneling your time and resources into negative thoughts and
processes, make the decision that you're not going to entertain any
ideas of failure. If it happens, it happens. You don't have to spend
your precious resources worrying about it now.

"What you focus on expands." ~ Author unknown

Chart your progress.

A great motivation is to create a visual graphic to represent your
progress towards your goal. Think of those thermometers that elementary
schools place outside on a busy road, measuring how close they are to
achieving their fund-raising goal for the new community pool or
library. A similar, physical chart that you can update with progress
will do wonders to keep your attention focused.

When you're doing this step, think outside the box. If you're trying to
spend more time at the gym, why not post a map of the US on your wall,
and draw an inch from one coast to the other for each hour you spend on
the treadmill? Visual reminders are fun ways to keep your goals in the
forefront of your mind.

Don't be afraid to ask for help or turn to an expert for advice.

Some individuals feel guilty about asking for help or admitting that they
need help. Or you may think that you need to do everything on your own.
Nothing could be further from the truth! Alcoholics Anonymous has
sponsors, Michael Phelps has a coach, and Jack Welch had an advisory
board. No one has to be alone in their goal-setting efforts. Trying to
eat healthier? Nutritionists will help you fine-tune your diet. Working
out to get fit? Trainers will help you find the most effective
exercises to achieve your physical goals. Trying to get clear on your
vision, goals and stay focused or maybe even get unstuck? Coaches such

myself can assist you in this area.

There are business mentors and coaches who can help you figure out social
media, launch a new information product, create action plans, stay
focused, streamline your finances etc.. You can also find tons of
books, videos, and websites to help you reach your goal, no matter what
your goal happens to be. Don't go it alone. You also need an
accountability partner. Many times this is the missing piece.

Need more support in setting and/or achieving your goals? I invite you to
contact me for a complimentary life and business breakthrough strategy
session. Where I'll help you create a vision of where you'd like to go,
uncover some of the things that may be holding you back

and more. You'll leave our session re-energized, empowered and more focused.

Send an email to put "Life and Business

Breakthrough strategy session" in the subject area.

Someone will contact you to set up your session with me.

Visit my blog here
for additional empowering posts.

I welcome your comments.


include this complete blurb with it and retrieve the complete article:

Robin Tramble is the Dynamite "Authentic Life" Empowerment Mentor,Trainer,Coach to savvy women and
woman entrepreneurs that want to attract get results in a big way and
faster than they have before by discovering their authentic self,
getting unstuck,creating action plans, staying focused so that they can
live a big, bold, beautiful and authentically brilliant life of

Request your fre.e access to Robin's empowering ezine for savvy entrepreneurial
women "Highlights of Empowerment and Total Wellness." Receive
empowering tips, her empowering
audio "3 Big mistakes women make" and her special report "Barriers to empowerment."
(c) 2010 Robin G. Tramble

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