Coach (98)

You Couldn't Make it

Yes! they said you couldn't make it this far. Your business will fail. You will be back. You will not win. The people who are near and dear to you are also included in this negative talk. The so called friends; the ones you ask to attend the meetings with you and all of a sudden they had a prior engagement. Have you heard these words before. Surely, you have and that is why you became so determined to prove them wrong. You were determine to have the last laugh; because you knew what GOD placed within you no one can take away.Applaud yourself for taking a bold step towards school and graduating. Applaud yourself for taking courageous steps towards starting your business. Applaud yourself for taking the powerful steps towards your career. You did it and if your reaping the rewards righ now so be it because it was determined in your mind long time ago that this day would come. So, bask in your glory for you have earned it through sweat and tears.How did you do it? How did you stand and be counted? What were your solutions to getting it done? Well! First and foremost you trusted God when everything and everyone around you seemed unforgiving. Knowing that God was on your side sooth every cell within your being. Secondly, you knew you didn't want to be like the masses waiting for a handout. You had dreams that could not wait for someone else's approval, you had goals to reach therefore, you were determined to make it happen. Why, because a life unfulfilled is a life filled with coulda, shoulda, woulda's.So, you couldn't make it the way the others were making it, living from hand to mouth. You coudn't make it sitting in silence letting your desires burn into ashes. You coundn't make it throughout the day without accomplishing a thing, You couldn't make it without being of service to others. Why, because you are different; you are YOU!
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Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter andthose who matter don't mind. ~Dr. SeussAs you make the shift to your best empowered life there will be nay-sayers.Those that feel you're going just a little too far. Those that feel you arenot connected to reality because you have such an optimistic outlook.You are embracing a lifestyle of Faith, purpose, passion and empowerment.Your mere existence may rub some the wrong way because they're only comfortablefollowing the dictates of society or their surroundings.What I've often told my children as we were raising them and remind them ofnow that they're young adults is to "be true to yourself." There is powerin being authentic and sticking with what you believe regardless.You can often see this exhibited with one's Faith.Besides if you don't stand for something you'll fall for anything.Only you can be the best you that there ever was. ~ Robin TrambleEmpowering you!Request your 3 free empowering gifts from Robin aka Empowerment Diva.
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As My Special Gift To Those Ning Sites and Their Members That Love and Support "SUCCESS DRIVEN DIVAS"

DOWNLOAD YOUR COPY OF One of My Favorite Ebook " 23 Simple Strategies to Immediately Begin Empowering Your Life Design Everyday" for Only $3.00
Change Your Mind and Shift Your Paradigm: Using Positive Self-Talk to Conquer Any GoalBy V. Ivana Foster, The Confidence ArchitectFounder and Owner of The North Star Life Empowerment Program, Platinum Level Coaching for Success Driven Divas.Do you feel like you are always talking yourself out of success? As soon as you start to set goals for yourself, do you suddenly have nagging thoughts about how you aren't up to the task or how you simply aren't qualified to carry it through?If you have ever experienced either situation, you need to change the way you respond to your inner dialogue. Instead of obeying your negative commands, you can use positive self-talk to counter the negativity and overcome nearly all anxious thoughts.Setting Goals and Sticking to Them with Positive Self-TalkAre you initially filled with excitement when you first set goals for yourself? Are these thoughts then followed by self-doubt and self-defeating thoughts that stop you in your tracks before you even get started?It can be difficult to make the most of your life when you are constantly talking yourself out of being a success. It can be frustrating and discouraging to have these thoughts constantly plaguing you. Many of us, in fact, don't even realize we have them! All we know is that we don't have the confidence to stick to our plans and reach our goals.But there's another way!Positive self-talk is an effective way to set goals and ensure that you stick to them, even if you have never been able to do this before. The way this works is that you decide what goal is important to you, and then you plan the logistics of how you are going to attain this goal. When self-doubt starts kicking in, you will respond with affirmations that prove your success without surrendering to the negative pressure. Since you're reading this article, it's clear that you're no quitter and you're certainly not a failure, so start believing in yourself!Re-Programming Your MindAffirmations are essentially positive statements that re-program your mind for the positive. The moment you have a self-defeating thought you'd be able to counter the negative with a motivating statement. An example of a positive affirmation is: "I am worthy of great success," or "I see myself in the winner's circle." What this does is replace negativity with thoughts that will help you move toward your goals instead of further away from them.Positive self-talk is easier to implement than you might think. You may not be aware of the severity of the negative dialogue currently within your mind. However, once you begin with positive self-talk, you will suddenly realize that you are self-sabotaging the goals you set for yourself from the minute that you make them. This process can open your eyes to exactly how much this inner conversation has been interfering with your life. You'll feel hopeful that you can now set goals and surpass them.Through positive self-talk you will be able easily set long and short-term goals for yourself. And when you use affirmations, you'll have accessible tools to help you push yourself further than ever before. Learning to quiet negativity with positive thoughts is a great move toward setting and attaining future goals with ease.As Always,

Love YOUR LIFE. Achieve YOUR GOALS. Love YOUR DREAMS...on THIS DAY!P.S.Remember to Grab Your Special Gift Today

DOWNLOAD YOUR COPY of "23 Simple Strategies to Immediately Begin Empowering Your Life Design Everyday" For Only $3.00 Today.

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THE NORTH STAR LIFE EMPOWERMENT PROGRAM, Platinum Level Coaching for Success Driven Divas.
Do Setbacks Stop You Altogether?By V. Ivana Foster, M.Ed., Certified SR(tm) Coach, Life Empowerment Coach(aka, The Confidence Architect)Forrest Gump was right...Life IS like a box of chocolates.There are assorted flavors that are sweet, chewy, and sometimes nutty. We may not even like all of the chocolates in the box, but we have to deal with them.There are many words to describe what happens when we don’t get what we want. Some use the term “failure” but even that word is used in the wrong context sometimes. We opt for words like “setback” and “stalled.”Whatever you want to call it, these are the road bumps in life. If life was always smooth sailing, we’d be pretty poorly equipped people. The first rough patch and we’d probably be carried off in a strait jacket.Have you ever seen the hands of a farmer? His skin is wrinkled and dark from long winters and blistering summers. On his palms are thick areas of skin from tousling with ropes and equipment. Those calluses form in response to his work so that the next time, his hands will be prepared for the ropes.Setbacks are meant to function in the same way. One area where we experience setbacks is in weight loss and management. Oh, the stories we could probably tell. When the scale creeps up, we are mobilized to dig in our heels and work harder. Or, are we?With the proper help, we will bounce back.Setbacks can beat us down to where we don’t want to try anymore. It is hard to make it alone, but having someone else positive along for the ride can soften the road bumps and keep us moving in a positive direction.Some setbacks require the incorporation of a life empowerment coach to overcome. Their job and goal is to be a sounding board for you. If needed, they offer sound advice to get you going again. This person is your counterweight to keep your life in balance when it threatens to tip one way or another.Part of bouncing back from a loss or setback is putting the situation in proper perspective. You lost the race, because you didn’t practice enough or the other racers were better. Counter that setback with more practice. Even ask for tips from other racers. Look to the positive side for answers to setbacks. Write out a list of positives and negatives if you have to.Would it feel good to give up? Of course it wouldn’t. You’d harp on your loss.Getting back in the saddle as soon as possible is the key to regaining your confidence and the will to try again.As Always,Love Your Life. Achieve Your Goals. Live Your Dreams...on THIS DAY!My Heart is For Your Success,~Ivana, The Confidence Architect

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Are you happy?

Are you happy? I mean really truly happy. Now I'm not talking about perfect, I mean we all have ideas about what could make our lives better. I'm not talking about being content either. I am talking about genuine happiness. Before you answer that question, I want you to think about two things:1. How do you define happiness? What does it really mean to you?2. What makes you happy?Now, based on the answers to those questions, are you happy?If you say yes, GREAT! That means that you are on the right track. Now what are you going to do about it? That's right, how are you going to maintain it? How are you gonna take it to the next level?If the answer is no, then my question for you is the same: what are you going to do about it?Let's face it, happiness is a choice. Just the same, success is also a choice. Not just one choice, but a series of choices. A process. The bright side is that you are never too young or too old to change direction and get busy. You can decide today, right now, to be happy and successful.Take a second and think about it. Let me remind you that it is going to be a challenge. It's gonna take some hard work, dedication, and sacrifice. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it. Remember, anything worth having is worth the sacrifice it takes to get it.Whatever you dream of doing, no matter how wild or far fetched it may seem to others, is possible.Microsoft was a dream to Bill Gates at some point, and what do you think his friends and family thought? I mean computers were not even commonplace. And Al Gore's family and friends must have though he was all types of crazy. He had a dream of using computers to allow people to communicate and connect all over the world, instantaneously. Thus the birth of the Internet. Where would we be if he was afraid to dream?As my dad always says "Dreamers built the world."The first step in Discovering your Dreams is to really think about what those dreams are.Your Homework:* Get a 2 spiral notebooks, or a legal pad and a spiral notebook. See you next week.* Come back next weekend for the next step in the process* Comment below and tell me:What do you dream of doing? What do the people in your life have to say about that?You can subscribe to this blog at www.discoveryourdreams.blogspot.comFollow us on twitter at
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Who Is Gee Renee..Anyway?

Hi everyone, Gee Renee here. I wanted to post this short bio, introducing me to the BBWO community.

I was born and raised in The Bronx, NY, and am the 2nd eldest of 7 children. I have always been a trend-setter and a go-getter. I was the first to do many things in my immediate family; from breaking my leg to leaving home, to graduating from college, to getting married. I am also a born-again believer in The Lord Jesus Christ

For the past 18 years, I have been honored to be married to who I call "the greatest living Jazz Pianist", Mr. Levi Barcourt (bar-coo). Together, we have 3 beautiful children, who I know will one day leave indelible marks on this world. In addition to being a mommy and a wifey, I am also an entrepreneur.

After working in Corporate America for 16 years; 13 years ago, I was privileged to stay at home and become a full-time Momprenuer. I've owned my own baking business; worked as a church administrator, and as a network marketer. Currently, I am a first-time author, writing my first book, a baby name book, entitled, "You Were Destined To Be."

My current online activities includes that of an Internet Marketer. I promote cash leveraging programs, and am passionate about helping others "Create Wealth so they can Leave a Lasting Financial Legacy." Offline, I am also the co-owner of LB Music & Entertainment, Inc., a premier entertainment company, serving the NY Tri-State regions.

If you'd like to learn even more about me, please check out my profile at: As a member of BBWO, I am seeking to network with and befriend women who are driven to succeed, and have a will to fulfill their God-given destiny.

I'm looking forward to building additional syncopated and synergistic relationships here!

Remember, "Destiny is Not left up to Chance…It's a Matter of CHOICE!!!

Peace & Blessings,
Gee Renee

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One of the biggest frustrations in internet marketing is that you have to sell thousands of $10-$20 ebooks each year in order to make a full-time living online. The logistics can be pretty daunting.There are a few ways to get over this hurdle.1. Reach more people. (Get more customers.)2. Write more ebooks. (Offer more low end products.)3. Offer a higher-end product or service that your existing customers can pay more for. (Charge more for... something.)Many people flinch at the third option. The thought of putting together a huge course or a big DVD package that they can sell for $100 or more sounds like a ton of work.However, in Jimmy D. Brown's usual way, he's found a way to help marketers earn more with their EXISTING business. That's the part that I love about this. It doesn't even entail setting up a new website. You can just add this to your current business and multiply your income immediately.what is it?Coaching. Personal one-on-one e-coaching.Jimmy's been doing this for years. And, every time he offers coaching, it sells out.Unfortunately, he found that offering email coaching can have a few problems. The main one is, of couse, email deliverability. It's obviously a problem if you offer e-coaching and then don't receive emails from your customer.So, Jimmy hired a software engineer and had him design a simple online interface so that he could communicate privately with his coaching clients inside this software. He's been making improvements to that same script, and now he's making it available for purchase.The first thing you'll want to do is check out the software the site, you'll see all of the features and even be able to even read the user manual before buying.If you've been thinking of adding a high-ticket item to your sales process or offering e-coaching, it just got easy.Best wishes,Frantonia PollinsWealth & Success Coach
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According the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) chronic diseases like cardiovascular disease (primarily heart disease and stroke), cancer, and diabetes are among the most common, costly, and preventable of all health problems. They are considered preventable because they are tied to our lifestyle choices. Choices that we have the power to control.Each waking day our lives are filled with messages that cause us to think about and encourage us to live healthier. We see them on T.V., hear them on the radio, read them in the newspaper or our favorite magazines – they even pop up while we’re surfing the Internet. And there’s a reason why these messages are so prevalent. It’s because our neighborhoods, our communities, our cities, our states and our nation are saturated with disease and illness that have our healthcare system in a financial bind.The CDC states that the medical care costs of people with chronic diseases account for more than 75% of the nation’s $2 trillion medical care costs. The bottom is, we all have the power of choice and it’s our responsibility to implement it not only for ourselves, but for those in our lives, to include the neighborhoods, communities, states and nation that our unhealthy lifestyles will impact.So, how are you going to respond to these messages? You see them. You hear them. They’re everywhere. Hopefully, you’ll respond by implementing change in your life. For months during President Obama’s campaign trail, we heard a message that resonated throughout this country. ‘Yes we can!’ It was a statement of possibility, a statement of hope, a statement that caused us all to believe. Well, that statement doesn’t have to end with President Obama’s campaign trail. You can make it your own by saying ‘Yes I can!’ You can even add to it and say, ‘Yes, I can change and make better choices!’Our leaders are working on legislation to help families make ends meet, as well as to address not only our economy and other issues, but our healthcare crisis. With all of the changes that are underway, though, it’s critical that we do our part. And we can start with our health and fitness.Just think about the following comment I recently heard from a lady. ‘I never made the connection of my lifestyle habits and the healthcare crisis until recently. Now, I think about my father who recently had a massive heart attack that costs somebody – Medicare, insurance company, etc. – over $150,000. I think about the costs associated with my debilitating arthritis which primarily stems from my excess body weight. I think about my cousin’s stroke that caused paralysis on her left side. I think more and more about how our unhealthy lifestyle habits were contributing factors that led to our health predicaments.’Take the time to figure out how you’re going to respond to the messages you’re seeing and hearing. Yes, you can change!This health and fitness dialogue is provided for your consideration only. It is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care provider. Please consult your health care provider for advice about your specific health and fitness needs.Fitness coach Bridgette Collins is the author of Destined to Live Healthier and Imagine Living Healthier. For general health and fitness questions, please feel free to visit or email Coach Collins at
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I was a guest on the Coach K of Life show talking about the most important things that we can teach our kids about money. Listen here,Shay OlivarriaSpeaker, Entrepreneur, Author, Former Foster
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At a time when the world is reeling from the worst financial collapse since the Great Depression, most people are experiencing an economic recession that will undoubtedly have an impact on their lives in 2009. Each day we hear about companies failing, industries needing government assistance, retailers struggling, increased joblessness, housing foreclosures, and more. Even more overwhelming and frustrating are our daily thoughts, feelings and activities that revolve around a busy schedule, a stalled business, a stressful job, a contract that ended unexpectedly or didn’t materialize, the rumors of job layoffs, an unfulfilled relationship, a pending divorce, the memories of an unresolved past, a medical condition, a mountain of bills, and so much more. All of which have the potential to stifle our desires and intentions to implement and/or sustain healthier lifestyle habits. So, how do you plan to address your desire to live healthier in the midst of a life full of hassles, demands, obligations, and uncertainty? Which lifestyle habits will you try to spend more time on? What will you decrease spending on to live healthier?As you began to sift through those thoughts and feelings about how your life has been and will be impacted by the state of the world and your personal circumstances, and those actions you intend to modify in 2009, don’t put off evaluating those related to healthier lifestyle habits. It’s no secret that when you have so many feelings, thoughts, interests, and activities vying your attention, the idea of exercising or eating healthier will inevitably and continuously be placed on the back burner. There is never time enough time in the day to exercise or prepare a home cooked meal, get a sufficient amount of sleep, drink the appropriate levels of water, or get that much needed annual physical examination. Are you one of those people?Now is the time for you to sit down at your kitchen table and focus on how you’re going to achieve the following three important tasks related to living healthier: (1) conduct a self-examination of those things that challenge you everyday, (2) develop a plan for how you’re going to align living healthier with your pursuits and challenges, and (3) implement your plan that will help to alleviate a continuum of poor lifestyle choices. The one thing you have to your advantage is the power of choice; taking responsibility for your actions and learning that your faith, determination, and perseverance are necessary for overcoming your challenges, rearranging your priorities, and embracing healthier lifestyle habits. One of the most important transactions you’ll make in 2009 will be to live healthier in the midst of it all.This health and fitness dialogue is provided for your consideration only. It is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care provider. Please consult your health care provider for advice about your specific health and fitness needs.Fitness coach Bridgette Collins is the author of Imagine Living Healthier and Destined to Live Healthier, two entertaining and inspiring books that uses fictional stories to illuminate familiar patterns and truths about common lifestyle habits. For more information about Bridgette L. Collins (Coach Collins) and her books, go to
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THE LAW OF COUNTABILITYThe ‘Law Of Countability’ as described by John Maxwell, is a critical one in building teams and in effective teamwork. This is especially crucial when the stakes are high.People working towards a common goal, depend on the input and execution of tasks by each other. In fact tasks and accomplishment hinge on each other completing theirs. So the ‘Law Of Countability’ is not only important, but it ultimately determines the altitude a team will get to.Maxwell says the formula for ‘Countability’ is not complicated but its impact is powerfulThe formula for ‘Countability’ is as follows:1. CHARACTER: Character makes trust possible. Trust makes leadership possible. I you cannot trust someone, you will not count on them. Building a team, begins with building character in the individuals who make up the team2. COMPETENCE: Competence matters. Without competence, one person can put the entire team in jeopardy. Without competence the burden of the other teamsters become heavier3. COMMITMENT: Teams succeed or fail based on the commitment of teamsters to each other and the team. If a good team player ‘breaks a leg’ the others carry him to the top of the mountain. Many a time it is not about being the first one to the top of the mountain but that the whole team makes it to the top of the mountain4. CONSISTENCY: Consistency in a team is a key component. It keeps the flow of teamwork and reduces the need for other players to add to their work load if everyone stays consistent. Your consistency builds great confidence in you by you teammates5. COHESION: Cohesion is the glue which holds a team together. It is the journey to a worthwhile common goal that gives a team its identity and provides a foundation on which a team stands on. Maxwell describes it as ‘a pride in the ability of your group to function at a higher level than possible for the individual. The unit doesn’t shine because you’re a member, you shine because you’re good enough to be a member”Maxwell continues, “Without cohesion people aren’t really a team because they’re not pulling together. They’re merely a group of individuals working for the same organization.” So today as a leader or an aspiring leader, ask yourself, ‘Am I a team player?’ And do I have and exhibit the characteristics above clearly, in a manner that my team depends on it?” Your answer will tell you the whole story…Nadira Haniffwww.180DaysToGreatness.comwww.180DaysToProfit.comFollow me on Twitter
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It is indeed the perfect day to talk about LEADERSHIP and LEADING WITH STRENGTH. Leadership is one of my favorite topics of discussion because it encompasses so much and also can be interpreted in several different ways & styles.A leader is someone who assumes that role. Sometimes we have leadership thrust upon us, but nevertheless, that role has to be accepted. How many times have you heard "be the leader people are looking for"? I am sure many times. But how does one become the leader people are looking for? What steps do we take to get to that point?We have discussed several of those steps this week, but in a nutshell let's recap. Leadership is not a role that is favored by many in the corporate world or otherwise, because it comes with responsibility and expectations. It comes with being there when it is expected for you to be there. But in as much the role of a leader maybe somewhat big to fill, it has the sweetness of all the rewards that we seek. Financial & spiritual as well as many other aspects of our life.So having said that. And knowing that as networkers and business folks we want to be the leader people are looking for...let's simplify and implement step by doesn't have to be overwhelming or intimidating... just embrace each step one at a time...TOP 10 DEEP UNDERSTANDING OF A LEADER(1) A leader is mentally prepared to move forward steadily(2) A leader has a game plan laid out to follow(3) A leader understands that the plan is not set in stone, but will need fine tuning(4) A leader believes with all his/her heart and soul in the himself(5) A leader believes with all his heart in the mission(6) A leader believes with all his heart in his/ her team(7) A leader knows that failure is not an option even though he/she may fail forward(8) A leader is prepared to be in the front line of battle, doing it first(9) A leader knows that there are many challenges ahead(10) A leader knows that there is no prize without the price & so begins with the end in mind...Teamsters, go forward boldly and become the leader that's in's there, just believe and follow with action...Nadira Haniff/ Coachwww.NadiraHaniff.comwww.180DaysToGreatness.comFollow My Twitter
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Overcoming fear

Overcoming fear© 2008 Robin TrambleHave you ever been hindered by a fear of success (or a fear of failure)?Have you ever received news that seemed to immobilize you with fear?Fear tried to grip me when I was awakened at 2:30 in the morning by my daughter's voice with these words "mom, I can't see!." Well, she recovered and my daughter , my family and I overcame the fear, doubt and unbelief.Faith is the opposite of fear. Doubt and fear are the cousins.People everywhere are beginning to live in a state of fear. There is good fear and bad fear. Fear was also designed to warn us and protect us from certain things, however, for the most part people become in bondage to the negative fear.What is fear?Fear is an emotional response to threats and danger. It is a basic survival mechanism occurring in response to a specific stimulus, such as pain or the threat of pain.You can begin to overcome fear by following a few of the keys below.1) Recognize fear as the following acronym: False – Evidence – Appearing – RealUsually we fear the outcome of the unknown. The evidence that is presented beforeyou is not necessarily truth. So it is key to know that it is only the way it appears, it is an illusion so to speak. We have somehow allowed ourselves to believe that it is real.2) Identify the source of your fear: Where does your fear stem from? Do you find yourself becoming bound by fear when facing new tasks? Could this be a result of the negative responses you received when coming up in response to your failures? Do you become bound by fear when you approach certain types of relationships? Does fear try to grip you when in confrontational situations at work? Identifying the source of your fear plays a key role in overcoming your fears.3) Develop courage: Courage, also known as bravery, will, intrepidity, and fortitude, is the ability to confront fear, pain, risk/danger, uncertainty, or intimidation. You can see by the definition that courage is very important to develop when learning to overcome your fears. You cannot be passive when dealing with fear. You must confront it head on. You must do as the last key listed below andthat is to continue in the face of fear.4) Continue in the face of fear: You must acknowledge that Fear is a spirit.2 Timothy 5:7 states “God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. When you realize that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind, you can continue in the face of fear. You must face it head on.Be empowered through your union with Father God, embrace the power that it ours. Put on love and receive a sound mind. This will help you to counteract fear and continue.5) Build your confidence: A lack of confidence only fuels the spirit of fear. Learn strategies for building your confidence. The more confident you are the more you will be able to face fear head on and you can also begin to embrace courage.Fear will immobilize us, steal our destiny, health and relationships. Fear empowers us to FAIL. Faith is just the opposite. Live by faith and begin to enjoy a life of freedom, freedom from a lifestyle of fear.Utilize the above keys to overcoming your fears. Don’t read them, but select one to focus on and write it down. Think about some actions you can take to bring life to the key chosen. Write them down and at weeks end update with your progress.These are just a few suggested keys to overcoming your fears.Visit here to access a free resource to aid in your effort in overcoming fear. eBook 15 POWERFUL tips towards boosting self esteem and confidenceWhat’s holding you back from achieving all you desire?How would you like to see some of your dreams come true in under a year?Robin Tramble is your empowering, mentoring, Trainer/Coach. Get connected todayand realize dreams come true in under a year.
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Let it go for effective personal development

"Sometimes you've got to let everything go - purge yourself. If you areunhappy with anything - whatever is bringing you down, get rid of it.Because you'll find that when you're free, your true creativity, your trueself comes out."Tina TurnerEntertainerIn my coaching and mentoring sessions I use an assessment thatdeals with taking inventory of what you are tolerating. Whatever wetolerate we cannot change and if you look over your life you'll seethat there are certain things that have been there for 10, 15, maybe20 years and you look back and wonder why you allowed it to hangon for so long.Well, if you don't assess your life and really know what it isyou want and better than that what you don't want, you willlive a life of mediocrity.I challenge you today to take inventory of 3 things thatyou have been tolerating.Next note 1 - 2 actions you can take to minimize and eventuallystop tolerating the actions of that particular individual or other areayou are tolerating.Set your spirit free for creativity, to realize a new empowered you!If you'd like more information on the tolerationassessment that I spoke of, contact me.To your empowerment,RobinGet your free eBook 15 powerful tips towards boostingyour self esteem and confidenceBoost your self esteem and confidence and realizea new EMPOWERED You!
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How to Turn Your Financial Troubles Around

Money worries have many different voices: “How am I going to pay my phone bill? My lights are almost two months behind. The rent is due. What are we going to do about the mortgage? We don’t have money for football uniforms. No field trip. That cost money. No, you can’t have that, it cost more than what we have in our budget. They’re coming to take the furniture back; our payment is overdue. The kid needs her braces removed but the dentist won’t do it unless we pay the rest of the money we owe. I’ve lost my job. I’m sorry, honey, they have downsized my position. If I want to keep my job I will have to take a cut in pay. How can I afford these child support payments? I can’t take this any more. What are we going to do?”A mind that is cluttered with money worries may be flooded with one or two or all of these thoughts at one time or another. Maybe you were there once in your life, maybe not. Most people with financial troubles are anxious, confused, angry, harbor feelings of hopelessness, insecurity, and uncertainty about future financial outcomes. Consequently, this state of mind affects everything, including work performance.It’s time for a financial assessment. Is your trouble because you have maxed out your credit cards? Maybe you have more month than money. Do you have medical expenses? Are you sick and can’t work? Have you lost your job, or been downsized? Where did the shortage originate?Once you have assessed where the problem lie, then you can look at remedies. Money troubles in plain simple English are not enough money to cover your present lifestyle. The causes may or may not be within your control.When the funds are low, the logical answer would be to make more but what most people do is fret about it. Some spend more time worrying about what they don’t have while others add on a second job.Money troubles are not going to go away without something changing. Worry will not make up the deficit but initiating a plan of action will.Step IMake a list of all of your monthly household livingexpenses: mortgage, rent, utility bills, etc.Step IIList Your Debts (creditors you owe)Step IIIList your entertainmentStep IVList miscellaneous (lunch, coffee, snacks, etc.)Step VWrite in how much you pay on each. Total thatamount.Step VIList your sources of income (job, spouse, etc.). Takethe total from this and subtract it from what you spend onhousehold, debts and entertainment. If that figure showsyou are not covering your expenses, look back at yourexpenses; see what you can eliminate from entertainment.Make a list of other areas you are expending money,such as lunch, dry cleaning, hair cuts, etc.Try taking your lunch from home rather than buying lunch. The average lunch cost about $7.00. That $7.00 for five days comes to $35.00 a week, totaling $140.00 a month. Imagine if you, your wife and children spent the same amount weekly,that would amount to a partial mortgage or rental payment.Take a look at your Debt. Began to work from the smallest to the largest. Take the money you saved from not buying, let’s say lunch, and redirect the total amount towards paying off the smallest debt first.As you pay off each debt, take that money and add it to the next smallest debt, working your way to the largest, until you have eliminated your debt completely. While you are doing this, examine your household budget.Look at how to eliminate some of your other expenditures; for example, if you have a high cell phone bill, you might want to exchange that cell phone for one with a more fixed rate. Maybe instead of hiring a lawn service, you could cut the grass yourself. Perhaps you might visit Barber or cosmetology trade schools to obtain these services at a reduced rate.Look at what you are already doing first to find the extra money. If you still need more to make up the deficit, then you might look at your skills and talents: start a home-based business. It’s something you could do as a family.Money troubles can be conquered, if you are willing to take a few extra steps. Don’t look at the impossible debt mountain, began the climb one step at a time. And, yes, it is okay to reward yourself along the way but keep in mind where you are headed. Don’t overdo it. Once your debt is eliminated, don’t spend the excess money; instead, add it to your future savings options.Understand that paying your debts down will not take place overnight but if you are consistent it will happen.Blondie L. Clayton is a Realization Strategist™, Publishing Coach, Author of several books, Freelance Writer, hosts of several radio talk shows online. Download your free debt free starter kit at
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During the month of April, Alive Incorporated launched its Pay It Forward Program. The mission of this program is to assist aspiring entrepreneurs in making their dreams a reality, providing our clients with the tools necessary to earn the financial independence they always dreamed of.For a six month period, the team at Alive Incorporated will work with clients for 1 -2 hours a week. This is time will be used to advise clients on their business plan, marketing strategy, and goal development. Coaching is provided to clients as they complete the tasks necessary to achieve their goals.Our first client to take advantage of our new program is Courtney R. Franklin, CEO of Moving Young Ladies Forward (“MYLF”). The Alive Incorporated team will be working with Courtney to position her organization for continued success.To learn more about Moving Young Ladies Forward, visit learn more about our Pay It Forward Program, please email us at
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My Valentine's Day Gift to You

HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY!February 14, 20087 p.m Pacific“Come on over and accept my gift—just because I care about you.”Marti TuckerHi,This Thursday is going to be awesome. I’m going to tell you about the easy way to sell20,000 books in six weeks. So come on over to my free teleseminar and hear how you will be empowered to change your literary and financial lifestyle without any of the struggles I had—It’s my free gift to you.1. How you can sell 20,000 books in six weeks without pain2. First steps to making it happen3. Plan to make big literary money, not crumbs4. Plan to make big literary money without be afraid of it5. Plan to speak big literary money from your mouth and create it from your actions6. How to stop accepting pennies for genius from your heart7. Plan a literary career, not a one-book shot8. How the New Image Writers Empowerment Circle offers celebrity to your literary and financial lifestyleDon’t miss this one: IT’S YOUR VALENTINE’S DAY GIFT FROM ME!Dial in: 218 486-1616Code: 475229 #Date: Thursday February 14, 20087 p.m Pacific 10 pm. Eastern 9 StandardMartha “Marti” Tucker, author, publisher, Book Coach, Think-out-of-the-Box e-mail me. Place in subject line: “Will attend.”
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