WOMEN (458)

Valentines Day Business Ideas For 2011

Now is the perfect time to start gathering Ideas to make this Valentines DayProfitable for you. Along with celebrating the holiday yourself you can alsoMake Feb 14th a day to remember for someone else.Here are a few Ideas that can put money in your pocket this Valentines Day!1. Money Roses are beautiful gifts2. Gift baskets full of his/her favorite goodies3. Valentines Day SweetHeart delivery service (your paid to deliver ValentinesDay candies,cards,and roses).4. Selling lingerie, perfumes, and beautiful costume jewelry NOW until ValentinesDay at your local flea market.5. Make Personalized Candies or Treats for purchaseAnd last but not least make sure you appeal to the male crowd even though youMay think your Valentines Business Ideas is foolish. Men are clueless most of theTime when it comes to gift Ideas. Be Persuasive!
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Images of Black Women (IBW) Film Festival, the UK’s only film festival dedicated to promote African Descent women in Cinema, is looking for sponsorship/partners for its 7th edition planned for March/April 2011.

IBW is the largest platform for women filmmakers, showcasing work by black female filmmakers as well as work that give a strong portrayal of black women. It features an eclectic mix of international films that depict the global black experience, which seeks to inspire and encourage more black women to enter and sustain a presence in the film industry.

The festival is an official annual event endorsed by the Mayor of London & which received continuous support from the UK Film Council & Film London. The next festival will be April 2011 with 2 pre-festival screening in March 2010 to mark the 100 years of International Women’s Month. On this occasion IBW plans a bigger festival & is looking for further sponsorships.

If you whish to reach Black Europeans in general, the UK or/and the French black communities, this is an opportunity for you to get direct access to an audience of women & men of 25 years old plus.

Our marketing tools include:

  • On screen advertising (5 days throughout 8 events minimum)
  • French TV partner (RFO: France mainland, Martinique & Guadeloupe)
  • IBW Website (12 000 to 30 000 hints during festival)
  • Festival souvenir magazine (15 000 distribution)
  • Festival Newsletter (reach of 35 000 + inboxes, includes UK & France)
  • Product distribution/placement
  • Stall space during festival

Please do contact us info@imagesofblackwomen.com for our media pack and/or further infomation.

Sylviane Rano

IBW co-founder & Executive Director


Nucinema founder & Editor


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Goal Setting Is Not Dead...Just Boring

iStock_000015158998XSmall.jpg?width=167This post was originally published on Tanya Smith's blog. Click here to see the original post.

Goal setting always gets to be pretty popular this time of year. You hear a lot of techniques about how to do it and one of the most common ways is the SMART technique. I'm not writing about that here, because it's so overused now, I don't think you'll care.

No matter what you use, the new year always kicks us off with a great start, right? But then somehow you lose interest. There is this cycle that we seem to get into and it goes a little something like this:

  • Day 1: Whoo hoo, yeah, I'm on it this time. I'm going to [your goal here] -->
  • Day 3: This is great. I can't believe how this is changing [enter positive results] for me! I will definitely keep this up. -- >
  • Day 5: You know what, I'm just going to take a little bitty break...I'll come back to it, I promise! -- >
  • Day 10: What was that thing I was trying to do again?
  • Day 20: Start over again or drop it completely..
Part of the reason this happens is that we haven't really developed for ourselves a tangible, exciting "why" and "what". What I mean by this is the vision of what we want to get to and why we're doing it was never really that clear and constant.

You see, when you are setting a goal, it's important to identify the most clear picture possible of what you want. And doing this early in the process is one of the best ways to I learned this training in NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming) when I studied with a celebrated master pracititioner, Susan Stageman, for over a year.

Yes, it took me that long to really get it and start applying the techniques . I can be kind of hard-headed, as my mom used to say. There were so many good ones, but the one that has stuck with me forever is called creating a "well-formed outcome" (WFO).

This is a very powerful way to set long-term and short-term goals so that they STICK...and really, that's what we set them for in the first place.

So I'm going to share with you my criteria for remembering the WFO in 5 simple steps. Maybe this will keep your goal setting from being so boring. ;). I call it the PLEAS approach (as in, can I have another goal, "pleas"):


State the goal in positive terms. Describe the present situation and compare it with the desired future goal. Make sure you can see yourself having obtained the goal.


Line up the goal with your values and beliefs. For me this means lining up what I've asked for, or stated, to be sure it is in the will of what God has for my life. I pray and ask for spiritual guidance around the goal. You may line it up however you see fit. It's important that your goals are a good fit with what's important to you.


Describe the goal using "sensory" terms. What will let you know that you have attained that desired state? This is a critical piece - think in terms of what you will hear, see, and feel when you have success.


Consider if the goal is right for you in all areas of your life. Is there something that may hold you back? Is this goal right for you right now, in this place where you are?

Self-initiated & Maintained

Self-initiated and maintained. Your goal must be something that you can initiate and maintain. It must not be something dependent on other people. Make sure that your goal reflects things that you can directly affect.

If your goal, or outcome is set each time with these criteria in mind, you will have crystal-clear vision that you can hang on to and it will get you past those tough times when you're ready to let go. OR it will bring you back to what you wanted in the first place...SUCCESS!

Share one of your clear outcomes in the comments below.


About the Author: Tanya Smith of Be Promotable is the "no guesswork" personal branding & marketing coach. Her creative genius has unlocked the potential of many women solopreneurs, helping them to reinvent themselves as power players in their startup business. Claim your free instant access to a free multimedia downloads including 10 Branding Mistakes Made by Solopreneurs and 5 Secrets to Successfully Starting a Solo Business While Working Full Time at: www.bepromotable.com

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The December 2010 FLIPBOOK is here!

Also on our site this week - Dec. 3, 2010:

Although World AIDS Day was Dec. 1, the need to know your status is year round. Learn the latest facts and where to get tested. http://bit.ly/i0QnQ0 & http://bit.ly/edbTPt

Grameen America has four New York branches in Queens, Brooklyn and Manhattan, and keeps 4,300 New Yorkers in business. Many of these women of color. http://bit.ly/hK4z0S

Yes? No? Maybe so? This week's Reader's Poll at shades Magazine. http://bit.ly/hUn0qA

What are some of our readers saying about why they subscribe to shades Magazine? Check out one at http://bit.ly/eMLtzc.

I/We thank you for your time, interest and support. Tell a friend!

Michelle :)
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10744057671?profile=originalWhat Love Has to Do With It!The Importance of Unconditional Love in A Relationship!By Kamal Imani © 2010My wife and I have been happily married for 15 years and together for 19. Much of our success can be attributed to a book we read entitled “Black Woman’s Black Man’s Guide to a Spiritual Union” by Ra Un Nefer Amen. In this book he speaks about the importance of unconditional love. He also highlighted how we have a script or sort of fantasy like picture in our minds of the perfect or ideal lover or mate and when that person doesn’t meet our expectations, we feel let down, disappointed, the drama begins and things begin to fall apart.When our partner fails to perform up to our Hollywood or conditioned standard financially, sexually, emotionally or otherwise, maybe they didn’t cook, clean, communicate or perform the way that we envisioned it, we allow dissatisfaction to set in.Have Realistic Expectations but High standardsWhen getting to know your significant other, you need to be real when it comes to acknowledging his/her strengths and weaknesses. You also need to realize that peoples long developed habits are slow to change. If you’re hoping that something he/she does will change simply because you have entered their life, you may be disappointed. Some changes can be made if it’s clearly communicated, understood and your partner makes a conscious effort to change, but be very patient because it will probably be a slow and gradual process. I’m not saying that you should lower your standards, but have you ever heard the term wysiwyg? It is an acronym for what you see is what you get. And, you know while you’re dating you’re getting a persons best side, and as the saying goes “You don’t know a person until you live with them”. So keep it real, but stay optimistic, patient and keep the faith. Always keep a spiritual vibration in your relationship.Unconditional LoveUnconditional love is giving of your self without expecting anything in return. It is being selfless! If you’re giving and taking is like a Wall Street financial transaction, sometimes you will rise, other times you will be in a recession, a depression and eventually a crash! So it is important for both partners to practice selfless giving with out making the other partner feel that he/she owes you something.When unexpected financial, medical and other emergencies arise, you will have to be flexible, calm and optimistic until the situation improves (because you will be tested). Always find a creative way to communicate, be understanding, stay affectionate, optimistic, patient and faithful…Did I say patient? Selfless giving/unconditional love is a high form of practical spirituality and it takes two to apply it. It indeed takes two to make a thing go right.Watch Kamal’s tribute to the sisters “Ms. Melanin” on Youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aledyuIlCjsKamal Imani is a Poet, Author, Film Maker Teacher and Mentor residing in New Jersey. He can be reached at http://www.kamalinspires.com To book Kamal for speaking engagements email Terrenceteaches@gmail.com or call 201-923-9213
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3rd Annual Women Inspirational Poetry Contest.

Oneal Walters is accepting sponsors for hte 3rd Annual Women Inspirational Poetry Contest,

interested parties should contact Mr. Walters at oneal@theagebegins.com for full details.


Previous sponsors: Poetic Monthly, Chapter and Verse, World Poetry Cafe Radio Show 102.7




Oneal Walters on FB


Please support Mr. Walters in his effort to honor women of inspiration.


Thank you.



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The best way to have an empowering week is to start off Monday with a solid foundation.


This preparation begins with Friday. Set yourself up for an empowering week by closing out your week. Take inventory of what tasks you completed. Add those that you didn't complete to the list for the following week.


Here's an important thing to remember. Do not make your top 10 to do list. Make a top 3 priority list. Among them will be at least one thing that will be cash producing.


Read my Facebook update

Are you ready for an absolutely,empowering week? What are your top 3 to do items for Monday? Add action steps that will allow you to complete them. Avoid checking email first. Focus. Take targeted action. Balance your social media activity. Don't let it consume your day. Allow for a time to step away during the day to avoid overwhelm. Commit your works to the Lord. And so shall your plans succeed. Proverbs 16:3


Want to accelerate your results? Embrace a mindset for success. Whatever happened the week prior is not what you want to focus on. Remember what you focus on expands!


Focus on the results you expect to achieve. Focus on what it will look like when you achieve your desired results. Focus on what it feels like.


Get rid of the negativity. Negative attitudes, negative environment, negative relationships. Of course I’m not suggesting that you get rid of you marriage relationships, however, you can seek out ways to empower your relationships. We’ve actually set up a community to help you do this on our Marriage Empowerment Coach page on Facebook.


The tips I’ve shared in this post should get you started on the right path to your empowering success.


Of course if you need additional support you might consider securing your Coaching A La Carte session

with me. Click here to find out more and get started.


Here's to your empowering week!


Share your ideas below.


Robin aka The Empowerment Diva

Authentic Life and Biz Empowerment

Coach,Mentor,Trainer and Public Speaker to

Savvy women, New,Aspiring and Entreprising Women Entrepreneurs







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Empowering last words of 2010

I shared the following on Facebook and wanted to also share them with you. Ending on number 8 wasn't intentional, however, it all worked out
quite well if I can say so myself. Enjoy!
 Empowering last words of 2010: #1 Although there are great blueprints, systems, formulas and 12 steps to follow never forget to keep God in your plans
(actually at the head).There is nothing new under the sun and you are
empowered to create because you have the creator within you. Creating
innovative systems, blueprints with your unique design inspired by God's
wisdom. Remember "Wisdom tells knowledge what to do!"

Empowering last words of 2010 #2 Want to Supercharge your entrance into 2011?
Cultivate an attitude of gratitude regardless of what wasn't
accomplished in 2010. Start a gratitude journal (If you don't have one)
Post at least 5 things you're grateful for Thursday and Friday Morning.
Give it an extra power-boost with evening posts on Thursday and Friday.
Your attitude determines your altitude. Continue & Soar in 2011!

Empowering last words of 2010 #3 Is there any unfinished business you need to
close before you enter 2010. Phone calls you need to make?Forgiveness
you need to impart? It's important that you make peace for complete
healing of your soul even if they've gone on."Unforgiveness is the
poison one takes expecting the other person to die." Author (Young man
from Africa) "Forgive, let go and live!"(c) My long awaited book

Empowering last words of 2010 #4 Have you heard this? Some things never change?
There may be some validity to that , however, if you're going to move
ahead and realize empowering success you must change your response,
change your actions. You'd be surprised how this defuses many negative
situations. Besides it's essential to stressed-less living.

Empowering last words for 2010 # 5 Although we're anxiously awaiting 2011 I am not
one to take any day that God gives for granted. God's gift to us is
life & what we do with it is our gift to HIM. So.... maximize every
moment through 2011. 2010 is not gone yet & if you read the
obituaries you'll see many that thought the same & didn't make it to
2011. Celebrate & be thankful for every day while making plans for

Empowering last words of 2010 #6 Remember: As we remember those gone on in 2010,
good times,sad times,challenging times we take from each the lessons God
allowed us to see and learn, the gratitude of being blessed with those
gone on to be part of our lives and celebration of the victories.As we
move forward in 2011 cherish the love of family & friends when times
seem challenging remember How Faithful God has been.

Empoweringlast words of 2010 #7 Set Intentions and Expect - When you set
intentions you aren't preoccupied w/ the how as much as the desired
result. Set your intentions for the New Year & then Expect. There is
power in expectation. Expect to receive,to be empowered to manifest
your desired results through systems designed to help you chart your
course. Connect w/ an accountability partner. Co-Partner w/ God!

Empowering last words of 2010 #8
# 8 stands for New beginnings. I didn't know how many ELW of 2010 I
would write, however, somehow I've ended here. The last words "Celebrate
New Beginnings!" We are entering into a new year with it's own path
that we each have for our lives. Go with God. Stand strong. Fear-less
and Faith-full. There is nothing you cannot do with God on your side.
wish you Peace, Love and Joy. A prosperous New Year!!


Happy New Year!


Robin aka The empowerment Diva

Authentic Life Empowerment

Mentor,Coach,Trainer and Public Speaker

Empowering New,Emerging,Aspiring and Enterprising Woman Entrepreneurs

90 Days to Business Breakthrough!

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Many times as parents we are so wrapped up with making our businesses a successThat we forget to include our children on our quest. Helping your child to develop anEntrepenuer mind can only benefit you and enhance your child to be more competitiveIn this world.Sometimes sitting down and explaining the differences between having a job and owningA business can do wonders for your child. Some would disagree and say, “allow a child toBe a child.” I would normally agree but in this day and age our children have no time to waste.Simple talks and fun business activities absolutely can change your child's life. To produceGenerations of wealth it has to start with us and it must manifest within our children.Let's start building businesses with our children!
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“Your next level begins where your comfort level ends.”
Lisa Nicole Bell, Change Agent/The Inspiration Icon

Well that’s fantastic news, because not since months seven through nine of pregnancy have I been this uncomfortable!  Last week’s  Meet the Resource call was right on time for many of us, including yours truly. I’ve labeled the past two weeks of my life as Beautifully Intense because I now know (and the call served as yet another confirmation) why this particular transition is a necessary part of my life.  Today I am in full celebration mode—party hat, confetti, hot Goddess dress, the works—because I am shedding my old skin, and sauntering sexily in my six-inch heels on my hand-sewn, plush new red carpet.


The catalyst for this transition was far from sexy, though–deep and ugly like a freshly made wound from a long, long drop. It started one night lying in bed with Kris talking about where we were versus where we wanted to be.  We were back in a space we never thought we’d revisit, and just like all the other times, the familiarity of the space left me feeling bitter, doubtful, and defeated.

That Night (The Drop).

Coming down from the Super High of spending 32 days in Jamaica, followed by being flown to New York for a photo shoot with one of my favorite magazines, was far worse than I’d anticipated.


****I'm sharing this with you because I know many of us, particularly during this time of year, are in a state of self-assessment, which can lead to self-deprication. But sometimes, the "downturn" is a necessary element of growth, and I experienced that recently in a very powerful way.  I'm sharing because through my experience, perhaps you may see a bit of yourself and your situation...



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 Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. ~ Maria Robinson

Do you find yourself wishing you could go back and start again or start a new beginning?

Of course there is such a thing as a fresh start or new beginning, however, you cannot literally go back in life and start a new beginning.

So what do you do?

You can spend your days murmuring and complaining about what you haven’t accomplished over your life or you can take an optimistic approach by taking inventory of what didn’t work and why? What did work and do more of it and of course discover new systems and strategies that you can implement..

Make the necessary mindset shifts. Many times having the wrong mindset can sabotage your endeavors towards empowering success.

Seek God’s wisdom. You can get as much knowledge as you want, however, you need wisdom to tell knowledge what to do.

Connect with an accountability partner such as a mentor or coach such as myself. My goal is to help you discover your authentic self, get unstuck and to empower you to make big changes and achieve results faster than you have before in your life and business!

As I always say “Empowerment is choice. Yours!”

Make the choice to start today, right here and right now laying the foundation to make a new ending.

This can be your best year ever!

Make endeavors to unleash the Fit and Fabulous you.

I invite you to join me for my no cost Tele-training “How to Unleash the Fit and Fabulous you so you can manifest as the unstoppable
irresistible woman you were meant to
be and live an Authentically Brilliant
Diamond life!!”

Go to http://budurl.com/fitandfabulousinfo

Here’s to the new you… The Fit and Fabulous one!!

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5 Steps to Create Your Vision Board for 2011

Every year, my kids and I create a vision board to capture goal highlights for the year using posters, magazine clippings, crayons, glitter, glue sticks -- you name it, it's on the floor on 12/31. We have the music going, candles lit, and complete focus on what we're doing. Here is our process laid out in 5 steps for you. I hope you then enjoy the short video version of my board that was designed using Animoto.com. Head over to Life Vision Boards and get another take on the "how to". They use Animoto as well and you certainly can too - it's a free tool for creating video using images and music. Use theirs or add your own.

5 Steps To Creating Your Vision Board

  1. Get yourself to a quiet place
  2. Imagine that it is now the end of 2011 and you are reflecting back on your accomplishments for the year
  3. Write down a list -- brainstorm freely at first
  4. Now highlight the top 3-5 things you really want to focus on for the year
  5. Cut, draw, and paste images that represent your goals onto a poster board (you can even make a miniature version on an index card to carry with you)

That's it! Now set a date to get the board finished. ;)

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Thank you Lord. Got Life! Sunday Inspiration

This is a power-point that I wrote in 2004, however, I thought that it was
worth a read. I left everything in place.

When observing the activities surrounding the hurricanes, flooding and tornadoes here lately, I find it quite difficult to complain aboutthe showers or windy weather we are experiencing here in Seattle. Tothink that I would even complain about rain of any sort in Seattle(it’s known for rain). Wait a minute! Let me explain, Seattle has beenshowing out this summer with little to no rain for the last couple ofmonths. We expected rain off and on and a mild summer, however, we havehad some rather warm summer days and evenings here and you can get usedto it. Especially coming from Sacramento, my body thinks we still havea few more months of sunshine left.

Life in general can be that way. You can become so accustomed to having the luxuries (that few in our third world can experience )thatour reaction to being denied for a moment sends us into a process ofwithdrawal.

Have you seen the commercials “got milk?” It shows the individual very disappointed after eating a nice moist chocolate cupcake or otheritem ending up in a bit of a shock and dissatisfaction when they cometo the realization that there is no milk. How about the child that hasto eat cereal with water, “got milk?” No, but I’m sure they aregrateful for the bowl of cereal and water because it was only yesterdaythat they thought they would barely have water.

You may not have milk with that moist chocolate cupcake and the weather may be a bit too cold or windy, or just maybe you had to eatmeatloaf just one time too many this month. I would ask you tore-evaluate, take inventory of your blessings and answer this veryshort but critical question… “got life?”

When you feel an urge to complain just look up and say Thank you Lord, got life!

In everything give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you. I Thessalonians 5:18

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Are you your own worst enemy?

How many times have you started out with a Bang and end up with a fizz?

It goes something like this. You have a great idea or maybe we’ll call it a bright idea. You’re excited and can’t sleep at night becauseideas are flowing and you can’t turn it off. You jump up ready to goand put some things in place. This keeps up for about a week and slowlybut surely you start winding down.

Or maybe you’ve struggled with fear, low self esteem, a lack of confidence and you have a good week and another two good weeks so youthink everything is peachy cream until one day you hit a low.

What happened?

Why can’t you keep it going? Why can’t you sustain the motivation?

You are operating off of the high of self preservation, innovation and creation but lack the internal wiring to sustain your motivation.You recognize a need to develop the skills needed to change things,however, you talk yourself out of it due to a one day,week, monthwonder.

Can we be real (authentic) here. What’s happening on the inside? Is there a void and you’re trying to fill it with external things? Is yourinner critic louder than your healthy spirit and soul?

Are you suffering from an independent spirit and refuse to acknowledge your need to step out of yourself and get the support youneed?

It’s important that you nurture your spirit, soul and body. Take time to lay a solid foundation by settling and mastering yourpsychology which includes things such as your mindset, limiting beliefsetc. , get clear on your vision, setting and writing down effectivegoals and applying strategies that will allow you to realize your goals.

Without this your efforts will be a hit and miss.

Next it’s important that you connect with an accountability partner. I say this often, however, it’s key to your overall empowering success.If you continue to have episodes such as what I mentioned above you’llsoon become discouraged and conclude that business success is just notfor you leading you to abandon your dream and return to the routine 9to 5 job.

Are you your own worst enemy? Yes, you can be. If you neglect to acknowledge where you are and seek out support to resolve your concernsand simply apply a band-aid by coming up with the next best bright ideaor sucking in yet another teaching of the next best Guru you are yourown worst enemy. If you push down the negative chatter, disempoweringbehaviors and limiting beliefs due to a sudden surge of empowermentinstead of dealing with the internal, you are your own worst enemy.

No one’s going to commit to your destiny like you. No one’s going to do whatever it takes to realize your dreams, “YOUR diamond life” like you will.

The time is now to stand up for yourself. Seek out support. Your challenges don’t have to overtake you. You can soar above them.

Arise and shine. It’s your life. Say yes to YOUR Diamond life!

Robin aka The Empowerment Diva


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How you spend your time says a lot about who you are.

How much time have you lost looking for something? When you

spend time looking for things you are also losing money.Time is money right?

If you are simply too tired or do not have adequate time to do anything in the evenings, then your daily routine is out of balance and you need to make adjustments.

Your work can be too difficult or unsuitable, or you may not be making full use of your hours during your day or evening. A good balance of your time is needed for work, goals, recreation,
family time, your spiritual life and relaxation. Take a close look at your
daily routine, examine your findings and come up with a plan. Be prepared to
follow your plan and with this, you can become better organized.

I use a great tool to enhance your endeavors toward having proper balance in your personal, spiritual and business life. The participants in The Make it Happen “30 days of Empowerment” Coaching program will have the opportunity to experience this popular tool.

Why even take the time to be better organized?

The more organized you are the more time you will have foryourself and what matters most. Being better organized allows you more time to

work on new projects with clarity. And being better organize will allow you to
realize increased revenue.

With a place for everything and everything in its place, you are freed up in body and mind to take on new endeavors.

Another thing is as you take on new endeavors such as addingincome streams like the coaching model, information products etc. you’re free

to be laser focused.

Here are a few additional tips

Make a decision to get better organized and commit tostaying organized.

Create a number of brightly marked folders for discountcoupons, invitations and directions, and other time-sensitive papers that just clutter your counters.

Establish one defined place in your house for storinglibrary books, and end a house-wide hunt when it is time to read or return time.

Getting organized also includes conquering the cluttermonster. I invite you to

join me for an empowering call 3 sure-fire ways to conquer the clutter monster by clicking here.

The audio replay will be available to all registrants.

Here’s to the new organize you!


Authentic Life Empowerment Coach


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I am loving me....how about you?

It seems like there is this huge phenomena that is going on today where single women are always saying “I love me.” They say that they love themselves however they let others mistreat them, talk down on them, take crap from other people, and mistreat themselves. This is not considered self-love.Self-love is being patient with yourself, having self-respect, speaking to yourself with kind words, and just showing appreciation to yourself. When you begin to love yourself unconditionally, then others will do the same.This topic fits so well in attracting Mr. Right. I have seen countless women always complain about the way that men treat them and how they want a man to love them unconditionally.Through my years on this earth I have learned that you train people on how to treat you. If you are always walking around calling yourself fat, stupid, and just demeaning yourself as a woman what makes you think that others won’t pick up on that and start doing the same thing.If you’ve read any of my articles you know that I talk a lot about the Law of Reflection. The Law of Reflection is the way that you treat yourself is the same way that others treat you. It basically means that your outside world is a reflection of your inside world.Ways that you can show self-love:• Speak kind words to yourself• Be considerate of your feelings• Tell yourself that you love you every morning• Demand that people respect your body, mind, and spirit• Only listen, watch, and read anything that is going to uplift your spirit• Only surround yourself with positive people who will bring you good• Tell yourself the truth• Be patient with yourselfMy assignment for you today is to do a self-evaluation on how you treat yourself. Write it down. After analyzing your self-evaluation figure out what you need to improve on. Make a task list and get to taking immediate action.Do you need help in this area with attracting Mr. Right? Visit www.guidingu2success.com and schedule your Free Get Acquainted Call where you can ask key questions and talk about solutions free of charge.
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Ego Extensions Lace Wigs (805)426-5227
Ego Extensions Lace Wigs have become the most highly sought after Lace wigs in theentertainment industry and abroad.Our professional staff and superior wigquality has catapulted us to the top.We pride ourselves in having thecombination of product and customer service that clients have been searchingfor.Many customers visit us from other states and countries to experience therelaxing atmosphere which we provide for their Lace wig fitting.Our boutiquecarries enough wigs to not overwhelm clients with choices,but give them theability to find that special unit.Choose from Full LaceWigs,Frontals,Closures,Lace Front Wigs and more.We carryIndian,Brazilian,Mongolian,Chinese,and European Hair Wigs as well as a varietyof high quality affordable synthetic units.

Ego Extensions was founded in Los Angeles California,and now services Atlanta,Memphis,Chicago,Miami,Virginia,New York,North Carolina,SouthCarolina,Colorado,Houston,New Jersey,Nashville,Detroit,Boston,Canada,London,France,Sweden,Africa and many other areas nationwide.

We specialize in African American Lace Front Wigs,Caucasian/European Hair Lace Front Wigs,Chemo Wigs, Trichotillomania Wigs, Human hair, Silk top,Malaysian, Indian, Brazilian, Virgin Hair Lace Front Wigs and Full Lace Wigs,Lace Closures, Virgin Indian, Brazilian and Malaysian Imported Human HairExtensions. Contact us in regards to ordering our products Wholesale for yourpersonal clientele.

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What is all the fuss about coaching?

I’ve been getting questions from someof the women in my tribe/network and most want to know how they can getstarted in the coaching business. I’m sure each of them have varyingreasons why they
are interested.

If you have a desire to help others that would be one reason to seriously look into this model. If you’re tired of
working harder without realizing the results, this is an ideal model for you.
If you want to monetize and share your expertise with the masses, this is an
ideal model for you.

Watch the video for additional supporting information. Go to http://budurl.com/coachstream to request access to the audio replay of the power-packed Teleseminar mentioned.

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Know God Know Peace

No God, No Peace

You shall go out with joy,
And be led out with peace:
The mountains and the hills
Shall break forth into singing before you,
And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.
Isaiah 58:12

I don’t know about you but that sounds soooo good,refreshing and rejuvenating.

In my earlier years of marriage I may have desired to win the creative, intense fellowship
(argument) (smile).

I had more energy to exert and my mind was just a little bit clearer. It seemed that I didn’t understand
the value of a peaceful environment.

When a value is not placed on a thing you tend to abuse it. You also don’t guard it to make sure that
it is healthy.

Well ladies I learned that I would rather have my peace than to live in an environment of strife and discord (which God hates) more than winning any battles that will take it away.

I look at it like this, more evenings with my husband and family makes me rich. Rich in the creation of positive memories. Rich in increased vitality and health to my bones because I am notsetting myself up to become resentful and/or bitter and rich because myenvironment is peaceful allowing me to create and receive insights andrevelation from my Father God through Holy Spirit as I’m in Hispresence cultivated by a peaceful environment.

I truly believe that it allows for activation of His word that states that He teaches us to profit and He gives us witty ideas andinventions. Peace can open the lines of His Divine intervention.

Strive for a peaceable life and you will realize a Rich life!

Empowering you,

Robin aka The Empowerment Diva


Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body: and be thankful.
Colossians 3:15

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It's no secret that as women we have to wear many hats whether married, unmarried, Corporate Exec.,female entrepreneur,Leader in Ministry, work at home mom, stay at home mom, CEO etc.
And as a woman of color the responsibility can be even heavier.

You may be experiencing overwhelm, a lack of motivation, lacking life and/or business skills necessary to yield the business you deserve so that you have the lifestyle you deserve....

What is your business? Where would you like to see your business 1 -3 years from now? Do you know how to get there? What about marketing? Are you overwhelmed by all of the information available to you? Don't know where to begin?

Maybe you're experiencing some level of success but know that you can experience more.

Are you held back by your inner critic, dis-empowering behaviors or other?

How connected are you to your Wealth Consciousness?

Could you be sabotaging your own success because of the wrong mindset and you don't even know it?

Yes, these are a lot of questions, however, they are real concerns and may speak to you.

I've been there and I know that I can support you. You don't have to do it alone.

I invite you to request a complimentary session with me to see if this phenomenal VIP Coaching program is a fit for us.

Send an email to info@RobinTramble.com and put "phenomenal 10" in the subject area.
We will contact you.

Remember this opportunity is only open to 10 women so if you think this may be what you need don't delay!!

Empowering you!

Robin aka The Empowerment Diva
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