HELP (58)


Are you ready? Ready to:

  • Live pain free from fibromyalgia and other chronic pain.
  • Enjoy better overall health.
  • Enjoy your newfound freedom (newly single, empty nester, etc.)
  • Live your life's mission: Career, motherhood, travel, etc.
  • Experience new love.

Remember our special teleconference today... 7/1/2013 from 7 to 8:30pm (EDT) has been created just for you.


Call in #: 218-895-3835 PIN: 1033354 #

Are you sick & tired of being sick & tired? Yes then... "Here's Your Next Step" Learn how to have real fun and feel good again.

Go to: for more information and to reserve your spot.

Click on "Register Here"

Join me for this informative 90 minute call which includes a 30 minute Q & A section. To be happy and live a truly fulfilling life is your birthright.

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Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy. ~ Dale Carnegie


Not knowing what to say or how to get marketing messages in front of an attentive audience  are common reasons entrepreneurs cite as reasons why their marketing content isn't done or performing

well.Speak your mind even when your voice shakes by Maggie Kuhn

But, I've found that it's not that we don't know what to do or even how, It's being too afraid to do it in the first place.

If I told you it took me 3 years to get up the courage to hit send on my newsletter without being anxious or posting an article and looking forward to the comments, you might hesitate to believe me.

But it's true! As a former introvert, standing out in front has always been a battle for me.

However, I learned early on to do it afraid. Now, for me that often meant taking time to find the courage to do the thing. But, I always did it... eventually. There is a lot less anxiety in being in front of the computer screen versus a room full of people.

However, the vulnerability you feel is the same in both cases. It can be a scary thing to release content on the web. For some, writing something crappy, hearing our own recorded voice  or seeing ourselves on camera for the first time makes us cringe and hide in our cushy little home offices stuck in our brilliance. Still, there are other reasons people get stuck in fear of creating content like...

  • You don't want to give away too much
  • Can't keep up with the demand of a content publishing schedule
  • Not enough ideas
  • Too many ideas and not knowing where to start

But, I have seen the light and I want to share with you some principles that helped be shake my fear of sharing my content with the world.

Focus on your passion for helping others through your knowledge and expertise. The advise you often hear for public speaking is if you know what you're talking about, it becomes easier. And, the more you do it the easier it gets. The same is true for stepping out online. I credit Kathy Brandon, the Happiness Chick and CEO of R4H Group for helping me realize I was playing small. She told me I was "shadowboxing". I was hiding my greatness by working for great people and not stepping into my full potential. So, a new website went up with my face plastered all over it and now I'm saying to the world "This is me, this is what I know and I want to share it with you!". Thanks Kathy!

Practice imperfect action. If it's crappy let it go. Another Achilles heel is trying to make it perfect before releasing it.  I can't tell you how many emails I've gotten from some of my favorite internet marketing "cool kids" with errors and mistakes. And you know what? They send a correction email to follow up their error and keep it movin'. I just love that! Maybe for you the design isn't quite the way you want it, or you want to add this or that. Just let it go. Perfection is a fantasy and a success killer. Practice taking imperfect action and tweaking things for improvement while in motion. You'll find that people want you to succeed and are more than willing to give you feedback on how to better your communications with them.

Believe in yourself, no matter what. Don't get lost in other people's disbelief. Think of how many successful people you admire had doors closed and were told they could not do something. Now consider yourself one of them and keep it movin'.

Trust yourself more that you trust the advice of others. It's easy to look at the outside trimmings of someone's success and think they know more than you and choose what worked for them versus what's best for you. Trust your instincts and your vision. Try your way. If it fails tweak it, if it fails again try plan B and keep it movin'. If Steve Jobs would have followed conventional wisdom and chose not to drop out of college. He would have missed sitting in on a seminar that opened his mind to think different and the world may have never known iPods, iPhones and personal computing as we know it. Think about it! Trust Yourself!

Focus on making meaning not money.Okay, I am not saying money is not important. But, when your focus is on money, that comes through in your marketing and prospects can smell it a mile away. Their buyer's objection goes up and sales fly away. Focus instead on providing value that makes people's lives and business better and they will reward you with your business and tell others. These are some of the ways I've been able to push past fear and live out my passions. I hope they inspire you to step out and play a bigger game in your life and business.

What are some ways you've been able to increase confidence in your content? What advice can you add to help others shake off fear and step into their greatness?

Read more… 1-800-652-7157 In this video Houston with th GCU Group, Inc. explain why many people should fix their credit instead of getting a CPN or SCN.

1st you no longer have to find a co-signer to help you get an apartment, car, or student loan. I understand this is embarrassing for many adults with bad credit.

2nd If you have good credit you could add a child or family on you credit cards as authorize users and they could inherit your credit. This is one of the best gifts you can give someone if you're not rich or wealthy. Your 18 year old could inherit your credit and you will not have to co-sign for them an apartment, car loan, or student loan.

3rd You could buy real estate in which you could not do with a CPN or SCN. Many people want to get into real estate investing but they must understand that having good credit will make it easier to purchase that property.

4th When you fix your credit you don't have to show as much paperwork to get funding. With a CPN or SCN creditors want to see the id or drivers license to go along with the file. Creditors are asking for social security cards for that SCN or CPN, they are also asking for employment verification. This is alot of personal information they are requiring now for an SCN or CPN. 

5TH It's much more easier to get funding when you have good credit to do you investments, succh as buying a car from the auction instead of having to finance it from a car dealer.

This is Houston with Good Credit Union. You can call me at !-800-652-7157 or email me or Alex

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Do you find yourself frustrated that you’re not communicating with your audience consistently or effectively enough to get their attention or business?  Do you feel like your are missing something, like there's some magic trick to success no one is telling you?

For years, I struggled with this same problem. And regardless of what some of these tools and products hype you up to believe, there's no "abracadabra" to marketing with success online.

How do you serve clients and still have time to market your business? Most entrepreneurs wrestle with this same dilemma. But, in this article I’m going to share with you the key that unlocked this mystery for me and how you too can use it to make your business grow. The key is called Content Marketing Strategy.

What is a Content Marketing Strategy?

“Content strategy is the “planning for the creation, delivery, and governance of useful, usable content.” ~ Kristina Halvorson, author of Content Strategy for the Web and founder of Brain Traffic.

It’s the process of identifying both your business needs and your customer’s so you can create content that delivers on both. I know it doesn’t sound all that sexy. But, developing a content marketing strategy is the best thing that will happen for your business. A solid content marketing strategy will drive sales and amplify your brand’s web and social media presence. So, before you create any content you need to first develop a content marketing strategy.

What does Content Marketing Strategy Look Like?

Here’s an example of Content Marketing Strategy gone wrong. “Everybody is talking about Content Marketing is hot right now. Let me start blogging every day, posting stuff on social media and emailing my list to let them know about my products. One of these efforts will generate some business.”

Here’s an example of Content Marketing Strategy Done right. “I’d like to be seen as the “go-to-expert” in my niche. Let’s figure out what business goals I need to set and what kind of information my audience wants and needs to make that happen.

Content Marketing Strategy is not about creating content for content’s sake. There is no shortage of content available to your audience and, if I may be so frank to say, most of it is crappy. You want your audience to feel and be smarter than they were when they found your information.

How Do I Start Creating My Content Marketing Strategy?

It’s important to understand that Content Marketing is a process. And, in order to be successful you need to commit to the mindset. Here are three steps to get you started building your content marketing strategy.

Step #1 - Create Your Brand Story.

Many so called “experts” are advising people NOT to tell their story. But, your story is important. It’s not all about you. But, your story is what helps people remember and connect with your brand.  What does your brand stand for? Why do you/ your product or service exist?

Step #2 – KNOW Your Audience.

Create a buyer persona or narrative about your ideal customer. What are their day to day challenges? What’s important to them? What type of lifestyle do they live?  Paint the picture and speak to them when you create your content.

Step #3 – Create an Editorial Calendar.  

And editorial calendar is simply a calendar that identifies what topics you want to create content around and when. I advise clients to identify what products or promotions they plan to roll out each month, and then identify content topics that educate their audience around each product. This helps you to hit both the money and meaning goals of creating content that matters to your audience and your bottom line.

Whether you’re a busy entrepreneur who hates to write or doesn’t mind it that much, having a content marketing strategy will help you to stop spinning your wheels online. Don’t waste time and money creating content you hope will bring you clients and cash…take time to create the right content and get it to the right people at the right time. You’ll be glad you did, I know I was. :)

Do You Need Help Creating a  Content Marketing Strategy for Your Business?

I'd love to help you. Just visit  to check out my freeing solutions.

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Happy Monday,  I am finishing up the seven (7) day challenge and I am focused and ignited to walk this thing out.  I am propped up in my bed foot in a boot with 3 pillows under and working to get through this transition more effectively and effciently..

Mrs Henry...has been significant force in helping me when everything is aching, motivating me when I think Im Tooo OLD or Tooo Tired, She sets the standard that lets us all know that if you get enough information and combine a focused work-ethic, you can obtain goal of success via the internet... 

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I have been abused
Mentally, Emotionally & Physically
I have been betrayed
Lied to and cheated on
I have had my belongings and money taken from me
I have lived with a crack addict And had to live his life instead of mine
I have been hurt so bad All I could think about is how to end my life.
                                                                        Worst of All ...
I have lost myself
The me that was is no longer In my mind, the only way out was to get out.  My mind was consumed with what I needed to do in order to end my life and be sure everything was in order so no one would be left with any of my problems.  I had these thoughts on two different levels.  1st I knew I had to do something to myself before things got so bad that my husband would do something to me and he would have to pay for it.  I couldn’t let my death be on his hands.  2nd I knew that I caused my children too much pain and stress and they would be better off without me.  The hurt I felt for causing my family pain and stress was too much to handle and this was the only way to make it up to them.
I know some of the things I am about to disclose are considered taboo.  I know this because when I tell my story, I suddenly have no friends left, no one wants to associate with me for fear my bad luck might rub off on them. 
I’m telling you these things in hopes of helping someone else who may be going through the same types of pains.  My life was turned upside down and I was ready to give up.  The things I will be telling you in the next few posts may not seem real and may detail some shocking events, however I can guarantee they are real.  Please don’t judge me until you hear the whole story.
  If you have ever been abused…If you have ever been betrayed…If you have ever been hurt so bad...If you ever felt like dying was an option to relieve the pain… Have you ever wanted to be loved so bad, you turned to someone or something that harmed your life in ways you never thought possible?
Everything in life is a gift from God.
He has allowed us to live through every experience
He has given us knowledge and wisdom from every experience.
We do not know his reason
Maybe it is so that one day we can help someone else in the same situation.
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Talking to Your Cold Market

A couple of weeks ago, I had a great team meeting led by my business partners, which just so happen  to be my distinguished parents, Dr. Jerome and Cheryl Garrison.  My father spoke about how to approach someone and talk to your cold market  and I wanted to share this effective way to get more prospects or get connected with someone that can give you hot referrals for your business! My father studied these strategies from Network Marketing Gurus such as Bob Schmidt and Zig Ziglar and shared them with our team:

There are 3 things you need to find out when speaking to a prospective business partner or customer:

1. Find out who they are by using the PIN strategy (which we'll get to in a sec)

2. Find out when they can talk again

3. Decide what type of client they would be:  Business Partner, Customer, or New Friend


1.When considering opening up your market and approaching people you see when you're out  grocery shopping, or at the mall, or even at the gas station, there are several things you need to consider. First, you should probably be in a good mood and have a great attitude. You should be ready to present yourself with confidence and great knowledge and love for you business! IF and only IF you see someone who fits in the prior categories should you use this strategy. The PIN:


P= Personal

You need to find out about the person. Go up and introduce yourself. Edify the person and give them a compliment. For example say, "I couldn't help but notice how sharp you looked, how nice your makeup was, how firm your handshake was". Then ask them about themselves. What do they do for a living? Do they have a family? Do they work long hours?



Find out what their hobbies are. What do they like to do for fun? These questions are building trust and allowing your future prospect to trust you and become more comfortable talking to you.



Find out what their needs are. What MORE are they looking for in life? (NOTE: Some people are very content with their lifestyle. Whether it be stressing from check-to-check or spending more hours working, away from family or no vacations to make more money, "to each is own".)  You could ask them, if you could change 1 thing about their life or career, what would it be?


2.After using the PIN strategy find out when and how would be a great time to reconnect with them, contingent on if the person and conversation went well, of course. You might ask something like, " Do you keep your income options open? I would love to share with you what I do", or " I enjoyed talking to you, I would like to talk to you more about what I do and how it might help you, when would be a great time to meet up with you again?" or even " Do you have a card or number so we can connect again?"


3.Keep in mind that while you're talking to people you should be thinking of the categories and figuring out where they would fit in. Would they be a:

 Business Partner: Do they seem industrious, would go the extra mile, are they influential, are they a good communicator, are they open-minded, are they warm and easy to talk to, do you think they're reliable person? 

Customer: Do they have a need for new makeup or have health issues you might be able to help them with? Do they like to throw parties? Do they like candles? Etc.

New friend: Believe it or not, most people might end up in this category. But if you think about it, what's wrong with having a new friend? Especially  if they already own business, you could help each other out.

So, there you have it, some strategies you can use when speaking to a brand new person or what we call someone in your cold market. Speaking to new people can expand your business greatly. You never know who you can come across and what they can help you do. So, consider it!




If you need help staying focused and motivated to be the best you and gain a profitable business to increase your finances let me help you. Subscribe to my blog today and receive a FREE 30 minute consultation and 1 follow-up appointment. ONLY FOR A LIMITED TIME, SUBSCRIBE TODAY!

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Teen Girls Need L.O.V.E.

S. Dodson

Rating: 5


This self help book provides insightful nuggets of information that teen girls from every age, race and background will be able to relate to. The book is written in a very relatable manner and covers everything from peer pressure, to bullying, to teenage pregnancy, to self love.


In a day and age where negative influences are in abundance, a book like this one is absolutely necessary. There are pressures that mount up on teens that if not handled could cause a daunting demise. A few years ago I was told about a young girl who had committed suicide because of things she was going through. She felt like she had no one to talk to an eventually took her life for that very reason. I wrote a book inspired behind that incident called “Sweet Dreams” and in reading this book it took me back to the emotions I felt during the time that I was writing that book. I really wished that that young woman had a chance to read this book. Had she done so then perhaps she would still be among the living and used her strength to tell her own story to other teens as to how she was able to overcome.


This is a book that I believe every parent of a young lady should own. Sometimes they just need to know that someone else has been there and done that in order for them to feel strong enough to talk about the pressures that they have to endure. Often adults think that children don’t have anything to worry about because they don’t have bills, they don’t have to worry about jobs, money, etc. Little do we know that there is so much more to being a teen now a days. In this book the teens learn how to empower, inspire and motivate themselves to get on the right path. There were some minor editing concerns, however all in all this is definitely a recommended read. For teens to it will allow them to find ways to over achieve. For parents, it will allow them to find ways to relate. There is nothing better than building a bridge to close the gap!


Reviewed by:

Nikkea Smithers

RWA Bookclub President

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In the wake of so many natural disasters has teamed up with the American Red Cross to help families rebuild, their lives, their futures, and their homes. I come to you humbly and ask that you to assist us in these efforts with a purchase. In these efforts I have reduce all prices by 10% so it will be a win win situation for all.
Starting June 1, 2011 through September 1,2011 10% of all sales not including Tax or shipping will be donated to the American Red Cross for disaster relief. 

The red cross name is used with it's permission, which in no way constitutes an endorsement, expressed, or implied, of any product, or service, company, individual, or political position. For more information about the American Red Cross please call 1.800.HELP. NOW or Email
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Daily Motivation: Staying Connected!!!!

As business owners and ministry leaders, we have to do what is best for staying connected. We have email, snail mail and text messages. We need to connect to our clients, customers and ministry followers. How can we do that w/o overwhelming them or ourselves? We send a text message!

Yes, keep with the changing times of technology and send a daily or weekly message via text!

 Sign up with me for free:




If you don't want to send a text but receive one from Fam 4 U Breakthrough Ministries for daily messages, please send an email with your cell number to

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Time for spring cleaning your finances

I wanted to share an interview I did recently with  


1 new result for chantay bridges
Time For Spring Cleaning Your Finances
Chantay Bridges, a real-estate agent in Los Angeles, and her spouse have always been diligent about their finances but a recent death in the family, and subsequent conversations about was there a will, what would happen to the kids, etc., ...
See all stories on this topic »

Time For Spring Cleaning Your Finances

Published: Tuesday, 22 Mar 2011 | 6:01 PM ET
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By: Cindy Perman Staff Writer

 Spring is a time for renewal, a time for out with the old, in with the new. So, while you’re cleaning out the closet and the garage, it’s a good time to give your finances a good spring cleaning, too.

Brigitte Sporrer | Getty Images

 Think about it: The government is already forcing you to do an audit of what you made and what you spent last year with your taxes; what better way to kick procrastination than to take that momentum and check off everything on your financial to-do list—from rebalancing your 401(k) to reviewing your life-insurance policy, checking your credit score and planning out your spending for the year?

 “You get involved in your day-to-day life. You’re busy trying to get ahead, taking care of the kids, earning a living and enjoying yourself a little bit. Organizing your finances isn’t something people typically enjoy doing,” said Marie Hoffman, who runs, a web site designed to help Boomers with money management. “But if your goals are to keep your financial house in order and make headway on accumulating assets, then this is just a chore that needs to be done like cleaning the bathroom — so do it!” 


 Chantay Bridges, a real-estate agent in Los Angeles, and her spouse have always been diligent about their finances but a recent death in the family, and subsequent conversations about was there a will, what would happen to the kids, etc., made them expand their spring checklist this year. They suggest you:

  • Check yourr credit scores.
  • Get your legal business in order (A will, living trust, etc.)
  • Make emergency plans. (Buying gold and silver, stocking up on emergency supplies and establishing emergency contacts)
  • Check all of your policies to make sure they’re up-to-date (insurance policies, bank accounts, investments, wills, etc.)
  • Make sure your beneficiaries are correct.
  • Do a debt check — Is everything paid off or is there anything outstanding?
  • Check interest rates on your credit cards and any outstanding loans.
  • Check your 401(k)s and get financial advice on their distributions.
  • Take stock of stocks — check in to see what’s performing, what they should sell and if there’s anything they can write-off due to low or limited dividends.
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Other options

The current economy is causing business owners to find ways to help others learn a skill. Well, at least it is for this business owner! I am struggling with my emotions with various families and friends being out of work. My mind says why don’t you open your own business my heart says not everyone is as entrepreneurial as I am.

So, now what?

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One Of Our Passions - Mom's With Deadbeat Dad's

We created the Mom's with Deadbeat Dad's Booklet as a resource for single working mothers. We tried to find creative ways to relieve some of the financial burden that single working mothers carry while raising their children and waiting on support from the absentee or non-custodial parent.




Great information for only $10 at

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10744057671?profile=originalWhat Love Has to Do With It!The Importance of Unconditional Love in A Relationship!By Kamal Imani © 2010My wife and I have been happily married for 15 years and together for 19. Much of our success can be attributed to a book we read entitled “Black Woman’s Black Man’s Guide to a Spiritual Union” by Ra Un Nefer Amen. In this book he speaks about the importance of unconditional love. He also highlighted how we have a script or sort of fantasy like picture in our minds of the perfect or ideal lover or mate and when that person doesn’t meet our expectations, we feel let down, disappointed, the drama begins and things begin to fall apart.When our partner fails to perform up to our Hollywood or conditioned standard financially, sexually, emotionally or otherwise, maybe they didn’t cook, clean, communicate or perform the way that we envisioned it, we allow dissatisfaction to set in.Have Realistic Expectations but High standardsWhen getting to know your significant other, you need to be real when it comes to acknowledging his/her strengths and weaknesses. You also need to realize that peoples long developed habits are slow to change. If you’re hoping that something he/she does will change simply because you have entered their life, you may be disappointed. Some changes can be made if it’s clearly communicated, understood and your partner makes a conscious effort to change, but be very patient because it will probably be a slow and gradual process. I’m not saying that you should lower your standards, but have you ever heard the term wysiwyg? It is an acronym for what you see is what you get. And, you know while you’re dating you’re getting a persons best side, and as the saying goes “You don’t know a person until you live with them”. So keep it real, but stay optimistic, patient and keep the faith. Always keep a spiritual vibration in your relationship.Unconditional LoveUnconditional love is giving of your self without expecting anything in return. It is being selfless! If you’re giving and taking is like a Wall Street financial transaction, sometimes you will rise, other times you will be in a recession, a depression and eventually a crash! So it is important for both partners to practice selfless giving with out making the other partner feel that he/she owes you something.When unexpected financial, medical and other emergencies arise, you will have to be flexible, calm and optimistic until the situation improves (because you will be tested). Always find a creative way to communicate, be understanding, stay affectionate, optimistic, patient and faithful…Did I say patient? Selfless giving/unconditional love is a high form of practical spirituality and it takes two to apply it. It indeed takes two to make a thing go right.Watch Kamal’s tribute to the sisters “Ms. Melanin” on Youtube Imani is a Poet, Author, Film Maker Teacher and Mentor residing in New Jersey. He can be reached at To book Kamal for speaking engagements email or call 201-923-9213
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October is Small Business Month?

Okay, I was online networking and just found that October is Small Business Month. There is nothing happening here in Wisconsin for small businesses during this month so I decided to start the month of with promotions. WHY NOT?

I have scheduled a show on talk shoe to talk about C.K.Q. LLC and it's affiliates AND giving other business owners the opportunity to do the same.

So please join me and if you want to promote your business contact me at I am charging $2 if you want to have a chance to speak.$5 for promotion on the show and in the newsletter, BUT, I need to hear from you by 8:00 a.m. tomorrow. The newsletter is being released tomorrow NOON CST.
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New Beginnings Start Living Lose Weight!

Welcome to my New Blog

I decided to start my blog with the new month of October. I'm feeling great because I have started this month and the best way. I now weigh less than I have ever weighed in my adult life. This is such an accomplishment for me. Although I have lost and kept a lot of pounds since 2003, I have had my share of battles. Sometimes I felt deprived and frustrated that I must be concerned with eating healthy and exercising. However, I realize after seeing the results I've been seeing, it is worth more than the cookies, cakes, donuts and pizza that I have passed up. The thrills of eating those are so temporary and the results and are not what I want, the extra weight, and clothes not fitting right.

On the other hand, eating healthy makes me feel physically better and more in control. I enjoy seeing the numbers going down on the scale, my clothes fitting like I want them to. Don't think that I'm obsessed with losing weight or trying to reach a ridiculously low number. I'm just getting closer to the healthy BMI which will no longer classify me as overweight.

Now that I've expressed my excitement, I want to know how or will you start your journey this month?

As my site suggests, start living today! It's well worth effort.

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Doing what is Good Part II

Okay so let us break this down so we can understand where we are and where we need to be in our businesses and our lives!

Titus 3

Doing What is Good

1Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good, 2to slander no one, to be peaceable and considerate, and to show true humility toward all men.

OK, this really means that you need to listen to your supervisors, abide by the law and respect each other. Stop acting like you don't know what to do in certain situations. Showing humilty means to be respectful of others regardless of how they treat you.

3At one time we too were foolish, disobedient, deceived and enslaved by all kinds of passions and pleasures. We lived in malice and envy, being hated and hating one another. 4But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared, 5he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, but because of his mercy. He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, 6whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior, 7so that, having been justified by his grace, we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life. 8This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, so that those who have trusted in God may be careful to devote themselves to doing what is good. These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.

There was a time when we didn't know any better. When we decided to get our lives right and come in right standing with God, He forgave us of all of our sins, washing us clean. So, with the Holy Spirit within us we have to walk the walk and talk the talk. What does that mean for business and life? It means that won't be lying or cheating customers. We will always have great customer service (no longer is GOOD an option) and we will continuously put God first so that HE gets the glory. (stop worrying about what you can get from God, you're already blessed so walk in that FIRST!) We also can't hate on another that may be in the same industry as ourselves. We must be fair cordial and not backbiting.

9But avoid foolish controversies and genealogies and arguments and quarrels about the law, because these are unprofitable and useless. 10Warn a divisive person once, and then warn him a second time. After that, have nothing to do with him. 11You may be sure that such a man is warped and sinful; he is self-condemned.

No need to keep sharing the same helpful information with a person. If they dont understand where they are NOT and you have tried over and over (twice), then leave it be. They will see, one day, that you were trying to steer them in the right direction. One thing we know, as business women, is, starting a business is not easy, marketing is not easy and getting funding sure is not easy!

Final Remarks

12As soon as I send Artemas or Tychicus to you, do your best to come to me at Nicopolis, because I have decided to winter there. 13Do everything you can to help Zenas the lawyer and Apollos on their way and see that they have everything they need. 14Our people must learn to devote themselves to doing what is good, in order that they may provide for daily necessities and not live unproductive lives.

15Everyone with me sends you greetings. Greet those who love us in the faith.
Grace be with you all.

Verse 14 is very essential here. It is the best bet of what is to come for your life. If you do what is good, not cheating the system or others around you, you will live a productive life. PRODUCTIVE LIFE. With a productive life comes a prosperous life. Everything has to be in the will of God...did you know that putting HIM directly in your life and your business gives you a running start over the women of the world?

Bless you business women...let's get it!!

Dana Marie

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Stress inevitably will be part of the job search process. Here are tips to help you deal with stress.

Write down what seems to be causing the stress - Identify the "stressors," thenthin of possible ways to handle each one. Can some demands be altered, lessened, or postponed? Can you live with any of them just as they are? Are there some that you might be able to deal with more effectively?

Set Priorities - Deal with the most pressing needs or changes first. You cannot handle everything at once.

Establish a workable schedule - When you set a schedule for yourself, make sure it is one that can be achieved. As you perform your tasks, you will feel a sense of control and accomplishment.

Reduce stress - Learn relaxation techniques, or other stress-reduction techniques. This can be as simple as sitting in a chair, closing your eyes, taking a deep breath and breathing out slowly while imagining all the tension going out with your breath. There are a number of other methods, including listening to relaxation tapes, that may help you cope with stress more effectively.

Avoid isolation - Keep in touch with your friends, even former coworkers, if you can do that comfortably. Unemployed individuals often feel a sense of isolation and loneliness. See your friends, talk with them, socialize with them. You are the same person you were before unemployment. The same goes for activities that you have enjoyed in the past. Evaluate them. Which can you afford to continue? If you find that your old hobbies or activities can't be part of your new budget, perhaps you can substitute new activities that are less costly.

Join a support group. No matter how understanding or caring your family or friends might be, they may not be able to understand all that you're going through and you might be able to find help and understanding at a support group for job seekers.

These groups consist of people who are going through the same experiences and emotions you are. Many groups also share tips on job opportunities, as well as feedback on way to deal more effectively in the job search process. National Business Employment Weekly, available at major newsstands, list support groups throughout the country. Local churches, YMCAs, YWCAs, and libraries often list (or even host) support groups. For information about self-help groups in New Jersey, call The New Jersey Self-Help Group Clearinghouse at 1-800-367-6274. It's on the Internet at

Forty Plus is a national nonprofit organization with clubs around the country. It is an excellent source of information about issues concerning older employees and the job-search process. Both Philadelphia and Manhattan have chapters:

Philadelphia: 1218 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, PA 19107; online:
phone: (215)923-2074

New York: 470 Seventh Ave., Suite 403; New York, NY 10018;
phone: (212)947-4230

Clarence Coggins
Crown Prince of Web 2.0
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