Fear (31)

Hello Community,

You hear this word used in many conversations. Speakers earn great income from addressing this issues. Many theories are submitted to addressing theory.  Ok here is my take on the powerful word fear!!!   I look forward to your assessment of what this word can or can not do!!

At your service,





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The Problem with Perfection

10744091860?profile=originalWhether in your business or personal life, do you have the issue of making sure everything is ‘perfect’ before making a move?  

The Next Step

Sometimes we may get stuck – waiting, and waiting, and waiting as we pull together what we think is important before we move forward.  But if you think about it, is it really necessary to wait? Yeah, I know, this can be harsh on those of us who are analytical and have perfectionist tendencies.

Maybe the following is your situation:

You don’t have everything you need to roll out your full vision at the moment and it may take you a little while to unfold all the phases in your plan.

Solution:  Rather than making it a long, drawn out chore, consider what you CAN do NOW. More than likely, you have what you need to take the next step.   Do that -- take the next step! 

Real vs Busy Work

Beware! Speaking of next steps . . .  make it count. While you’re preparing to share your vision or bring your product or service to market, make sure you’re not just doing busy work, working on the shiny bells and whistles, business cards, brochures -- avoiding the ‘real’ work. For real work, externally, how about building relationships -- establishing some one-on-one connections; doing some vision casting over lunch.  Internally, how about establishing business systems – infrastructure.

Fear & Procrastination

Most times, we innately know what to do and how to do it. Sometimes stagnation has nothing to do with busy work, analysis paralysis, or the guise of perfection, but simply has to do with fear and its offspring, one of which is procrastination.  The good thing is . . . we always have a choice.


  1. Bow to fear   OR
  2. Move your vision forward, unfold it in steps, tweak it along the way, see the end result.

Question is . . . What's your choice?

Latifah-2013-253x300.png?width=91Latifah Abdullah is founder of Tibay International.  Using optimism, forward thinking, and passion for a woman’s well being, the Tibay Community provides tools, how to’s, and candid conversation on legacy wealth, business, finance, faith, fashion, and health -- empowering women and women entrepreneurs to live a full, authentic life.

The community  uses a ‘whole person’ approach to provide business and personal resources to women and women business owners.

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As posted on Denene Millner's "My Brown Baby" on November 5, 2012. See full post here.

Author: Akilah S. Richards

How is it that, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics, our percentage of business ownership as black women in the U.S. is up 59 percent since 2002, yet we make up a mere 3 percent  of the $1.2 billion dollars in sales from women-owned businesses?

Unjust systems and long-standing, deliberately placed hurdles aside, many of us are learning to maneuver this new era of social impact through technology, and leveraging our skills with our passions to the tune of thriving businesses and comfortable lifestyles.

But on the real, the numbers of us who hoist sails on sinking ships with unstable businesses far surpass the number of financially and emotionally stable black women business owners.

Certainly, we do not lack access to the resources or the brainpower it takes to excel in business—so what’s the deal?

Business and Life Strategist Katrina M. Harrell and I have got a theory about these troubling truths.  It might ruffle your feathers a bit, but perhaps that’s a necessary part of your growth and ours.

The theory: Black women in business have been B.I.T.C.H.ing up, big time!

Yes, we BITCH up!  We get scared.  We stop trusting ourselves.  We take the shortcuts and we prioritize popularity over business ownership.  Many of us, myself included, spent years building a “popular brand”, without focusing on operating a business.

The results: High visibility, but low income.  Some success, but no real fulfillment.

I was a slave to the very thing I had built.  But thankfully, I got free.


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It happened.

Your heart is pounding,

Your palms are sweating

You’re stuttering and fumbling over your words

Your stomach starts to turn flips and you secretly wish the sky would fall so you have a valid excuse to end this situation – IMMEDIATELY.

No matter the level of your business – whether you are new or seasoned, it’s inevitable, you will experience challenges. They may all appear different but they all have similar underlying emotions.

they create fearanxiety, frustration and even in some cases horrible procrastination (I’m looking at you Dream list that’s collecting dust).

I’ve had my own share of challenges since starting my journey in entrepreneurship over 5 years ago – even in the midst of tremendous success and recognition  I still struggled with work-life “balance”, learning the fine art form of attracting the RIGHT customers (I’ve never had issues in attracting but in attracting the right customers consistently, I learned a while ago is a fine art) The beauty of challenges however that many entrepreneurs often overlook is that they also create tremendous opportunities when you’ve learned to master the art of “CALL & RESPONSE” instead of “REACTION”



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Are You Being Bullied By Your Fears?

10744086676?profile=originalMy eldest child plays soccer.  She's pretty good at it too.  And this year, her team moved up to Division 1 so things are exceptionally competitive.

When she was younger, the "Princess" was always ultra polite - one of those kids who all the teachers fawn over because she said, "please" and "thank you".  I suppose that's not a commonality much anymore.  But that streak of politeness doesn't work very well when you play competitive sports.  You have to be pretty tough and thick-skinned.

Now that she's older, the Princess still has a very quiet strength about her.  She is at the stage now where her feelings are fragile (she's a tweener), but she gets assertive on the field because her goal is clear as a Forward - be in front position to get the ball to and into the net.

This week, while she was targeting the goal, a kid on the other team recognized her skill and honed in on her.  The competitor started hounding her pretty hard verbally and physically...to the point that she was elbowing the Princess constantly.  At one point, she elbowed her so hard in the ribs she went down, tears in her eyes and a defeated look on her generally smiling face.  Things didn't look good.

I waited until half time and went over to check on her.  When I got there, I looked her in the eye and asked her how she was.  Although she responded quietly, "fine", I could tell her eyes were saying, "she's getting to me".  I told her I knew she was stronger than that but for the rest of the game, that girl took the fight out of my Princess.

You know I gave her 'the talk' on the drive home, right?  But in my heart I knew none of that would matter until SHE knew she was strong enough to overcome the pain and that much of it was in her own mind.

As I prayed about it later on, I had a revelation.  It was this -- how often do we allow our dreams to be sidetracked and wiped out because of FEAR?  It can creep up on you, whisper things in your ear that tell you "you're not good enough" or " you can't do this" and when you listen and let it knock you down, you lose sight of the goal -- the main reason why you're even playing the game.  Your business and your personal life suffer when you let Fear get the best of you.

Like I told the Princess, we have to never let our fear see us sweat - it may be there, but you look it in the eye and you show it just how good you are. Never lose sight of the goal. Because just like the game that night? We were destined to win and it happened anyway - in spite of what fear tried to do.  It can kick your butt and you may even need a little Tylenol afterwards, but don't let fear put you out of the game.

Get your theme song going in your head.  Mine is by Mary Mary and it's called Get Up.

Some of the words go like this,

"What are you afraid of? Don't you know what you're made of? One of God's greatest creations. Take this invitation now.
Get up, 'cause you can't stop. Get up, got a lot to do. 24 hours, almost gone.
Get up, don't sit back. Get up, if you wanna get there. Clocks don't stop and time won't wait."

Just remember, you have the power to choose - keep your head in the game, or let fear bully you into giving up. What's it going to be?



You may, as long as you include this complete blurb with it...

About the Author: Tanya Smith is a creative business strategist and coach specializing in showing independent service providers how to simplify, save time & stand out with simple strategies that engage more quality leads and clients. Her company Be Promotable provides fresh actionable strategies and virtual resources to promote business owners as power players in their market. Get free tools to simplify and stand out online at: www.tanyasmithonline.com

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Rejection feels “icky” doesn’t it? It hits that space in us that we are uncomfortable with. That space that reminds us that we perhaps aren’t good enough or worthy enough. It reminds us of those childhood memories we would much rather forget. It just doesn’t feel good to be rejected by others.

We’ve all experienced it at some point in our lives, perhaps regularly. That feeling of wanting to retreat and hide in our “caves” after someone has rejected us or made us feel as if we weren’t “in the in crowd”. Or perhaps that family member who spoke to you in a manner that contradicts the symbol and role they are supposed to play in your life, confirming that “people are selfish or out to get you” It could also be the lost client contract or the new connection you made with someone on line who’s positive energy wasn’t favorably returned. It happens to us all at one time as we all have this undercurrent desire to be accepted and connected to each other. It’s normal for us to want to bond with others and co-exist with others. It’s part of our human DNA – but when rejection begins to take over our human existence, the feeling of wanting to be accepted begins to appear in an unhealthy way.

You know…

::Seeking approval over and over from others and feeling “empty” when not reciprocated

::Not knowing when it’s time to let go of a relationship or connection

::Making personal decisions based on what others think of you…

::The ironic disconnect from others (i.e. isolation or indifference because the world isn’t giving you “your way”)

or the most common for most people…

Living your entire life against the flow of your LIFE PURPOSE.



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What keeps you focused? What do you say when you feel ready to give up? There are moments when as women we simply get drained, and maybe even ready to throw in the towel. However there is a powerful restorative beauty in daily reminders of what is ultimately important to you.

YOU.WILL.RISE. ->The myth of the phoenix describes the fire-bird who is burned to ashes with its nest. Out of the ashes a new egg is created and a new bird is born, who lives longer and more powerful than the original bird. Your ability to “reborn” after a personal set-back or failed business venture is important to remember. You may fail at some point, but it’s what you learn from the experience that will raise you to another level of excellence that ultimately creates the powerful businesswoman you are.” ~Excerpt from Embrace Your Journey: 180 Day journey of Spiritual Transformation for the Woman Entrepreneur-Day 1 (c) Copyright 2011, 2012 Sum of Her Publishing/Katrina M. Harrell

Below of 107 powerful mantras, reminders and affirmations for you on your wealth journey. Read them print them, share them, commit some of them to memory.


    1. 1. Though it hurts…I will fight
    2. 2. Through my cry…is my triumph
    3. 3. Though I stand out…I’m the missing link
    4. 4. Through my sweat…is my breakthrough
    5. 5. Above all the things I need,  is courage
    6. 6. Though I waiver, I shall not fall
    7. 7. Though I pause, I shall not stop
    8. 8. Though they laugh , I shall smile
    9. 9. Though I’m heavy, my burdens are light
    10. 10. Though it challenges me…I am victorious
    11. 11. There is beauty all around me
    12. 12. There is power in the dark
    13. 13. BE. Is a complete sentence
    14. 14. The seed is the blessing
    15. 15. Sowing the good seed is the purpose of all..
    16. 16. Do not rush the harvest
    17. 17. There is power in incubation
    18. 18. Though it is hidden, it is transforming
    19. 19. Your breath is your life
    20. 20. You only have TIME…to be present
    21. 21. Through your haste, you spoil
    22. 22.Through your quiet you are loud
    23. 23. Through your faith you shall persevere
    24.  24. Though they may appear better, you have yet to shine
    25. 25. Your inadequacy is your power in the wrong space
    26. 26. Protect your peace, create your abundance
    27. 27. They’re not haters, simply the confused
    28. 28. Those that “hate” are confused about their own power
    29. 29. Clean your home…clear your mind
    30. 30. Your abundance is in your home
    31. 31. Your home is the manifestation of your universe
    32. 32. A messy mind creates a messy environment
    33. 33. Treadmills lead to nowhere, but the journey on the open road reveals abundance
    34. 34. Do not desire others to change, desire others to know who they are
    35. 35. The journey is in discovering that we all have the mind of God.
    36. 36. When in doubt…stop and clean
    37. 37. You do not need an answer…you simply need to be BE the answer
    38. 38. Lack of money is lack of order
    39. 39. When you receive the calling…do not shout it aloud…there is power in silence
    40. 40. Your calling requires cultivation
    41. 41. Do not compare that which is incomparable
    42. 42. You have everything you’ve ever asked for…stop looking, start seeking.
    43. 43. An upset stomach is an unbalanced life…
    44. 44. There is power in stillness
    45. 45. There is no lack, only the clog in the flow of abundance
    46. 46. The secret to success is in creating your system
    47. 47. Focus on the process…not the end result
    48. 48. You do not know what you do not experience
    49. 49. You do not understand what you do not learn
    50. 50. Wisdom requires courage
    51. 51. It is great to be seen…but better to be effective
    52. 52. Do not shout before it’s ready
    53. 53. Tears are the windshield cleaner of a cloudy soul
    54. 54. Perception is like a computer…it only outputs what you input, true or not.
    55. 55. All the world is an analogy…should you need the answer, look within.
    56. 56. At the end…I am you, you are me.
    57. 57. No one cares about what you do…only in the energy you bring
    58. 58. In all the chaos…clear the plate
    59. 59. In all the noise…remain still
    60. 60. In all the confusion…most is non important
    61. 61. Do not wait for a wakeup call…
    62. 62. Set the standard to which you shall live by
    63. 63. Even though it hurts…do not stop
    64. 64. Even though they pass you…continue at your pace
    65. 65. Even though they do not respond…continue to love
    66. 66. Even though they do not desire you…continue to grow
    67. 67. Though you may stop…you shall not quit
    68. 68. Though you may fail…you shall pivot
    69. 69. There is peace in a smile
    70. 70. There is power in empathy
    71. 71. Being who you really are…requires courage
    72. 72. Being who we agree to be, requires motivation
    73. 73. Worrying clogs the flow
    74. 74. Though there is not enough, there is plenty
    75. 75. Though they do not see, I shall reveal
    76. 76. Through they do not respond I shall…praise
    77. 77. Though they do not feel, I shall embrace
    78. 78. Though I am complete…it is not done
    79. 79. Though it is not perfect, it is ready
    80. 80. Though I still lack, I am abundant
    81. 81. A lion does not consult the bird
    82. 82. The bird does not request the permission of the worm
    83. 83. The worm does not fret its fate
    84. 84. A confused life is a confused business
    85. 85. A confused business is a wasted purpose
    86. 86. The secret to success is in what you eat
    87. 87. Lose the weight…gain your abundance
    88. 88. Wealth is your birthright
    89. 89. Liberation is in letting go
    90. 90. People do not hear what you say…they feel what you are
    91. 91. They do not need to know your every movement…only your every result
    92. 92. Over planning kills the flow
    93. 93. Control is fear of success in letting go
    94. 94. There is only one thing you must do…be present
    95. 95. Your creative energy is like the ocean…therefore do not haste
    96. 96. Control creates fear
    97. 97. Though you may not fit in…you are the secret ingredient
    98. 98. Children are the good seed…
    99. 99. Without faith…there is no life
    100. 100. If the seed does not harvest…evaluate the soil
    101. 101. Anxiety is the body telling you to slowdown. Stop, refocus on what’s important now
    102. 102. They do not “buy” you because you are not BEing “you”
    103. 103. The blessing is in the fight…the pull, the push, the tenacity…don’t give up
    104. 104. The greatness you see in others…is indeed the greatness you have yet to see in you.
    105. 105. Though they resist, you continue to push
    106. 106. You already know…you simply need the courage to agree and act.
    107. 107. The answer will not come by staring at the computer…but it will come in the stillness of a deeply rooted tree, the lean of the blade of grass towards the sun, the stretch of your limbs in stride, the peace in your mind a midst chaos, the chirp of the bird at the top of the morning, the wind we do not see, the moon that is ever present, the sun that sustains and nurtures, the perfection of the fruit, the restorative beauty of rest, the fall of the leaf, the spoil of the fallen fruit that resurrects new fruit, the laughter of our children. The peace you chose to embrace…no matter what.
    (c) Copyright 2011, 2012 Sum of Her Publishing/Katrina M. Harrell

There is infinite wisdom inside of you, waiting to unleash itself. Let's embark on this journey of self-discovery together. Visit www.amazon.katrinamharrell.com for a groundbreaking best seller written for the spiritual journey of Women entrepreneurs.

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I WAS THAT GIRL...THE ONE WHO THOUGHT SHE HAD TO FIX EVERYTHING, CONTROL EVERY OUTCOME AND JUST BE IN CONTROL ALL THE TIME. Until I had a revelation...FEAR is a manmade myth and that when I learn to LET GO I gain control...enjoy the blog post below where I share my insight into my revelation and how you can uncover the same journey for yourself. ~Katrina


10744081273?profile=originalI started my day as normal, clear focused intentions, meditation time and time to give thanks. I’m ready to hit my day swinging focusing on my W.I.N. and making things happen because that’s what creatives do. Then it hit me….my video camera battery was completely out and the video I needed to record early this morning to send to my list for registration to my 21 Day challenge was already 3 hours late. My kids were in full fledge “mommy! mommy!” mode and I felt the twinge of “ugh” reach my belly – an all to familiar feeling of…”FEAR”

I know the signs…frustration, annoyance “why didn’t I charge the camera up last night!!!” and even the feeling of putting off my objective for today for another day (procrastination). ALL the ugly signs of FEAR that in the past would mean I would find myself “fighting” to get through the day, needing to make sacrifices instead of choices. I wasn’t having it…afterall I wrote the book on learning to “let go” and Embrace the real journey of your life. No way I was going to start tripping today.

Instead I did what I have learned to do…I told FEAR to buzz off…in my Martin Lawrence voice I told it to “Get to Steppin’” because I know now that FEAR isn’t real. It’s a manufactured emotion we’ve created when the perception of the world doesn’t happen the way we “think” it should. In other words…I ignored the fear and instead found courage to make a different choice.

Why is Fear a Myth?

It would take me an entire book to explain how I have come and am still evolving to learn that FEAR is a big ole nasty myth that we’ve all purchased, but to put it in few words. Fear is a myth because all that there is is LOVE and ABUNDANCE. We’ve been conditioned to accept fear because we have also been conditioned that we cannot control but should fight to control everything.  You know…the client that doesn’t respond to the email fast enough or even the partner that doesn’t seem to “get” your point of view in business or maybe the product launch that isn’t selling. We feel as though we have to fight every battle in life…with only a few worth fighting. All those creepy thoughts that love to remind you that ‘fear” is a constant thing we must FIGHT-{a daily battle of external manifestations that don’t add up to our PERCEPTION of the world}. The constant reminder of Fear that we’re not good enough, smart enough, have enough money, our kids don’t do enough or fear that we’re not working hard enough to push past generational curses that we are determined not to repeat. So we MUST fight.

Continue to read the full Blog post here...

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Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Does Fear grip you when you think of these three words?


I need help! Those are three of the most feared words for many that I know of. Why is this?
Do you feel that asking or admitting that you need help means that you’ve failed or maybe you feel inferior?

Let’s take a look at the consequences of not asking for or seeking help.

You continue repeating the same steps getting the same results.

You waste time and money trying out new bright shiny objects. The next best thing.

A great service or product is withheld from the world.

The solution to someone’s problem is hidden and causes them to either
continue on a long search or never realize the resolve for their problem.

You continue to toss and turn afraid that your mortgage won’t be paid or that you won’t be able to keep up with your bills.

A lack of confidence and low self esteem sets in as you beat up on yourself for not accomplishing what you thought you would have by now.

You finally give up.

Is it worth it?

Seeking out the necessary support and resources is an action of a woman who knows that she has gifts that the world needs to be exposed to, an unstoppable woman of tenacity that has made a resolve of no retreat.

It doesn’t make you weak or inferior.

The added support of a coach and/or mentor will save you years of trouble, reduce the mistakes that you end up making and will keep you from reinventing the wheel.

You will also realize increased revenue and save time.

If it hasn’t worked for you for the last 1 – 5 years or more, you can’t afford to continue on your own.
Stop now. Look at where you are? Are you satisfied?

Make an agreement with yourself that you will do whatever it takes to position yourself for empowering success. Don’t cheat yourself simply because you’re afraid of or too proud to say “I need help.”

Ready to take action. Secure your help today! Request my free Breakthrough to Destiny talk. There are a limited number of spaces open.

So I suggest that you request yours now. Click here to request your Breakthrough to Destiny Talk.

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...Start it! It's time for you to stop coming up with excuses as to "why you can't". It's time to stop talking about it and BE about it. There are so many people I know that have such GREAT business ideas that will give them flexibility, freedom, and the joy of FIRING their boss and yet they haven't done anything! Unfortunately, it's because of FEAR which if I read correctly "... God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind." (2 Timothy 1:7)

Fear is a state of mind which means you CAN get over it! It's natural to be fearful of the "unknowns". It's natural for some people to be fearful when starting something new. BUT don't let that stop you. If you have a well written business plan, a success coach to hold you accountable (make sure it's not a family member or spouse, we don't always like to listen to what they have to say, especially if it's the truth. Just saying...), then you're on your way!

Now, there are people with great business ideas that actually love their job and are not looking to get rid of it. So, if that's you, consider doing it part time! Start it and see how you can manage it on a part time basis. It might be a great 'additional income' option for you. 

So, what do you need to start a business? NO FEAR! Once you're past the fear and lame excuses, get a great Success Coach (I happen to know one), together create a thorough business plan and START YOUR BUSINESS!

To your success!

If you need help staying focused and motivated to be the best you and gain a profitable business to increase your finances let me help you. Subscribe to my blog today and receive a FREE 30 minute consultation and 1 follow up appointment. ONLY FOR A LIMITED TIME, SUBSCRIBE TODAY!
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Hello Powerful one!
It's real! Many people are struggling with the emotion fear.
This is an urgent call in response to the vibe I'm feeling amongst women and
people everywhere. I'm gifting this fre.e laser coaching call to 90 women.
A few will be selected to receive laser coaching on the call. 
It's time to blast fear, procrastination and get focused so you can manifest your best year ever!
Register for access => http://tinyurl.com/lasercoachingfear

Is fear holding you back from realizing
the empowering success you so deserve?
...Request your Scholarship to Robin's Urgent
FREE laser coaching call today!
I have a question for you. What could you do if you were fear-less?

Fear can steal years from you, destroy relationships, hinder opportunities that should have been yours and more! It will also immobilize you. I see and can feel it in the spirit the impact that it is having on many including myself. I have lost many years and lost out on opportunities because of fear. This is why I'm holding this urgent FREE laser coaching call. I want to support as many as I can. I want to be there for you as you break free from the bondage of Fear.

No I'm not saying that you are to become obsessed with eliminating fear, however, I am saying to develop your skills and learn ways to become FAITH-FULL so that you can live an empowered life as opposed to being a victim.

Register now!

This is only open to 90 participants.

You'll get a chance to submit your questions on Fear, procrastination and focus.
I will then answer them on the call and if you desire to participate in a laser coaching session around this you'll be invited to do so on the call.  
Talk to you soon!
P.S. If you're not interested in the laser coaching just join us for the call and
glean from the information shared. I'll start off the call with juicy content for
your empowering success and total transformation!
P.P.S. Once you're in why not share it with your friend(s). They'll love you for it.
This call is a value of over $147 but you're receiving a scholarship to attend at
no cost.

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Are you struggling with the emotion fear?

Why are you struggling? Isn’t it time to take control and acquire the necessary skills to combat fear. I’m not saying to focus on fear because “what you focus on expands!”

There’s no time to contemplate or ponder this thing. It’s time now to break free so you can live your best life ever!

Here are three reasons that you must break free from fear now!


Fear is a Dream Killer
Like procrastination, fear is a thief of time and I know all to well
about this one. There are many opportunities that have been lost
because of fear. I’m sure you can think of some missed opportunities
of your own. This will continue to happen unless you break free.
The life of your dreams is at stake. You must break free now!


Fear is a toxin
Our subconscious mind receives messages from our thoughts and actions
and it doesn’t know whether it’s a temporary or insincere thought.
No, our subconscious mind gets to work on whatever we send its way.
So in essence fear is a toxin to the subconscious mind.


Fear is not a part of God’s plan and is not from God
In the bible we read that God has not given us a spirit of
fear but He’s given us power, love and a sound mind. So if
God didn’t give it to us then we shouldn’t have it and it
hinders the flow of blessing on our lives.

Your goal should never be to focus on totally being free from fear,
that would be unbalanced, however, you should learn keys and the
necessary mindset shifts needed to empower you to live a life free
from the bondage of fear.

What will you do if you never break free? You don’t have to wait
any longer.


I invite you to request access to my FREE laser coaching call “Blast fear, procrastination and get focused!” You’ll hear the value added content I shared and hear the laser coaching a few of the ladies experienced with me on the call.

Go to http://tinyurl.com/lasercoachingfear to get access now!

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What if I told you that you could change your life for-ever?

What if I told you that it could happen within 45 minutes and totally up-level in under 8 weeks?

I will be facilitating a phenomenal Tele-series Total Transformation: Simple secrets to Maximum Empowerment, Mega Mindset Breakthroughs and Total Wellness

Do you feel like you need a total overhaul? Well I want to talk to you about
Total Transformation. And when I say total I mean total.

What is Transformation?
1: an act, process, or instance of transforming or being transformed
In the bible it reads; Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind. Notice it states renewing which is continual. It’s not a place of arrival and then you’re done. There are many things that come to stop us from reaching our destiny and fulfilling our purpose.

“Give me just 45 minutes
and I’ll share with you secrets to
realizing MEGA Mindset
Breakthroughs, maximum
debilitating Fear, unleash the
Faith-full, Holistically Fit and
Fabulous you so you can realize
Total Transformation, manifest as the
unstoppable irresistible Kingdom
woman you were meant to be with
laser focus, an EMPOWERED mindset
and live an Authentically Brilliant
Diamond life!!”

Topic this week: Kingdom Woman Total Transformation:
Simple Secrets to Maximum Empowerment,
MEGA Mindset Breakthroughs and overcoming limiting

When: First call
Thursday, February 24 at 1:00 pm PST, 3:00 pm CST, 4:00 pm EST
Can’t make the call?
My gift for this call only is the download of this power-packed audio teaching.

I will also be giving away over $897 in resources during the course of this Tele-series to registrants

of this call so be sure to register.

Register here: http://tinyurl.com/totaltransformationpr

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Women's Empowerment tips: Believe

What do you do when all of your motivation has dried up?
How do you continue on?

When you’ve tried everything and it seems that your dreams will never
come to fruition you’ve got to believe!

Yes, believe. It may look dark and grim, however, it’s at this time that
you must go back to your why, revisit your vision and believe.

Believe: 2: to have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of something Merriam Webster Dictionary

Take inventory of why you started on the path to Health and Fitness, building a business, strengthening your Faith, building a successfulmarriage. Assess what worked and what didn’t. Write down action stepsthat you will need to take for a different result.

Reignite your passion and believe! Believe in your dream. Believe in the
goodness of the realization of your desired result.

You don’t fail unless you quit.

“It’s never too late to redeem your dreams.” Sharon Williamson

Believe in and redeem your dreams!

Of course it’s going to take more than believing, however, you can resuscitate your motivation and passion when you simply make one more effort to Believe!

For a limited time you can listen to the replay of an incredibly empowering call

"Master your mindset so you can unleash the power within and soar to your greatness!" This will help you as you take the Transformational journey to empowering success by believing in yourself and your dreams. You will be empowered not only to dream but to take targeted action! http://budurl.com/WEMBpr

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Women will come from across the states for personal, spiritual and business empowerment,
structured networking and refreshments.

If you've been looking for something to change the course of your life and business forever, this is it!

Select women will experience an onstage Business Spotlight! You'll receive information on
how you can be one of these women after registration. You'll walk away with at least one idea
and a spotlight for your Business.

Be sure to bring your Business Cards.

Secure your seat today! http://www.EmpowermentSuperStar.com

Limited seating.

Online registration ends Thursday at 12:00 midnight. Registration at the door is more.

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Is your mindset holding you back?

Don’t know?

I’m going to share 3 mindsets to avoid.

1) I’m not good enough.
I’ve been there and have seen all too many times women who are always

Getting better and this is not simply personal development it’s continued activities based on the comparison with others. You should
always avoid this self doubt. It is draining and will sabotage any
endeavor of empowering success. So shake the mindset of “I’m not good

2) It’s too late for me. Sure things may not have happened the way you want them to happen, however, as long as you have breath in your body there’s hope. Take inventory of why things are not working. Don’t
be a victim of time. There are many who started in there latter years
and actually realized more in their latter years than their earlier
years. Spend your time discovering new ideals, strategies and
resources. Determine who it is you are here to serve. Develop an
appropriate brand and make sure you have an online visibility plan.

3) Who am I to charge that? Okay this is where I had an incredible shift in my life and business. I kept hearing the limiting belief or
you could say negative chatter and it included “Who am I to charge
that?” If you have determined who you serve, a solution to their
problem and can help them get results, you had better charge for that.
Don’t look at it as what hourly rate you can charge but rather what are
the results that you help them achieve? What’s it worth to them? If you
can provide solutions and help them manifest the desired results, you’re the person for the job. Besides it’s not a money thing
with everyone. Charge too little and they may start doubting the
effectiveness of your program, product or service.

I have shared 3 mindsets to avoid. There are many more that you want to stay clear of. There are also mindset shifts that need to be made and this comes as you master your mindset.

I’ll be sharing this during my upcoming live event in Sacramento, CA Click here to learn more ,as well as The Women’s Empowerment and Mindset Breakthrough Online Boost Camp click here to learn more.

If you’re tired of being stuck, not getting results and reinventing the wheel
be sure to connect via one of these opportunities.

Having the right mindset is crucial to your Authentically Brilliant Life and Business Empowerment. Empowerment is a choice. Make the choice for maximum empowerment today!

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Imagine.... You EMPOWERED to finally live your best life ever!

Dear friend,

My family and I just experienced the most frightening crisis of our life. Our oldest daughter on Life Support. We almost lost her not once but
twice. How did we persevere, remain focused and resist the temptation
to succumb to fear? We are now experiencing victory and an amazing
surge of EMPOWERMENT! She is off life support, was moved from ICU and is regaining strength daily. The Doctor's gave us another report, however, we held on to the report of our God! It wasn't easy but it was possible.

We tapped into possibility. We tapped into Empowerment through our union with Him. We stepped boldly with courage and confidence that it was DONE!

You can experience the same empowerment , courage and confidence to stay focused because you have learned life skills, become faith-full and are mastering your mindset!

This is the only way you will send out the energy to create an
atmosphere for God's miraculous intervention in your life and the lives
of others.

Feel like you're working hard but getting nowhere?
Are you frustrated by the day to day tasks of managing your personal and business life?
Want to play a bigger game but can't due to a lack of confidence and/or entertaining your limiting beliefs? Or maybe you don't know what's holding you back.

"Give me 40 minutes and I'll share keys to maximizing your
EMPOWERMENT and realizing mindset breakthroughs so you can finally live life on your terms while increasing your client/customer base and revenue."

Join me for The Women's Empowerment and Mindset Breakthrough Teleseminar series

This week's Topic: 4 Surefire ways to Blast through your fears to COURAGE, CONFIDENCE and Maximum EMPOWERMENT!

When: Bi-Weekly The next call is July 8
Time: 11:00 AM PST, 2:00 PM EST
Cost: Free

These teleseminars will sell for a minimum of $147
Get your free access today!

Register here

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Let's face it, women are experiencing confusion, overwhelm and quite frankly have become
discouraged about starting or even building their online business.

It's a struggle to manage day to day business activities while fulfilling your other roles.

It's time for BREAKTHROUGH!

Win a FREE Breakthrough Mentoring and Coaching program pass $349
Breakthrough is my 12 week system to breakthrough to new horizons in your
personal, spiritual and business life!

Participants will receive 2 group calls per month plus other transformational components
supported by assessments, supplemental audios, coaching, mentoring and more.

There will be two winners!

There will also be consolation prizes.

We will use the Random system to select the winners.

The deadline to enter is March 3.

Go to http://budurl.com/entertowinbt2010

Someone's got to win it might as well be you!

Live a big, bold, beautiful and delicious life!
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