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How do I get a mortgage with bad credit?

Being a homeowner is a great feeling.  You know you’ve made some progress in your life, when you’re no longer a renter but instead an homeowner.  However, many of us struggle to get the chance to own a home because we have bad credit.  

Now, you don’t have to be discourage anymore, because there are home buying programs and lenders willing to help you become a home owner even with bad credit.  Although, they may have a few extra criteria’s, you can buy a piece of real estate. 

With the FHA mortgage program, their criteria’s are fairly simple.  They would like for you to have a minimum credit score of 580, 3 to 6 months of paystubs, 2 years of taxes, and debt to income ratio of 35%.  They also want you to have a down payment of 3.5% of the mortgage value and you can even borrow that from a friend or family member.  Another nice thing about the FHA mortgage program, if you have relative living with you, they will include their income to help you qualify for that mortgage.

There are also conventional mortgages that also have become very flexible when working with new home buyers, such as allowing a home buyer to put 3% down on that house.   Also, they’ve made it easier for veterans to buy a home with no down payment.

So, can I buy a home with bad credit? The answer is yes, however I would encourage to fix your bad credit so you can get a lower interest rate.

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How do I get business credit cards and business loans with a 80 Paydex score?

Many people have come across misleading information of getting business credit cards with a 80 Paydex score.  First, you must understand a paydex score is a three digit number that given to a business from Dun and Bradstreet.  This number is generated once a business has four or more business tradelines or vendors reporting to them. 

Once you’ve generate this number trade vendors use this number to make a decision on whether they are willing to offer your business credit.  The higher the paydex score the better your chances are to being approved for credit.  If you have a paydex score below 80 points this lets the creditor know you are not paying your other vendors on time.

Now, if you’re trying to build your paydex score to get business credit cards or business lines of credit, there are other factors that are used to determine,if you’re going to get approved for business credit.  When you apply for business credit cards or business lines of credit, most lenders will want to look at your personal credit, your business bank statements, or your business financials.

The paydex score is irrelevant at this point when trying to get cash and credit for your business.  This is the reason we suggest people to stop wasting money on Net30 accounts and just fixed their personal credit and put the money into a business bank account.

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Should I Co-sign A loan, credit card, or Apartment for a Family member?

If you’re a parent then I suggest to add your kids on your credit accounts as authorize user.  This will build up their credit, so you as the parent will not need to co-sign for their student loans, cars, and apartments. 

Now, if you have a family member or love one that having credit issues and they ask if you would sign for them a car, credit card, or apartment, then I would suggest you not to do it.  The reason is that it could ruin the relationship.  For example, if a family needs to move into a new apartment and they ask you to co-sign and you decide to do it.  If that person loses his or her job, then you’ll be stuck with making the payments or ruining your personal credit and the relationship.

I always suggest if a person is having credit issues offer to help them repair their personal credit, if they refuse, then you know that person is not the one to be offering help too.  Some may argue that you should look at how financially responsible the person is in order to determine if it’s worth you putting your good personal credit on the line.  However, you must factor in that things could happen to the person or their employment and that may leave you on the hook for extra bills.

So, in conclusion, I would suggest find other ways to help them, rather reserve the relationship then jeopardize personal credit if the person is not will to fix their own credit.

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As business owners, we tend to become uncomfortable when talking about business taxes. A lot of us will try to avoid it all together. However, this is a key component to helping you acquire funding if your trying to grow your business, In my book, "The Insider Bank Secrets" I teach people how to reduce their business taxes doing this one simple strategy. Many small business owners don't realize they are over paying their taxes.


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Are You Flirting With Me?

I thought I would get your attention!

Whether you love it or hate it, marketing and sales are critical to the life blood of any business. You can make it more fun, if you take the approach that you want to seriously flirt with a growing list of prospects.

Marketing attraction. It sounds like flirting doesn’t it? And in a way, that’s exactly right.

You do want to flirt with your prospects, to allow them to get to know, like, and trust you. Since it takes upwards of 7 touches to make a sale today, you need to attract them to your product, service, or program in many different ways.

One critical element you must have in your basket of attraction tools today is a fully developed web presence.

People are most likely to Google for you or your service or the benefit/solution they seek first. They are less likely to open the telephone book and flip through the yellow pages. The future of your marketing reach is the internet.

Even with the internet, you need an arsenal of marketing strategies to reach your prospects and attract them to your product and services. You can’t flirt with them, if they can’t find you.

Here are a few ideas which you can do quickly and on a budget. They are culled from the likes of Mitch Meyerson, Jay Conrad Levinson, Seth Godin, and Bea Fields.

On your website:

  • Build a powerful direct response entity
  • Make sure your headlines are engaging with a problem/solution approach
  • Direct their eyes to the one thing you want them to do

On your email signature:

  • Include your business contact information, of course
  • Promote one thing – a new product, service, newsletter, auto-responder series, article, free conference call.

This is your best and first opportunity to ask everyone to engage with you and your company

Develop relationships for referral business – complementary services serving the same market niche and get listed on their websites

Include client testimonials – use them in all your printed and online collateral materials.

The hottest new thing is audio and video testimonials you put up on your site.

Use audio and video conferencing from your PC for sales, presentations, meetings. They work effectively for a prospects, clients and vendors.  It’s no longer novel. It’s cost effective, timely, direct, and can be very interactive.

Write articles and press releases about everything you do and get them published in print but more importantly across the web.

Yes, all of these are ideas you can do yourself, burning the midnight oil.

But what’s even better, is that these tools and systems can be delegated and automated – one more way for you to generate more profit in less time.

We have NEW Autoresponder Courses in which you can use for your subscribers to show them how to use quick tips to help grow their business online. 

Click Here >>>Check them out!

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10744093081?profile=originalEarlier in January 2013 I became extremely depressed and had to disconnect and BE STILL for while to examine, re-discover, re-organize and re-energize my life. In the midst I was able to finally finish a book I've been writing for the past 6+ years. At times I didn't think I was worthy enough to even be writing on the subject matter but these past few months gave me new hope. When it finally appeared on amazon I could feel the noose of life around my neck literally loosen its grips. If you are interested it is now available at Download it, read it, then tell me what you think. Please leave a review on amazon and recommend to family, friends and anyone else if you believe it has helped you and can help others.

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Have you ever thought about how much money you make for the company you work for? Have you ever considered how much less you are making than your boss who is no better qualified than you? Have you realized that you are working to make someone else wealthy? Every day you spend countless hours generating income for someone you probably don't know and for a business you definitely do not own. Unfortunately, in this economy no job is secure. So, where do you find the security? What does your future look like?

If you see more prosperity in your future, then you need to take control of your life now. And that means, working for yourself! You need to put yourself in a position to FIRE YOUR BOSS! Set your own hours and reap the benefits of your hard work.

My mom had an “Embrace the Entrepreneur Within” luncheon, to empower women in their lives and in business. We had 12 to 15 women there that all had positive comments about the illustrious speaker, Melissa Taft. She spoke about the steps needed to be taken to make a change in our lives for the better. She talked about asking yourself questions like: Are you going through life, KNOWING it's not how you envisioned it yet doing NOTHING about it? and Are you aware of your displeasure and doing all you can in your power to change your life??? She described how there are different stages to our development in life and wherever our competency level is, is how our life is developing now. So when are you going to take control of it? When are you going to get smarter about your situation and change it? When are you going to stop making excuses about your life and start making progress? 

So, today the question goes to you too! Are you living your life in complete denial, ignoring all the failures around you, saying, “Oh well, it’s life!”, OR are you stepping out on faith, and taking actions to change your life? The bible says " without deeds is dead" James 2:26. If you're wanting a change in your life, you should be praying for a change. You should be taking action and doing things like:

  • Giving up habits you know aren't good for you.
  • Following through with personal goals
  • Doing all you can to get a financial promotion
  • Or even better, creating an exit strategy and taking steps to FIRE YOUR BOSS!

Do something for yourself and your family. Make a move to impact your life. Embrace the entrepreneur within and see how your life will change. 


Make a disposable income, blogging and become famous online too! Find out how here => BeFamousOnlineToo!

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Have you had that feeling of "envy" rearing it's jealous head when you come across a friend, peer or colleague who has accomplished something you have LONGED desired? What is so different about them than you? How come they have been able to make it happen and you haven't? What is their secret?

I attempt to answer this question in this video...the answer may surprise you

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Let Your Light Shine

With the advent of the London 2012 Olympics and the illuminating flame-lighting ceremony on Friday July 27,  2012, I thought this title would be fitting. Today one of my fellow industry divas,  Nicole S. Cooper Facebook-ed,"I believe that we all have greatness on the inside of us, but I don't believe in allowing excuses to be the deterrent for why we never allowed our lights to shine!"

She wrote this in response to a client who thanked her for pushing them to move forward in their business. Her response was so key. EVERYONE has the ability to accomplish their goals and essentially create a better quality of life for themselves. But lets face it, ultimately the only reason why you are not where you want to be is because of excuses (especially in business)... just isn't the right time, I don't have the time, not enough money to get started, don't know anything about the industry, I don't like or know how to sell, my teeth hurt today, blah blah blah. ALL excuses.

BUT just as Nicole said, stop allowing excuses to keep you from letting your light shine! Stop allowing excuses to keep you from fulfilling your dreams. Stop allowing excuses keep you from recognizing someone special in your life. Stop allowing excuses to rule your life! At some point you have to take control of your life and begin to fulfill the dreams and goals you have for yourself.

I lost a very dear friend last week, he was only 34 and it got me thinking. We NEVER know when our last day on earth will be. When the last time to speak to a loved one will be. When the last time to do something you've ALWAYS wanted to do will be. So you cannot continue to allow life to pass you by with all of these excuses. You have to find "your light" and start letting it shine. Start working towards the goals you have for yourself. Unfortunately, some of your goals may require more income. And there are so many opportunities available to give you the financial independence to achieve the things you want to. One of my favorite sayings is, "If you will DO for a season, what most won't, you'll be able to live the rest of your life the way most CAN'T. It's not a matter of whether you can or can't its a matter of whether you WILL or WONT." Find a business opportunity that  you are comfortable with, find someone you are comfortable working with and start accomplishing your goals. Start to Let your Light Shine!

Tamara Garrison-Thomas

P.S. If you are still looking for a way to Be Famous Online Too with blogging, get access to this video. You'll see actual stories of real people (previously struggling to be famous online) who are well.... let's just say.... famous now!  (before you click this link, make sure to grab a piece of paper to take notes after you have access)

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I WAS THAT GIRL...THE ONE WHO THOUGHT SHE HAD TO FIX EVERYTHING, CONTROL EVERY OUTCOME AND JUST BE IN CONTROL ALL THE TIME. Until I had a revelation...FEAR is a manmade myth and that when I learn to LET GO I gain control...enjoy the blog post below where I share my insight into my revelation and how you can uncover the same journey for yourself. ~Katrina


10744081273?profile=originalI started my day as normal, clear focused intentions, meditation time and time to give thanks. I’m ready to hit my day swinging focusing on my W.I.N. and making things happen because that’s what creatives do. Then it hit me….my video camera battery was completely out and the video I needed to record early this morning to send to my list for registration to my 21 Day challenge was already 3 hours late. My kids were in full fledge “mommy! mommy!” mode and I felt the twinge of “ugh” reach my belly – an all to familiar feeling of…”FEAR”

I know the signs…frustration, annoyance “why didn’t I charge the camera up last night!!!” and even the feeling of putting off my objective for today for another day (procrastination). ALL the ugly signs of FEAR that in the past would mean I would find myself “fighting” to get through the day, needing to make sacrifices instead of choices. I wasn’t having it…afterall I wrote the book on learning to “let go” and Embrace the real journey of your life. No way I was going to start tripping today.

Instead I did what I have learned to do…I told FEAR to buzz off…in my Martin Lawrence voice I told it to “Get to Steppin’” because I know now that FEAR isn’t real. It’s a manufactured emotion we’ve created when the perception of the world doesn’t happen the way we “think” it should. In other words…I ignored the fear and instead found courage to make a different choice.

Why is Fear a Myth?

It would take me an entire book to explain how I have come and am still evolving to learn that FEAR is a big ole nasty myth that we’ve all purchased, but to put it in few words. Fear is a myth because all that there is is LOVE and ABUNDANCE. We’ve been conditioned to accept fear because we have also been conditioned that we cannot control but should fight to control everything.  You know…the client that doesn’t respond to the email fast enough or even the partner that doesn’t seem to “get” your point of view in business or maybe the product launch that isn’t selling. We feel as though we have to fight every battle in life…with only a few worth fighting. All those creepy thoughts that love to remind you that ‘fear” is a constant thing we must FIGHT-{a daily battle of external manifestations that don’t add up to our PERCEPTION of the world}. The constant reminder of Fear that we’re not good enough, smart enough, have enough money, our kids don’t do enough or fear that we’re not working hard enough to push past generational curses that we are determined not to repeat. So we MUST fight.

Continue to read the full Blog post here...

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FaceBook Help!

Hi Ladies,


I need your help!  I have launch a new website called Protect your Teens.


We just launched our business facebook page and need your help to get on the social media map.  Please visit our facebook page and click like;


You can sign up for news, tips, and articles on my Welcome Page, I am also running a contest for a Kindle Fire. Like my page and you can enter. I have my whole website on my blog app. Have a look.

I would love to know what you think of my new pages and my new website.

Let’s protect our Teen’s, while they are texting and using social media site.


Thanks in advance

Diane Griffin

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Authentic Business and Marketing Strategy: The Power of Autoresponders and Articles

First let’s talk about what an autoresponder is. When I first was introduced to an autoresponder years ago it didn’t catch my attention long enough for me to go through the learning curve needed to set one up.

Well you can imagine that my community and list wasn’t large enough to experience the pain of manually managing my lists. That was then and about a year later I found myself with the need to learn how to set up an auto responder. it was my new welcomed friend. It’s well worth the time to learn the ins and outs of setting it up, although we now offer a Done for you (done for you) service if you prefer not to deal with it.

Most complimentary offers, teleseminars etc. send you a welcome email once you opt in and if it’s a double opt in you will receive the welcome once you confirm. Now imagine having manually sending out the welcome emails or manually sending a newsletter/Ezine to your list of even 100 subscribers. Now multiply that 10 times. Ha! That’s why you need an autoresponder. So that your new friend can auto respond to your contacts, subscribers etc.

Now that you have a basic intro to autoresponders let’s talk about using articles to market your business, product, product or service.

Writing articles to market a product or service is an excellent way to build business. The articles should be very informative, providing the reader with information that is relevant to a specific topic. The article usually includes a link to a webpage for more information. The webpage, of course, is designed to sell a product or service that relates to the topic of the article.

These articles are commonly submitted to article banks, websites, and ezine publishers. This is one of the most effective ways to market a service or product on the Internet, and it can become even more effective when it is combined with the use of an autoresponder.

Begin by setting each of your articles up in your autoresponder. It is important that each article have its very own autoresponder address, so you will need an autoresponder service that will allow you to do this. Next, make a master list of your articles, with the autoresponder address for each article listed beside the title. You can even add descriptions of the articles on your master list if you want to.

Advertising your articles one at a time can take a great deal of time…but advertising one autoresponder address – the one for the master list – won’t take very much time at all. Simply put it in your newsletter and on your website. You can even allow other ezine publishers to use this is as a free resource for their subscribers!

There you have it an Authentic Business Marketing Strategy using the power of the article and autoresponder.

Want to learn more about marketing your business online? Register here for my FREE training call “How to Market Like a Superstar on a Shoestring Budget!” It’s not about a scarcity mindset but rather a “smart marketing” mindset.

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Make Your Business Noticeable [FREE Training] Build your list  - Attract Clients in 30 days

It’s Robin here again.

How’s it going with you and your business?

I’m sure you might be working your ”blessed assurance” off right now trying to make more *money* with your business – but you’re struggling, right?

It doesn’t seem to matter how much you work, how many
clients you take on, how much you charge, you just
can’t seem to get out of the revenue rut you’re in.

I know that personally because I was there. My schedule
was booked, but I still wasn’t making the kind of *money* I should have been making with my own
service business.

It was frustrating.

But you know what I finally figured out?

I realized that no matter how much I worked, or how much I marketed my business, it was going to be
impossible to break through to what I truly wanted.

So I had two choices:

I could throw in the towel and just quit the business altogether.


I could reinvent the way I was running the business.

Well, I ended up creating a winning formula :)

My Preview Teleseries is designed to give you a glimpse of what I’ll share in my upcoming Training Boot Camp.

You don’t want to miss Teleseries. The treasure chest of many businesses is their list or some would call it their community. If you’re serious about your business you must be involved in actively and effectively building your list/community and this leads to a super-charged client attraction!

You’ll experience a Slide Presentation and energized sharing of value added content that you will be able to implement immediately following the calls, however, some of you are done with reinventing the wheel and dragging along you’re ready to connect to an accountability partner, have someone take you by the hand and lead you step by step via an easy learning, fresh approach and results driven training boot camp!

It’s supported by checklists, templates, assignments, email support and training calls with me your Empowerment and Certified Social Media Marketing Specialist. You might be saying “yummy” I’m ready to secure my place now. Great! Find out more and enroll in my Jump Start Social Media and Online Marketing Success Boot Camp here.

Join your other dynamic sistahs! Let’s get your message out there.

If you’d rather get a taste, then I invite you to request your VIP access to my FREE Training call here

You don’t have to be a slave to your business. You don’t have to work with clients you don’t like. You
don’t have to sacrifice your life just to pay the bills.

There’s a better way to market your business, and I want to give you my system so
you can copy it for your own business. Get a taste of the next components in my Boot Camp by being on the call with me.

I look forward to welcoming you.

Talk soon!

Empowering you,

Empowerment and Certified Social Media Marketing Campaign Specialist


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"Feel like you're running on a Hamster's

wheel and getting nowhere?"

Join me for my  Power Executive Call Free....
Empowered to Manifest Your Best Year Ever!

This is my Christmas and New Year's Gift To You...

Tuesday, December 27 at 2:00 PM PST

  • Experience a powerful Visualization Exercise to help you with manifestation of your Ideal Lifestyle!

  • Essential Keys to Manifesting Your Best Year Yet!

  • Empowering Insights for a Success Mindset

  • 4 Mindset shifts essential to your Breakthrough in 2012

And More!

Click here to learn more and secure your VIP access.

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