Tips (88)


Small businesses and start-ups put forth great effort to appear stable and established.  But often times they have a 'tell'.  Business cards printed at home, an AOL email address or ...a tri-fold brochure.  No matter how great your company/ service may be, you simply sell yourself short with these marketing flubs.

Marketing Faux Pas

While the tri-fold format in printed collateral has long been a a staple in marketing, in recent years the layout style has become a faux pas.  We live in the age of 'instant' success, consumers want to get information at a glance. That means they are looking for a Visual Snapshot. Its a big risk to assume that someone will take the time to comb through the folds of a page just to find out what you do, and how it will benefit them.

The Visual Snapshot

If you are wondering what a Visual Snapshot is, then imagine yourself in line at the supermarket.  When you glance at the magazines on the shelf you make a decision on whether or not to buy, just by looking at the cover.  The same thing happens when  a person looks at your marketing collateral.  I mean we don't want to have to read the

entire magazine to determine if we should buy it.

The first page of your brochure should state the following (very obviously):

  • Who are you?
  • What do you offer?
  • What is unique about your product or service?

I'm not saying that the triple dipper doesn't have its effective uses.  It can be quite helpful as a pamphlet and its a wonderful tool in the health care industry.  But for small businesses, it just makes you LOOK small time.


I have included an example of a Sell Sheet.  Whether single or double sided, its a sure fire way to impress prospects.

Happy Branding Everyone! ( or @brandcoachllc)

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You’ve joined a network marketing company….Now What? Wait for the sales and recruits to start piling up, right? WRONG!! It is not going to happen. Your upline is seeing great success, some of your team members are seeing great success, why aren’t you? The non-sugar coated answer would be that it is ALL YOUR FAULT!! Plain and simple. I know that you may be telling yourself that you are doing all that you can to succeed in your business, but are you really? Are you really taking all of the necessary steps to get where you want to be or are you only half-stepping and expecting to reap the full benefits? First of all let me tell you this….. Never base your expectations on anyone else within your organization. You will be disappointed every time. You cannot compare yourself to others especially those that you see doing extremely well in your industry. You should look to them for inspiration and encouragement and not as competition or comparison.As a new network marketer it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to gain as much knowledge about your company, its products and services as you possibly can. How can you sell something that you know nothing about? How can you develop a passion for something that you yourself don’t understand? You can’t!! You should be a regular consumer of your products. Then and only then will you understand them, relate to them and be able to help others understand and relate to them. This is when your personal organization (your downline) will begin to take lasting shape.Sure, for some it can be easy to initially explode in the business without any real knowledge, but soon the flame will fizzle. I see it often in this industry, you have those that do absolutely amazing. Above and beyond what any others are doing in the company and then before you know it, they are back to square one. Don’t be one of those people. Build your foundation on solid ground from the beginning.If you have joined a company that you really believe in, why wouldn’t you give your all? Didn’t you join the company for specific reasons to begin with? More time, financial freedom, funding your retirement, etc. Whatever the case may be, remember that none of that is going to happen without your full undivided attention to your goals and expectations.Everyone is different. Find YOUR niche. Don’t depend on others to work your business and hold your hand the entire way. Sure your upline should always be available to help you, but that is not always a reality. More often than not, we are left to figure it out on our own. Use the resources and tools available to you. The internet is an excellent source for information about absolutely anything. Take full advantage of it. Your company website should also have tools, resources, tutorials, etc. to help you.Ask yourself a few questions like….. Have you established a clear goal? Have you set goals that are within your reach? What is it that you’re comfortable with? How can you more effectively work your business for maximum results? What knowledge do you need? Whose help do you need? What system should be in place? These are just a few questions that should be addressed. Don’t leave your success to chance. Be active and watch your dreams begin to take flight.


Randa Johnson "Helping You Brand the Best You"


For More tips, visit


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7 Tips for Writing Website Copy

As an entrepreneur, I'm sure you have a website. And if you have a website, I'm almost certain that that's where a lot of your clients/customers find you, especially if your business is solely online. Because of this, it is vital that the copy on your website is fabulous.


Here are seven tips to help:


1. Don't use too much copy. When someone visits your website, they don't want to have to scroll on and on and on to get your message. People are impatient and want to know what your business can do for them, and they want to know quickly. So, make sure you're not putting too many words on one page, and be as concise as possible. In other words, get your point across quickly!


2. Keep it simple. When you're writing content for your site, keep your audience in mind. You want them to understand what your business is about; so, if you must use industry terms, make sure you explain them. Also, keep your sentences short, and use paragraphs (i.e., blocks of text). Do not make one really long paragraph; no one is going to read all that.


Click here to read the other five tips...

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Time for spring cleaning your finances

I wanted to share an interview I did recently with  


1 new result for chantay bridges
Time For Spring Cleaning Your Finances
Chantay Bridges, a real-estate agent in Los Angeles, and her spouse have always been diligent about their finances but a recent death in the family, and subsequent conversations about was there a will, what would happen to the kids, etc., ...
See all stories on this topic »

Time For Spring Cleaning Your Finances

Published: Tuesday, 22 Mar 2011 | 6:01 PM ET
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By: Cindy Perman Staff Writer

 Spring is a time for renewal, a time for out with the old, in with the new. So, while you’re cleaning out the closet and the garage, it’s a good time to give your finances a good spring cleaning, too.

Brigitte Sporrer | Getty Images

 Think about it: The government is already forcing you to do an audit of what you made and what you spent last year with your taxes; what better way to kick procrastination than to take that momentum and check off everything on your financial to-do list—from rebalancing your 401(k) to reviewing your life-insurance policy, checking your credit score and planning out your spending for the year?

 “You get involved in your day-to-day life. You’re busy trying to get ahead, taking care of the kids, earning a living and enjoying yourself a little bit. Organizing your finances isn’t something people typically enjoy doing,” said Marie Hoffman, who runs, a web site designed to help Boomers with money management. “But if your goals are to keep your financial house in order and make headway on accumulating assets, then this is just a chore that needs to be done like cleaning the bathroom — so do it!” 


 Chantay Bridges, a real-estate agent in Los Angeles, and her spouse have always been diligent about their finances but a recent death in the family, and subsequent conversations about was there a will, what would happen to the kids, etc., made them expand their spring checklist this year. They suggest you:

  • Check yourr credit scores.
  • Get your legal business in order (A will, living trust, etc.)
  • Make emergency plans. (Buying gold and silver, stocking up on emergency supplies and establishing emergency contacts)
  • Check all of your policies to make sure they’re up-to-date (insurance policies, bank accounts, investments, wills, etc.)
  • Make sure your beneficiaries are correct.
  • Do a debt check — Is everything paid off or is there anything outstanding?
  • Check interest rates on your credit cards and any outstanding loans.
  • Check your 401(k)s and get financial advice on their distributions.
  • Take stock of stocks — check in to see what’s performing, what they should sell and if there’s anything they can write-off due to low or limited dividends.
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7 Ways to Spring Clean Your Business

Spring is literally right around the corner. While you're organizing and cleaning your home, why not do the same for your business? Here are a few quick tips:


  1. File and organize the papers cluttering your office.
  2. Create a process to manage your online reputation (for instance, using Google Alerts).
  3. Review the progress you've made so far on your 2011 goals.
  4. Assess your RSS feeds, and unsubscribe to any you haven't read in over a month.
  5. Ask your customers for testimonials to place on your website.
  6. Update your portfolio to showcase your latest and best work.
  7. Write/update, and practice your elevator speech.


Happy Spring, ladies, and feel free to share your tips below!  : )




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Are You At Risk Of Being Exposed?

This morning I was awakened way before my scheduled interruption. It was about 4 o'clock AM. After tossing and turning, I was unable to go back to sleep. So me being the person that I am filled with such "bright" ideas, I made the decision to go to the gym. A decision that I have not made in a very, very long time, but this morning I persuaded myself.


While at the Gym, I was to the treadmill, exposed to the elliptical machine, the ab machine, weights, etc.... Well you get the picture, right?


So my question to you today is; Are you at risk of being exposed?


For most of us it is a daunting task to allow ourselves to step outside of our comfort zones. We spend countless hours repeating our same habits and rituals and it doesn't even cross our minds to try something different. Last night after teaching my third class in a three part series, during my Q&A session, several of my students began to share things about themselves and their experiences.


Let me first tell you that my classes are always very diverse. I have all races as well as various types of industries that attend the sessions. During an attempt to better explain his point, one of my students, used the analogy of scuba diving. Immediately other students in my class began to cut in and let him know that they could not relate to what he was talking about. I myself, could not relate either because I have never been scuba diving. I have never been "exposed" to it.  My lack of exposure is based solely on my lack of interest in the sport and not in my lack of ways of exposure.  Sure, I have many friends that take part in the sport on a regular basis, but because it does not interest me....I do not participate.


For the things in life that truly interest me, I have made it a point and a goal to gain as much exposure to them as possible.  It may be by way of surfing the internet, reading books, taking classes, etc.  By any means necessary, I have decided that I will be exposed to the things that interest me most. Your source exposure depends heavily upon you and your actions.


Now for many, they have interests that they have not even begun to act upon even though a way of exposure is directly put into their paths.  It's easy to find an excuse or a way to remain in the same position rather than to step out of the comfort zone and change lanes.  It's time to release yourself of your fears and allow yourself to be exposed.


The time for change is now.  Change doesn't happen until you make the decision to change and exhort the energy needed to make it happen.  Stop using the same old habits to try and make a new ending.  It is not going to happen.  You must travel a new route on your path to a new ending. 


Here's a few tips; on your way home from work, try another route.  You may discover that it may get you there quicker.  If you are used to wearing a certain color palette, switch to one that you have been afraid to try.  You may discover that those colors accent you alot better than the ones you've been comfortable with in the past.  If you and your family don't all sit down to eat dinner at the same time, try to set a time and a place for everyone to sit down and eat together for a couple of days out of the week.  You may discover some things about each other that you did not know. If you don't go outside of a 10 mile radius of your home for your regular errands and leisure... try going at least past a 20 mile radius... you may find a new restaurant or store that you can now call your favorite.  I'm sure that you get my point.


Stop being afraid of being exposed to bigger and better things.  Step outside of your comfort zone.  Open yourself up to view the world in a different light.  They say that you don't miss anything that you never had...but I beg to differ.  It is definitely possible to miss out on the finer things in life because you are too afraid to branch out and take advantage of what this world has to offer. 


Open yourself up to being exposed....


Visit my BLOG for more tips and inspiration.


Randa Johnson

"Helping You Brand the Best You"

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What if I told you that you could change your life for-ever?

What if I told you that it could happen within 45 minutes and totally up-level in under 8 weeks?

I will be facilitating a phenomenal Tele-series Total Transformation: Simple secrets to Maximum Empowerment, Mega Mindset Breakthroughs and Total Wellness

Do you feel like you need a total overhaul? Well I want to talk to you about
Total Transformation. And when I say total I mean total.

What is Transformation?
1: an act, process, or instance of transforming or being transformed
In the bible it reads; Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Notice it states renewing which is continual. It’s not a place of arrival and then you’re done. There are many things that come to stop us from reaching our destiny and fulfilling our purpose.

“Give me just 45 minutes
and I’ll share with you secrets to
realizing MEGA Mindset
Breakthroughs, maximum
debilitating Fear, unleash the
Faith-full, Holistically Fit and
Fabulous you so you can realize
Total Transformation, manifest as the
unstoppable irresistible Kingdom
woman you were meant to be with
laser focus, an EMPOWERED mindset
and live an Authentically Brilliant
Diamond life!!”

Topic this week: Kingdom Woman Total Transformation:
Simple Secrets to Maximum Empowerment,
MEGA Mindset Breakthroughs and overcoming limiting

When: First call
Thursday, February 24 at 1:00 pm PST, 3:00 pm CST, 4:00 pm EST
Can’t make the call?
My gift for this call only is the download of this power-packed audio teaching.

I will also be giving away over $897 in resources during the course of this Tele-series to registrants

of this call so be sure to register.

Register here:

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How to Become a Media Go To Person

Helping reporters and talk show hosts do their jobs will, in turn, help you achieve your goals. If you make them look good, they will be more likely to give you a some quality air or print time and even keep your name on file as a “go to” person for future reference.

By establishing a relationshp with your local media, you are setting yourself up to be their “expert” and that becomes a win-win situation for everybody.

Here are some suggestions on how to strengthen your position with the media:

Let Your Personality Shine Through: Not everyone has an outgoing, bubbly personality but if you come across as warm, genuine and sincere, the media will love you for it.

Know How to Communicate: Understand that interviews consist of more than one or two-word responses. It is also more than a one-sided conversation so don’t try to dominate.

Are You More than an Expert?: Can you speak on a variety of related subjects in your area of expertise or are you a single-minded individua?.

Be available on demand: Unless there’s a major emergency, can you be available at a moment’s notice and still come across as polished and professional—even when you’re not real sure how the interview will go?

I was invited to be a guest on My Carolina Today twice in two weeks because I was available at the 11th hour literally.

Demonstrate your viewer potential: Get your base of folks who admire what you do to send emails to the station on your behalf. That will send a signal to the station that they made a good choice in asking you to be a guest and, more often than not, will invite you back again for a future interview.

After being interviewed the first time on My Carolina Today, I asked members of my group, Boomer Diva Nation, to check out the video online and post a comment. To date, my video is the one that received the most comments.

To receive more valuable media tips as well as a national list of media contacts, I invite you to pick up a copy of my comprehensive BAMedia Contacts Directory, located here:

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Are you struggling to find time to make changes to realize the fit and fabulous life you desire?

Know you need to incorporate an exercise plan but become anxious at the thought of adding anythingelse to your schedule?


Wish you could find a way to exercise without theconventional routine work-outs? Or at least get started without routinework-outs?


Request your FREE copy of my Brand New Special Report "Empowered to Get Fit On The GO!"


Empowering insights shared in this power-packed ebook will inspire you to pursuit your desire once again. Includes creative exercise ideas for the savvy woman who has little or no time to get and stay fit.Go to :

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My BIG dream is to be a model and I will strive towards that until I reach success. I started off in the absolutely wrong direction by taking up an offer from Model Productions, a model search agency, that were promoting their search throughout the malls. This will be Tip One: Mall model searched are most likely scams. I was young and about 13 and begged my mother to pay the $250 for the CD and the registration for some convention where all the "top model agencies" were going to be. This includes Tip Two: Don't pay for ANYTHING... and I mean ANYTHING! It just makes sense that if an agency was really legit and REALLY wanted to work with you, they would NOT ask for money, because well... they really shouldn't need it. At the most, the only somewhat "OK" payment is a registration fee, but that is still pushing it!

Okay, so after realizing that all of these model agencies and schools that make everything sound OH SO GOOD on the radio and their "interviews" (which hundreds of people come to and not even get a chance to get "interviewed") was all... excuse me... BULL!, I decided that maybe craigslist was a good choice to find opportunities. Wrong! Tip Three: Don't use craigslist! It is full of scams and people who are very unprofessional just looking for money; about 90% of these people probably do not care about your dreams for being an actress or model. Let me tell you... I went to a 'meeting' for the selected models for a photo shoot with the Atlanta Falcons bird mascot... tell me why this so called "mascot" was an very old lady dressed in a red and black home made costume that looked like she was a Broadway performer with a Vegas theme with all those darn feathers. It was a mess ! I could tell many stories from scams ALL from Craigslist. 

But let me tell you guys something that DID work. Keeping my faith not only in myself that I would someday live my dream, I always kept my faith in God. And well, I fasted for 3 days by giving up just one item that I love the most... chewing gum.LOL It sounds simple and its probably funny to you, but I chew gum so much... I may even chew it in my sleep. Its just something that I HAVE to have. and I'm telling you... day one from the fast.. I got a call from my friend about a agency having an open call and (long story short) , I went and they sent me the contract in the mail and I am now a signed talent ! : ) They never once asked me for a dime and they instantly started sending me auditions and model/acting training courses! I felt the need to tell this story because ONE... models and actresses really become serious and determined and its so hard to not fall for these scams because we really really want it. And I would have never thought I'd get signed that day! 

God bless to all aspiring models and actresses reading this and please keep these tips in mind because you don't want someone to take advantage of you and your will to reach success. Trust me.... I have been through it all. And even if modeling/ acting is not your goal.... try your faith in the lord anyways and see what happens! : ) 



         Joslyn  Shavonne

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If you are a self-employed individual or running a small business, check out 7 quick things you need to do BEFORE or by January 31, 2011 to stay in good graces with the IRS!


1.  ISSUE 1099s  - If you hired an independent contractor in 2010 or worked with a non incorporated business, you must issue 1099 by January 31, 2011. You still have until February 28 to actually report to the IRS giving time for any corrections, however you should ensure your contractors and vendors have received their 1099 by the 31st.


2. ISSUE W-2s - Did you hire any employees in 2010? Even part-time? Seasonal? Aside from ensuring you did apply for employer tax numbers, you should also ensure you submit your employees (even terminated ones) W-2s by the 31st.  If you use a payroll service, check with them to ensure your payroll records are accurate and complete before issuing W-2s.


Check here for the remaining tips!

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Reasons to Write a Press Release

Writing a press release is a great way to get exposure for your business, service or product without spending a lot of money. It’s an excellent way to make important announcements to interested readers.

Here are some examples of when a press release would be a good idea:

1. Submit a press release about a trade show or seminar you’re hosting or attending.

2. Write a press release about a free class you are teaching that would be of interest to the public.

3. Create a press release about your new web site, or any awards your web site has won.

4. Write a press release about any awards you may have personally won.

5. Create a press release about products or services you’re giving away.

6. Submit a press release about a business association or club you’re starting.

7. Write a press release about a famous person who’s endorsing your business.

8. Create a press release about a partnership you are creating with another business.

9. Submit a press release about a new book or e-book you wrote.

10. Write a press release about major sponsorships you’re involved in.

11. Inform the public about a contest you’re having.

12. Write a release about any charitable projects you’re involved in—especially during the holiday season.

13. Announce your appearance on a radio or television program.

14. Announce the start of your new internet radio show.

15. Write a release if you’ve been invtied to speak at a conference or other type of event.

If you think of any other reasons, please feel free to add them here.

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Developing a Relationship with the Media

Nancy Michaels and I share something in common. She used to be the Publicist for Matt Lauer and Matt and I went to college together. I believe that makes her qualified to offer tips on how one can go about getting media coverage.

In a recent blog post titled How to Reinvent Your Relationship with the Press, Nancy offers 10 Tips on how to get reporters, producers and editors to take notice of you.

Her list is a good one—especially #1 where she suggests you take inventory of what’s going on in the world around you. Your hometown reporters are always looking for local angles to national stories so if you have one, that can certainly give you :15 to :30 of time in the media spotlight.

Another tip offered by Nancy is to make sure you keep an up-to-date database of contacts. When trying to establish media resources, it’s always good to have a contact name versus a “Dear Sir/Ma’am.” That’s one of the reasons I created the brand new BAMedia Contacts Directory. It is one of the MOST COMPREHENSIVE media directories you’ll find with REAL NAMES & REAL PHONE NUMBERS.

In my 25 plus years as a journalist in radio and television news, I have established many contacts and am now sharing them with you. You can order your very own copy right from this website for the special introductory price of $49.95 You will find yourself paying double–perhaps triple the amount for LESS information. Pick up your copy of the BAMedia Contacts Directory today and start doing as Nancy suggests: reinvent your relationship with the media.

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The Kiner Hour - Let's Talk Dance With Ashani Mfuko

Tonight is the official debut for, “The Kiner Hour – Let’s Talk Dance With Ashani Mfuko” internet radio show on Talking Alternative Radio Broadcasting Network, with a live stream for you to watch on

Join us tonight from 7-8 pm with special guests, Miss United States 2008, Graziella Baratta, who will offer some great health, wellness, and fitness tips for dancers. Plus, Lindsay Fultz, Director of Sales and New Media Marketing at Grosh Backdrops and Drapery, will offer some tips on how to use Foursquare to promote your dance studio or special event!

I know that you will get some really valuable tips from my wonderful guests on the show, and also have a chance to get your own questionsanswered as well.

Join me in the chat room on Ustream to post your questions during the show, post your questions to our Facebook wall, or call in live during the show at 877-480-4120.

I will be doing a live chat on Twitter, and here on the Kiner Enterprises Inc. Dancer’s Blog, today, from 1-2 pm to get all of yourquestions for tonight’s show, and share tips and get suggestions andideas from you.

If you’re on Twitter, post our new hashtag, #letstalkdance, along with your Tweet, so that I can be sure to answer all of your questions, and RT them as well.

Please spread the word and share this post on Twitter and Facebook, and I’ll see you (talk to you) tonight!

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As of Oct 2010, the US unemployment rate was estimated at 9%. Job loss creates tax issues and income tax returns for the unemployed are tricky. To shed light on this subject, CPA and CEO of Wealth Building CPA, Ebere Okoye, has written a new e-book, “Top 20 Tax Planning Tips for the Unemployed."

“Top 20 Tax Planning Tips for the Unemployed” provides in-depth explanations of tax questions that arise for the unemployed. Some of these questions include:

Is Severance Pay taxable?
If I sell other assets like stocks, bonds, and investment property, are they immediately taxable?
What can I do if I owe taxes and cannot pay them?
What if I withdraw money from my qualified retirement plan or IRA?
Can I deduct any of the expenses that I have from looking for a new job?
Is health insurance deductible?

Below is a free copy of the new book.

Top 20 Tax Planning Tips for the Unemployed

About the Author
Ebere Okoye is the CEO of Wealth Building CPA and a Certified Public Accountant. She holds a Accounting and MBA from the University of Maryland. Her unique areas of expertise give her an in-depth understanding of the mistakes individuals and businesses make in their tax planning and investments. She advises clients on how sound financial strategies can lead to a steady gain in income and profitable investments. Contact us today for a FREE initial Consultation 301.830.6830.
Twitter: @WBCPA | Facebook

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Media Tips for Budding Journalists

For those of you who don't know, I spent more than 25 years in radio and television news. I was everything from a reporter to fill-in anchor to assignment editor and producer. I even filled in as a photographer during my early days in TV.

Today, my role as a media consultant is to help those seeking media attention find it. That includes coaching and preparing clients so they will be, what I call, “media marketable.”

But those seeking media attention aren’t the only ones who need tips. Anyone who is or wants to be in the business of interviewing others should have their act together as well. With BlogTalk radio on the scene, many wanna be radio hosts have popped up.

So here are some tips for those of you who want to give your best as the interviewer on the airwaves:

  • Never give your guest the questions in advance. Many guests will try to give you a list of prepared questions. It’s OK to accept them but let them know you may not ask any or all of them. Giving them the questions in advance allows them to rehearse answers and not come across as natural during the interview.
  • Always check to make sure your equipment is working.
  • Treat the guest with respect. The interviewee deserves respect whether they are the President or just an average Joe Blow.
  • Take control of the interview. Don’t let your guest over your show.
  • You are not the center of attention. Remember you are there to get the perspective of the guest not give your own.
  • Do the research you need to, but don’t try to cram it all into your questions. Before you start the interview put yourself in the shoes of a member of your audience. If they were here, what would they ask?
  • The interview is a conversation. It is not a confrontation. You are not there to make the interviewee look stupid.
  • Shorter questions are better than longer ones. The more detail there is in the question the more difficult it is for the interviewee to track what you are asking. Be as direct as you can without being rude.
  • Be sure of your facts. There’s nothing worse than being told you are wrong by an interviewee – especially when it’s live.
  • Listen carefully to your guest’s responses. You might come up with some follow-up questions.

Being credible as an interviewer means being professional and prepared.

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Wouldn’t it be nice to wake up every morning with a smile on your face,
energy and life balance?

Work at home women are experiencing their share of stress. Between caring for family, their business, nurturing their Faith and otherroles it can be a bit overwhelming.

Did you know that stress can be attributed to 90% of all chronic diseases. Stress can ead to heart attacks, strokes and other chronicdiseases..

What are some of your areas of stress?

Three essential keys to stress management include…

Discovering how to leverage your time

Mastering your mindset

Working on and following a system for life balance

It’s important for you as a Work at home woman to begin taking stress reduction
serious. Take something from this post and apply it to your life.

A powerful stress reduction tip is to laugh. It has been stated that
laughter is like medicine for the soul.

List ways you can integrate laughter into your schedule.

Want additional information on how you can begin reducing stress?
Request my free special report – “Stress reduction and the powers of
a positive mind” by clicking here.

How can you use the information shared in this post before your head hits
the pillow tonight? Go ahead write it down and add one to two daily action steps
to focus on.

Here’s to the new stressed-less you!

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HARO is a Good Media Resource

If you're looking for for media exposure, one good place to turn is the site HARO . What Peter Shankman has done with the HARO site is nothing short of phenomenal. But Peter can only do so much. He can get the word out for you but then it's up to you to do the rest.

Here are some tips I recommend when responding to HARO:

1) Include your contact information. This includes phone number(s) and an email address.

2) Do not tell someone to google your name during the initial screening process, especially if you haven't supplied any other information.

3) If the reporter has included their name in their query, you should address them by name when responding. It makes it more personable. And make sure it's the RIGHT name. Someone responded to my query with a "Hi Barbara" when my real name was clearly indicated right above their response.

4) Do not direct someone to your website if you haven't included other contact information. People do not have time to search out your contact information.

5) Keep your response simple and to the point. If you've written a book or spoken on a topic that has nothing whatsoever to do with the subject matter, it's not important to mention it. In my case, I wanted to know what would make you a good social media panelist.

The important thing to remember is to make sure you put your best message out there with the best contact information.
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Your Time to Shine This Summer

During the summer months, you can always count on the media to do some type of weather-related stories. This could also be your opportunity to promote yourself and/or your business.

Developing ideas that can help you promote your business in summer doesn't have to take a great deal of time or a large financial investment in order to see positive results. The key to getting the media's attention is to come up with a creative (and fun) campaign that will help them generate a news or weather-related story.

Here are some examples:

Offer cool down treats: Arrange a day with a local ice cream store to have a free ice cream giveaway for anyone who walks in with your business card. You would certainly need a budget for that--especially if you've circulated A LOT of business cards. But you could also limit it to the first 25 or 50 customers and let the media know you're doing this as a Summer Appreciation Event.

Another similar idea is to simply pack some ice cold drinks and take to employees who have to work outside for a living. It's a nice gesture and may not only give you some media exposure but also some additional business.

Host a Pool Party for kids: Contact the local weatherman and invite him to come over and offer some tips on how to stay cool this summer. Certainly, his or her own station will cover the event.

Product giveaways: When I was promoting my book, Whatever! A Baby Boomer's Journey Into Middle Age, I offered a fan as a part of the promotion. If you purchased a copy of the book, you also got a free "hot flash" fan. Find something creative you can give away that would be directly tied into summer.

Sponsor an activity or event in your community: Check with your local Chamber of Commerce, City Hall or your local church for community events and find out how you can get your name or business connected. It would be worth sitting out in the hot sun for a couple of hours if a TV or newspaper crew stopped by to interview you, wouldn't it?

Check the websites of your local stations: Find out what they're up to and see how you can get involved--if only as a volunteer. You can network your way from there.

If all else fails, create your OWN media event and post it on YouTube, Vimeo, UStream, etc. You may find yourself getting even GREATER expsoure.
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Seeking health and wellness professionals to write short health and wellness tips in any of the following categories: nutrition, fitness, and good health practices. Tips must not exceed 5-6 sentences. Selected tips will be placed on the Cris Simone Beauty & Health website ( with a link back to author’s website. Professionals must have a polished website reflecting their health and wellness work.

Deadline: August 2, 2010

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